Part 23- diner

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"Lucas hi"

"hey, I came to talk to you" he sat down at a booth as i placed a menu in front of him.

"how'd you know i worked here?" I asked.

"well it didn't take long for me to find out where the girl in the video Cynthia posted" he laughed.

"Oh right I forgot about that video" I turned red. I didn't feel like talking to him.

"I'm sorry i brought it up, anyways so are you free any day this week i want to take you out"

"oh umm. i'm actually busy with work, i took a lot of time off so my schedule is super full" i said. It was true, I was busy but i just didn't want to hang out with him.

"What about school? we can hang out during break" he insisted. I sighed and looked down.

"Umm idk" i mumbled .

"Oo I it, there another guy?" he said.

"what no, well yea, idk it's really complicated" i said. He placed his hand on my arm and started rubbing his thumb on me. At this point it was beyond uncomfortable, i was praying for something to save me from this moment. my prayers were answered by the door bells dinging. I turned around right away and saw Alejandro walk into the diner.

"ale!" I screamed with relief. i turned back to lucas,

"umm are you going to order something?"

"No, I'm just going to leave, see you around Sadie" he smirked. I turned over and speedwalked to alejandro. The diner was completely empty so I sat down across from him at a booth.

"Thank you so much for coming in when you did" I praised.

"Haha, who was that anyway?" he laughed.

"Idk some guy from my calc class, he was cute at first but his need to make smoking weed seem cool is a fat turn off" i said with a disgusted face, Alejandro laughed.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"oh yea, i came to just check up on you, to see how you're doing"

"Oh I'm doing alright" I sighed.

"i know you don't want to talk about mattia but i just-"

"it's fine we can talk about him" i said

"So how are things, where does he stand with you?"

"idk honestly, i miss him like hell but i don't know if i can trust him,not as long as cynthia is still obsessed" i said.

"yea i get that, she's a crazy bitch, you know he's really hoping you too will get back together. That's pretty much all he thinks about" he laughed. "he fucked up. i won't deny that but it wasn't entirely his fault''

"yea i know, i think im just scared, i don't want to go through the pain of a heart break ever again" i said.

" yea heartbreaks hurt like a bitch, but you're gonna go through them no matter what, you shouldn't be scared"

"you're right, i guess we'll see what happens"

"cool" he smiled.

"Wait, did Mattia send you here so you can talk about him and get him on my good side?" I asked.

"what? No, screw him, I can check up on you" he laughed.

"damn you're the best"

"Ofc you're like me little sister, i care about you" he hugged me.
"i think I have to go," He said getting up.

"wait i have 10 minutes left on my shift, can you wait and give me a ride home?" I asked.


"i'll get you a milkshake. on the house" i walked to the back and made him a milkshake. I wiped down the tables and swept the floor before I went to the back and grabbed my bags. I called my mom to tell her I was going to get a ride home.

"Lets go" I said , gesturing to Alejandro to get up, we walked over to his car and he drove me home.

"Thanks for everything, ale" I hugged him.

"Ofc anytime" he smiled. I walked to my front door, waved goodbye and walked inside.

I went up to my room and face timed Lauren.

*call audio*

Lauren: hey
Sadie: hi wyd
Lauren: I just took a shower hby
Sadie: I just got home from work, ale gave me a ride
Lauren: oh, what were you doing with ale
Sadie: honey! No need to get jealous! He just went to the diner to check up on me.
Lauren: you sure?
Sadie: he literally told me "you're like a little sister to me" you don't have to worry about anything!
Lauren: okay, so what do you want. Why'd you call
Sadie: idk I just want someone to keep me company. I'd usually be FaceTiming Mattia..
Lauren:'s okay I'll keep you company
Sadie: so when are you going to rent the party bus and make reservations for prom?
Lauren: no clue, we should have a meeting for that
Sadie: when
Lauren: this Saturday? We can do it at my house, I'll text the group chat
Sadie: okay I'll start looking for options, I'll talk to you later
Lauren: okay! Goodnight wifey
Sadie: bye husband<3
*call ended*

I pulled out my laptop and started looking for party bus rentals along with fancy restaurants. I pulled out a note pad and wrote down names and phone numbers. I turned on my tv and started watching Gossip girl when Lauren texted me confirming that we were going to have a meeting at her house on Saturday.

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