Part 18- the truth pt.2

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When I looked into mattia's room I saw him sitting on the floor next to Cynthia. They were kissing. I felt a lump in my throat. Alejandro looked in and saw why I had froze.

"Mattia" I managed to say. He looked over at me and stood up. Cynthia stayed on the floor. Smiling.

"What are you doing here?" He said. I felt my face turn red. A single tear ran down my cheek and I ran back outside. Alejandro ran after me but I was already gone. I ran all the way back to my house. I went straight to me room and locked the door. I fell to the floor because I could physically feel the pain in my chest. I couldn't breathe and my loud cries turned into silent ones. That's how you know I was truly broken inside.

**Alejandro's POV**
I ran out after Sadie but she had already left. I went back inside.

"What the fuck are you doing with her Mattia?" I yelled.

"Oh so she can kiss other people but I can't?" He yelled. I was filled with rage. I grabbed Tyrell by the neck and threw him to the floor in front of Mattia.

"Tell him he truth goddamm it!!" I screamed. Tyrell looked at Mattia.

"Sadie didn't kiss me, I kissed her. Cynthia and I set her up so you too can break up" he said. Mattia walked up to Tyrell and punched him. Tyrell fell to the ground and Mattia stood over him continuing to punch him. Cynthia screamed and tired to pull Mattia off of him. He turned to her and pushed her to the ground.

"I never want to speak to you EVER again you fucking bitch! Leave me the fuck alone!" He yelled. Cynthia was truly terrified. She grabbed her coat and left and so did Tyrell. Mattia stood looking at his bloody wrist and started to cry.

"Ale...I fucked up" he cried.

"Damm right you did, but I'm not helping you get out on this one, you have to get her back on your own" I said. Mattia looked at me and Shook my head in disappointment. I walked back out to my car and drove to Sadie's house.

**Mattia's POV**
I walked to my bathroom to wash Tyrell's blood of my hand. I couldn't see through the puddles of tears in my eyes. I screamed out of frustration. I punched the mirror cutting my knuckles. I sat on the bathroom floor and cried. I felt like shit for not giving Sadie a chance to explain herself. What hurt the most was knowing I'll never be able to get her back after this.

**Sadie's POV**
I calmed down but was still hurting when I herd a knock at me door.

"Mom I'm not in the mood to talk" I said.

"It's me actually" Alejandro said. I walked over and unlocked the door. I instantly fell into his arms sobbing.

"He kissed her ale... he did least I was set up but he really kissed her" I cried. It got difficult to breathe again.

"Calm down, I'm here for you" he squeezed me tighter. "Tyrell told him the truth. He knows he fucked up" he said. I looked up at Alejandro.

"I don't think I can forgive him for that" I cried. Alejandro Hugged me again and I continued to cry. He truly comforted me and made me feel better. He was the brother I wished I had. We stayed there hugging for a while. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

**alejandro's POV**
I sat on the floor comforting Sadie. She was completely broken, it was as if I could fell the heart ache radiating off her. She eventually calmed down and feel asleep in my arms. Couldn't blame her, after all the crying she did I'd be exhausted too.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I pulled the blankets over her and plugged her phone in to charge. I walked out her room and went downstairs. Her Mom was sitting on the kitchen table. She looked at my shirt which was covered in tears and boogers.

"Guessing it didn't go well" she said.

"Yea, it's kinda worse now"

"Thank you so much for being here for her" she began to tear up. I nodded and reached for the door when she stopped me.

"Do you know the kid?"

I turned back around and said,
"Yea, he's my friend unfortunately, though we arnt on the best terms right now"

She nodded and I got in my car and drove home.

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