Chapter 41

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Note the picture doesn't have Lou in it but she is included in this chapter.

Sage's POV
Today is Saturday and I'm bored as always. The boys had to go to a meeting but said they will be back in an hour and a half.

Right now I finished getting dressed, feeding Changa, and went downstairs and laid on the couch.

About ten minutes later the door bell rang.

I ran to the door and looked out of the window to see who it was.

I saw Lou, Dani, Eleanor, and Perrie.

The boys told me I can't open the door unless it is them, Colt, or Justin.

I then opened the door.

"Hey girls," I said to them.

"Hey Sage. How is it going?" Eleanor asked me.

"It's going good," I answered.

"That's good to hear!" Perrie exclaimed.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked them as I led them to the living room.

"We heard the boys are not home right now. We thought we would "take" you and go on a girls day," Dani told me.

"That sounds fun. Does the boys know?" I now asked them.

"Not yet, but we will eventually tell them," Lou stated.

"Okay, let's do it!" I exclaimed.

"Let's go to Starbucks first!" Eleanor exclaimed.

We then got in the car and Perrie drove us.

When we got there we walked in and ordered. I ordered a Mocha Frappuccino.

Once we got our orders we sat down on the little couches.

"So Sage, what have you been up to?" Lou asked me.

"Nothing much really. Mostly school, dance, choir, and gymnastics," I answered.

"Wow, sounds busy," Perrie said.

"A little," I said.

"What do you want to do today?" Eleanor asked me.

"We can get our nails done," I suggested.

"We can do that honey," Dani said.

Once we finished our drinks, we got back in the car. Perrie turned the music up.

We then started singing Stronger by Kelly Clarkson. Perrie then put the roof down and we all let our hands reach the sky.

After awhile we got to the nail salon.

I saw that I had seven missed calls from Harry.

"What should I do?" I asked the girls while showing them my phone.

"Let them wait a little. We can just prank them," Dani laughed.

"Okay," I agreed.

Harry's POV
"Sage, we are home!" I called out to her.

There was no response.

"Sage, where are you?" Zayn now looked for her.

"Sage, come out now!" Niall yelled.

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