Part 14- party

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I woke up early to make the girls breakfast. I walked downstairs and took out all I needed to make waffles. My mom joined me downstairs and started frying bacon. I put out plates and poured glasses of orange juice. I went back upstairs and saw marissa was already awake on her phone.

"we have breakfast done, wake up the girls for me please" I said. Marissa got up and pulled the blankets off of Lauren and Emma. They woke up immediately. We walked downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Sadie, I saw that dress you sent me. It was very nice" my mom said.

"I know, I really liked it. But it's too expensive" I signed.

"I'm so sorry" she said.

"It's okay, I'm going to work extra shifts at the diner to pay it off" I explained.

"Sadie! You already work way to much for a girl your age, we'll find another way to pay the dress off and if we can't, I'm sure there are plenty more affordable dresses that look similar to that one" my mom snapped. She grabbed her cup of coffee and left to her room.

"she's right, there are still a bunch of other stores we have to look at" Lauren said. I stayed quite and continued eating. We all sat there silent. When the girls finished eating they went upstairs and to grab the stuff they bought yesterday.

"We're gonna go" Lauren said.

"Okay" I said helping them with their bags. We walked out to marissa's car.

"there's a party tonight, you guys want to go?" Emma asked.

"I'm down"

"Me too" I said. I hugged them all and they left. I went back in my house and cleaned up the mess from breakfast. My mom came out of her room and approached me.

"Sadie, I meant what I said earlier, you're too young to be working all these hours. We'll find another way to pay for your dress"

"I can handle it. And it will only be for a couple weeks"

"No, sorry honey but I won't let you. And thats the end of this discussion" she said. I went up to me room and sat on my bed. Then I got a text.

Mattia: good morning
Sadie: good morning:)
Sadie: did you just wake up?
Mattia: yea, the boys slept over so we stayed up all night.
Sadie: cool, hey, girls and I are going to a party tonight. You should come
Mattia: I'm down for a party
Sadie: okay! See ya tonight then

I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet. It was still super early but I wanted to dress nice. I couldn't find anything to wear so I decided to go to Lauren's house and borrow one of her dresses. I went downstairs and got in my car. Lauren's house was a little past the high school so it didn't take long to get there. I knocked on her door and her mom answered.

"Hello Sadie!"

"Hey Nancy, is Lauren here?" I said

"She's upstairs in here room, go ahead" she smiled. I walked inside and went to Lauren's room.

"Hey hoe"

"Hey! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need a dress for the party"

"Oh I see, trying to impress your man" she winked.

"Stop!!! He's not my man"

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