Part 45- hospital

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**POV 3rd person**

Sadie burst into the hospital doors, unable to see through the puddles of tears built up in her eyes. She stumbled over to the front desk.

"Mattia! Where is he! I'm NEED to see Mattia, take me to him" sadie screamed.

The desk lady walked over and tried to control her and calm her down.

"miss I need you to calm down, you can't go in there yet he's not stable"

"Take me to my boyfriend! Now plz!" She cried. A pair of hands came comforting Sadie from behind. It was mattia's mother. She pulled her to the waiting room and held her tightly.

"Calm down sadie, everything is going to be alright" She whispered. Matiluca tired everything she could to remain calm. She eventually got Sadie to sit still.

**sadies POV**

"I need to see him" I cried.

"You will!! Soon but for now we have to pray to god that-"

"I'm pregnant...and it's his...I didn't even get the chance to tell him" I cried.

Her face lit up. She smiled and placed her hand on my stomach, tears rolling down her eyes she cupped me face and kissed me forehead.

"You'll have a chance to tell him, don't loose faith in god" she said. I feel into her chest and started crying historically.

"Where is he!" Ale yelled. I turned around to see him and kairi panicking. I ran other to then and hugged them. I could hear kairi crying in my arms. I ran my hands through his hair and tired to calm him down. Ale went to Maticula while I sat with kairi. Soon, Mattia's whole family showed up and we sat in the waiting room praying and crying.

"Sadie...he cant die...he's my brother" kairi cried.

I wiped the tears off his cheeks and pulled him into a hug.
"He's not gonna die kai, he's strong...he'll get through this" I whispered in his ear. He hugged me tighter and burried his head in my shoulder. I looked up to see Alejandro looking at us crying. I opened my arms signaling him to Join. He walked over and wrapped his arms around kairi and I.

Soon everyone joined and we were sitting on the floor in a giant group hug. I could still feel kairi's sniffling.

"Hold hands everyone" Matiluca said. We all let go and held hands.

"Querido Padre Celestial: Oramos para que levantes nuestras preocupaciones de nuestras mentes y coloques en nuestros corazones la enormidad de tu amor. Te pedimos que le des valor, fuerza y ​​esperanza a mi amado hijo, que lo ayudes a sobrevivir a este accidente. Por favor bendiga las manos y los corazones de todos los que trabajan en este hospital"

"Amén" We all said at once. The prayer seemed to calm everyone although most of us didn't understand what she said. I sat in the chair next to Matiluca and cuddled up with Gianluca.

A nurse case out. I instantly jumped up.

"What happened to him"

"Miss, he was in a automobile accident, a drunk driver smashed into him. He's unstable right now, we are doing everything we could" she explained.

"What's going to happen to my son" matiluca cried.

"we are uncertain yet, there will be some severe brain damage, there was internal bleeding and he fractured his spine"

I fell to the floor and started crying. I felt every single muscle in my body ache. The sharp pain in my chest returned. Alejandro picked me up and hugged me.

"You are able to go see him but for a bit, he's hasn't woken yet" the nurse said.

We all walked to the room where he was in. Before we walked in Alejandro held on to me. Waking in and seeing him with tubs all over broke my heart. I cried into Alejandro's shoulder as one by one everyone got to approach his bed side.

"Matti, you're strong my son, you'll get through this. I know you will!" Giacomo cried.

"You still need to live your life son, you're too young to go. I shouldn't have to burry my baby" Matiluca cried.

"I need my big brother, you can't leave me!" Gianluca wailed. They stepped back as Kairi walked up.

"Mattia, you've always been like my brother. We promised each other that we'd be friends for life. I promised you'd be my best man at my wedding and you have to be there for it, you'll pull through" he said wiping his tears.

Alejandro walked up "I don't even want to think this as a goodbye, but worst comes to worse I'll never get to see you again, I love you Mattia, you are the best friend anyone can ask for. But we can't part ways yet! You have to pull though not just for me but for everyone" he cried.

I was too sad to walk up to his bed side. Seeing him up close would've teared me to pieces so I stood back and watched.

"I'm sorry but times up, you have to head to the waiting room now" the nurse interrupted. I looked over one more time and turned to the halls.

We all spent the night in the hospital, although most of us couldn't sleep.

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