Part 20- forgiveness

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I waked into my room. What I saw took my breathe away, it was the red dress, laid perfectly across my bed. I ran over and hugged it as if it were a fluffy dog. This is why Emma so was acting so weird.
I herd someone walking up to me from behind. I turned around expecting it to be her and the girls. I was wrong.


"Hi Sadie" he said. Looking at him broke my heart.

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"I came to apologize, I got you your dress"
I looked it and threw it back on my bed.

"You really think buying me a dress is going to make me forgive you and forget about what you did?"

"No, of course not. I got you the dress because I want to show you that I'm serious and I'm truly sorry. I paid for it all on my own, why would I spend that kind of money on someone I didn't care about" he said.

"If you care so much why you kiss her, what would've happened if I didn't walk in that room" I said. Tears where falling from my face once again.

"I was vulnerable, I felt hurt. I thought that you cheated on me and she made me feel safe" he cried.

"Oh I guess that makes it okay then, yk Alejandro came to comfort me after I caught you too and as safe as he made me feel I didn't kiss him" i snapped. I walked towards the door but before I could leave Mattia grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

" doesn't make it okay. I hate myself for what I did, I haven't left my room in days! All I do is sit home in my bed and think about you and how i fucked up and hurt you. I want you to know that I do love you and even if you don't forgive me will continue to love you"

I instantly broke down and cried into his chest. He hugged me.

"I Just want you to know that I'm so sorry for not giving you a chance to explain yourself and for being stupid" he cried.

I pushed him away from me and stared him in his blood shot eyes. There where streaks of tears running down his cheeks.

"How do I know you won't go back to her again" I said.

"You don't know, but you have to trust me" he replied. "We don't have to be friends again if you don't want to, you don't have to fall back in love with me, I just want you to accept my apology and to know that I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me Sadie"

"I forgive you Mattia". The moment I said that mattia's face lit up and and he hugged me. I let him have his moment of happiness but In reality I don't know if I really forgave him. his happiness meant a lot to me and it hurt to see him so upset. He let me go and asked me with a smile.


"Of course" I said. He hugged me again and walked out of my room. I went to my bathroom and washed the mascara off my face. I looked at the dress one more time and hung it neatly in my closet. I walked downstairs to find the girls sitting on the couch waiting anxiously for me to come down. They saw me and instantly jumped up.

"I fucking hate all of you"

"Don't get mad at lauren and I" Marissa said.

"Yea she just barley told us all about this, we weren't a part of it" Lauren said. I looked over at Emma and gave her the death stare.

"Don't you dare get mad at me!" Emma snapped.

"And why shouldn't I? You helped the boy who broke my heart sneak into my house and you distracted me while he was setting up his "brilliant" plan to get me to forgive him" I argued.

"Okay when you put it like that it sounds bad but I know how miserable you where. You told me Yourself, that you missed him and wanted to make up with him. You can't stand here and tell me a part of you wasn't happy to see him, and to hear him say that he was sorry"

I stood in front of her. What she said was true. I was tired of being mad at Mattia and just wanted to be his again. I looked at Emma one more time before engulfing her in a hug.

"Thank you"

"I only want you to be happy, I'm sorry if it didn't work out and I made it worse " Emma said. The rest of girls joined the hug.

**Mattia's POV**
I got back into me car after apologizing to Sadie. I drove to Alejandro's house and knocked at the door.

"Hi Mattia, I haven't seen you in a long time"

"yea I've just been really down for a while, is Alejandro here?"

"Yes he's in his room, and I'm sorry, I hope you're much happier now, you can come right in" she said. I nodded and walked into the house. I went to Alejandro's room and walked in without knocking.

"Ale!" I screamed.

"Aye wtf are you doing in here?" He jumped.

"I did it"

"Did what?" He said.

"I found a way to apologize to Sadie!"

"Mhm how'd that go" he said sarcastically. I walked over and ripped the headset off of him and pushed him off the gaming chair.

"It went good, she forgave me" I said.

"So y'all back together?" He asked.

"No, we are just friends. It was already a lot to ask her to forgive me so I don't push it with getting back together. And to be honest with you she didn't seem to forgiving"

"Oh, I'm sorry dude. Be happy she even forgave you, I know I wouldn't have" Alejandro laughed. I hit him in the head playfully and walked towards the door.

"Fuck you" I laughed.

"Whatever see you later " he said sitting back up on his chair. I waved and walked out his house. Even though I knew Sadie forgiving me didn't mean things would be alright and back to normal I was just happy because it was a step forward to going back to how things were before. I drove to back home and walked into my room. I flopped back onto my bed when my mom walked in

"How'd it go"

"It went good, she forgave me, tho we still have a long way to get back to where we were, if we ever get back to where we were" I sighed

"Well I'm just happy to see you being yourself again" she hugged me.

"Thanks mama"

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