Part 21- regret?

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*Sadie's POV**
The girls left my house and I was sitting on the couch contemplating whether I made the right choice in forgiving Mattia, a part of me knew it wasn't his entire fault because he didn't know that Cynthia set me up. And that hoe was good at manipulating him and everyone. I just didn't know if I could trust that he won't go back to her. My thoughts were interrupted by my mom walking into the house.

"Sadie, how'd shopping go"

"It went good, we got matching bracelets" I said.

"Nice what about your prom dress, which one did you settle with" She asked.

"I didn't buy a dress"

"What! You need to get one! Before it's too late" she warned me. I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water and went up to my room. I felt drained emotionally so I jumped in the shower. As the warm water fell down my body it reminded me of the warmth I felt when Mattia would hug me.

I got out and put on leggings and a tank top. I climbed in bed when the I saw the red dress out of the corner of my eye. I walked over to it and pulled it off the hanger.

"I thought you said you didn't get your dress, and how'd you manage to pay for it? You took a break from working " my mom stood at my doorway.

"I didn't buy it"

"The who did" she questioned.

"Mattia" I signed.

"The boy who broke you're heart? Why'd he do that"

"He wanted to apologized and used this as a way to show me he cared for me. He said why would he spend that kind of money on someone he didn't care about". I explained all that happened with her.

"Sounds like he's genuinely sorry, did you forgive him"

"I did but I'm second guessing if I did the right thing. Part of me doesn't blame him because he didn't know I was set up but on the other hand he should know better, he shouldn't have trusted her after all she did to try and rip us apart" I said.

"I think you did the right choice, remember you aren't obligated to get back together with him again. You can still be friends"

"Yea I know" I signed. She hugged me and put the dress back into my closet. I sat back down on my bed and turned on my tv. I ended up falling asleep earlier than usual.

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