Chapter 48

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Sage's POV
"Sage, wake up," the boys were shaking me awake.

"You all should know by now that I am not going to," I stated and rolled over my side.

"Sage, we try to give you a chance," I heard Liam say.

"Sure, but I never take it. So why don't you all just go ahead and pick me up and drop me already," I sassed.

"Niall is it ready?" I heard Zayn ask.

"Yes," Niall responded.

"Guys, are you all ready?" I now heard Louis asked.

"Yes," all the boys responded. They must be planning something but I do not care.

I then felt myself being lifted off my bed. I opened my eyes to see Louis holding my left wrist, Zayn holding my right wrist, Niall holding my left ankle, Liam holding my right ankle, and Harry's arms around my stomach.

"What are you all doing?" I asked them.

They ignored my question.

The boys then carried me to my bathroom.

"Ready, 3-2-1," Liam counted backwards then they all dropped me into my bathtub.

I then screamed because the tub was full of ice.

"Hey!" I screamed.

The boys were all laughing at me because I was now soaked. My clothes and hair was just now wet.

I then tried getting out but Harry pushed me back in.

"What are you all doing?! Let me out of here!" I shouted.

"Now you are awake!" Louis laughed.

"This is not funny!" I screamed.

"You are right, it is hilarious," Zayn laughed.

I am now outraged.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" I yelled.

"Sage, relax. Just chill," Liam now laughed.

"Liam, that's so funny. I see what you did there," Harry laughed.

Niall then lifted me out and wrapped a towel around me.


"You would not wake up so we thought this would wake you," Louis said between laughs.

I was now furious.

"Sage, get ready for school now. Put your wet clothes in your sink, and I will wash them later," Harry now told me after he stopped laughing.

"Fine," I said.

They all continued to laugh.

"Well, get out!" I rushed them out. They all then left while still laughing.

I then took my wet clothes off and put them in my sink.

Afterwards I took a very hot shower. Once I was done I got dressed and decided to let my hair air dry. I then fed Changa.

Once I was done, I went downstairs. I am so upset right now.

"Hey wet head," Louis said and ruffled my hair. I then pushed his hand away.

I didn't say anything back.

"Looks like someone woke up grumpy," he now laughed.

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