Chapter 8

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Sage's POV
Yesterday was a great day. I slept really good too because I didn't have any nightmares. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:00p.m. Oh my goodness it is already the afternoon!

I hopped out of bed and then took a quick shower. Afterwards I brushed my hair out, got dressed in something comfortable, then fixed my hair in two French braids. I love braids a lot.

I then went downstairs

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I then went downstairs. None of the boys were still up yet. I decided I would try to fix something to eat for them.

I then got macaroni out and tried fixing it. That's when all the boys came down.

"Good morning sleepy heads," I said to them.

"Good morning," Zayn responded.

"I'm fixing macaroni and cheese." I told them as they sat down.

"Sage, did you put water in that before you put it on the stove?" Liam asked me looking worried.

"What? No!" I screamed.

Then my macaroni burned. Louis then had to put it out.

"Sorry guys," I apologized to them.

"It's ok darling. At least you tried," Harry smiled at me.

Then my stomach made a weird noise.

"Umm guys, what is going on with my stomach?" I asked them.

"Sage do you know what this means?!" Harry asked excitedly.

I shook my head no then it made a noise to where all the boys could hear too.

"It means you are hungry!!" Niall explained. Then he danced around.

"Really? That means the surgery worked!" I said happily.

We then ordered a couple pizzas and breadsticks.

Once the pizza came we cleared the table off and got it out.

For the first time I grabbed two cheese slices and I ate them quickly. I could tell the boys looked happy.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked them.

"We can tell you are person that always needs a plan," Liam chuckled.

"Yep," I nodded.

"How about we just go with the flow and just relax? Louis suggested.

"Sure," I agreed and bit into a breadstick. Boy did it feel good to eat again.

"Oh, I need to go feed Changa," I then ran off and went upstairs.

Skip to where she is in her room.

"Hey, Changa, sorry I didn't feed you," I apologized to my cat and poured his food in his little bowl. He meowed then ate.

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