Chapter 7

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Niall's POV
Sage, the boys, and I went to get lunch at a Subway before we had to go back for her surgery. Sage only got a small bag of chips and ate about half the bag.

"Do you want these?" She asked me. I think she caught on that I love food!

I took a glance at Harry for approval. He nodded his head yes that I could have them. I think he only let Sage off the hook since she was about to have surgery.

"Thank you," I told Sage, then finished her chips in like a minute.

We then left and drove back to the doctor.

Sage's POV
We were back to the doctor's. I was a little nervous about my surgery. The boys reassured me that everything will be fine.

Finally a nurse called my name. I gave one last hug to each of the boys and put on my brave face.

The nurse led me to an operating room and gave me a gown to change in. She then left the room for a couple minutes. I changed quickly, and then she came back with three other operators.

"Ok, Sage, you ready?" She asked me.

I nodded. Then she lifted me on the table and I laid back.

"Ok Sage, we are going to give you an anesthesia. This will make you go to sleep for awhile. Ok sugar?" She informed me.

I nodded. Then they gave it to me and told me to count backwards from 10.

"10, 9, 8," then I was out like a light.

Zayn's POV
Sage was having surgery on her stomach. I was just sitting here thinking how she is so brave. I mean for a little girl who had a rough life she is so brave to do a surgery right now.

Niall's POV
I am hungry and bored. I'm just hoping my princess is ok. I can't wait for her to be able to feel hungry so she and I can eat all the foods she has missed.

Liam's POV
Poor Sage I thought. First she has had a rough life. Then she got adopted by a boy band and has to get use to fans, paparazzi, and fame. And now she is going through a surgery. It's only been three days too! I don't know how she handles all this but she is just so amazing.

Louis's POV
Sage was having surgery right now. The boys and I are waiting patiently. I took a glance at Harry and he looked like something was wrong.

"Are you okay mate?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's Sage I'm just thinking about," he responded sounding worried.

"Trust us we all are," now Zayn added.

"No, it is not her surgery I'm thinking about," Harry said.

"Then what is it?" Liam asked.

"You all have to promise me you won't tell Sage I told you all."

"Ok," the rest of the boys and I said and promised.

Harry's POV
After the boys promised, I told them everything Sage told me. I told them how her parents died, how she was abused for three years, how she became mute for a while, how she witnessed her older brother getting shot and killed, why she is afraid of doctors, and why she is anorexic.

Niall looked like he was going to cry. Zayn and Louis looked so mad at the guys who hurt her and killed her brother. Liam just was sitting there shocked like how I was.

"Poor girl," Louis finally broke the silence. The rest of us nodded.

"Just please don't say anything to her," I reminded the boys. They all promised again.

About 15 or 20 minutes later Dr. Grant walked out to us.

"The surgery went well. She is still sleeping and she is in her clothes now. The anesthesia should wear off shortly and she should wake up in about two hours. It might take a few hours for her to start to feel hungry. You all can go see her," she informed us.

The boys and I all got up and followed her to the room. There Sage was asleep on the operating table. I picked her up and we all thanked Dr. Grant then left. Boy has it been a long day for Sage.

We then arrived to the house and Zayn carried Sage in this time. The boys and I all sat down in the living room. Sage was asleep next to Louis. The boys and I were just on our phones.

Sage's POV
I finally woke up.

"Where am I?" I mumbled rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

I then realized I was at home. All the boys were just on their phones. I then gave a fake cough to get their attention.

"Oh, you are up," Louis now noticed me looking up from his phone. This got the others' attention.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked me.

"I feel just fine!" I exclaimed. I then raised my shirt up to look at my stomach. I saw there was a huge line on it. My eyes then went wide.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Dr. Grant said that will go away in a few weeks," Harry informed me.

I nodded my head okay.

"Do you feel hungry?" Niall asked me. Of course he did.

"No, I still don't know what hunger feels like," I only responded.

"Dr. Grant said it will be a few hours until you will," Harry said.

"Can we go outside?" I asked the boys. I hate always being indoors. Plus it's so beautiful today.

"If that's what you want, then of course," Zayn responded.

Then we all got up and went outside to the backyard. It's so big. There is a lovely swimming pool, a hot tub, a sand box, a swing set, and a vast trampoline. I ran to the trampoline and took my shoes off and crawled in.

"Come on you guys!" I shouted and started jumping. I then did a backflip.

They then hopped on and we all started jumping. I showed them all the tricks I could do.

"Have you ever played popcorn?" Louis asked me.

I shook my head no.

"Sit down and curl up into a little ball. Meaning put your knees to your chest," he instructed me.

I did as I was told. Then the boys started jumping around me making me bounce out of my little ball form.

"This is so fun," I cheered.

"Now you are a piece of popcorn!" Niall exclaimed.

"Now one of you all try," I said grabbing Liam and had him sit. Then the boys helped me bounce him.

Then we did Zayn, then Harry, then Niall, and then Louis.

By this time we were all laughing. Even if I had surgery today, today was a great day!


Hey guys!

I hope you all liked this chapter. Now the boys know Sage's past. Will they tell her they all know now because Harry told them? Will she get mad? Keep reading to find out! Also if you all have any suggestions or ideas please comment them or message me or anything! Also a follow for a follow!

Love B

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