Part 3- carnival

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The rest of my shift went on slow like usual and when it came for me to clock out I went straight home. All I could think about was what happened.

I got home and instantly jumped in the shower and got dressed. I still couldn't get what happened out of my mind. I walked down stairs and saw my mom on the couch. "Mom, I'm going to the carnival with my friends," I said.

"Mhm okay, you go do that" she said. she probably didn't even hear what I said because she was so stuck on her show, 90 day fiancé. I grabbed my jacket and herd Marissa's car honk outside.

"Im leaving mom!" I yelled. She didn't even respond so I just left and got in Marissa's car.

"So are we going to take pictures first or what?" Emma asked.

"Idk we should take a couple when we get there and a few more when it starts to get darker" I said.

"Sounds like a plan!" Lauren added. She plugged in her phone to the aux and we sang out hearts out. We arrived at the carnival and Lauren got in line to buy the wrist bands for the rides. When we entered we started to look around for places to take pictures.

"What rides do you want to ride?" Lauren asked me.

"Idk the thrill ones for sure". I've always been closer to Lauren then the other girls so we took off on our own.

"Wait I kinda want to get a cotton candy" Lauren said.

"Okay lets go get one then" I said. We walked over to a cotton candy stand and I was waiting for Lauren buy one.

"Omg Jamie!" I tuned to see Lauren hugging her boyfriend. 

"Great, I'm gonna third wheel" I sighed.

all three of us started to look at the different rides. We got in line for a ride called ,The Demon, and when it was our turn to ride the conductor stopped us.
"Wait so how many people?" He questioned.

"Just three" Lauren responded.

"That's the thing it has to be exactly two people at a time, one of you can't ride" the conductor said. Lauren looked at me and I got the clue.

"It's fine I'll just wait over there. Enjoy the ride" I rolled my eyes.

There was a Dip'n Dots stand and decided to buy some. I bought a small bowl and turned around as slammed straight into someone. I dropped my bowl and Dip'n Dots spilled all over the floor.
"Awh crap" I said.

"I'm so sorry I'll buy you a new bowl" the person said. I looked and immediately new who it was. Mattia

"Oh it's you again, water girl" he said.

"It's Sadie actually" I corrected. I looked at his hoodie and saw there was melted Dipin Dots smeared on it.
"Omg I did that, I'm so sorry" I said using my sleeve to wipe it off.

"It's okay, I'll just send you the dry cleaning bill" Mattia said playfully.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked.

"third wheeling" I said pointing out Lauren and her boyfriend having a moment.

"Same" He said pointing to Kairi and a girl holding hands.

"Hey wanna just ditch them and hang out?" He asked.

" yea sure!"

He bought me a new bowl of Dipin Dots and we walked further into the park.
"Hey I'm sorry about what happened at the Diner, from getting you wet to *cough* accidentally rubbing on you and embarrassing you" I said.

"Haha no it's totally fine. It was hot asf anyways. You kinda cooled me down. And for the other's okay" he laughed.
We continued to walk and bond. I got to know him better and vise versa. Time flew and it was completely dark and I looked at my phone. It was 10:30pm

"What's wrong" Mattia said.

"It's so late. I promise my mom id be home by 8" I said. I called the girls but none of them would answer. "Urgh they arnt answering" I said frantically.

"I'll take you home if you want. I brought my car" he insisted.

"Okay, thanks" I said. We then made our way to the parking lot and we got in his car.

" you fuck with Uzi?" Mattia asked.

"Ofc" I replied.

"Bet!" He said as he plugged in the aux. he drove me home and the whole time we just vibed to  music. We finally arrived to my house.
"Thank you for the ride, and it was fun hanging out with you Mattia" I said.

"Yea no problem, and it was fun hanging out with you too" he replied. I got out the car and was about to close the door when he said, "wait can I get your number or something?"

"yea sure". I took his phone, saved my number and said goodbye one more time.

"See you around water girl"
I didn't correct him because I kinda liked that I had my own nickname.

"See ya " I said. He blushed and then drove off.

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