Part 44- the letter

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I drove to the nearest target and purchased a pregnancy test. I also got a water at star bucks so I could be able to pee later. Once I got back to the dorm I went to the bathroom and used the test.

"Fuck! Plz god I can't be pregnant!" I paced back and forth. Even thought the three minutes were up I couldn't bring myself to look at it.

"Fukkk" I mumbled under my breath while  slowly approaching the sink. Hand shaking, I reached for it and turned it over.
It said....
Almost there.....
a little more🙈....

Tears filling up my eyes, I gasped for air but failed

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Tears filling up my eyes, I gasped for air but failed. Collapsing on the floor I started bawling my eyes out.

"I'm to young to be a fucking mom" I cried in between breathes. For thirty minutes I sat on the bathroom floor hating myself and the stupid decisions I've made. Eventually I got to the point where I stopped crying and simply sat completely still, staring at nothing but the wall. I was pulled out of my deep thoughts by my phone dinging. I slowly turned over to see Mattia had sent me a message.

Mattia: Princess!! I need to talk to you
Sadie: i need to talk to you too
Mattia: can I come over rn? It's kinda urgent
Sadie: sure come over, I'm sure mines even more urgent.
Mattia: doubt that but OGey, I'm omw
Sadie: okay

I sat up and wiped off the running mascara. I shoved the packaging to the bottom of the trash can and put the test on my back pocket. While waiting for Mattia I was going over what I'd say in my head. My body trembled uncontrollably and I struggled to control my breathing and gathering my thoughts.

*knock knock*

I rushed to open the door to see Mattia standing There smiling. He hugged me and walked into the dorm.

I turned to face him. I reached for the test and held it behind me. Before I could say anything Mattia spoke up.

"Can I tell my news first? I just have to get it off my chest!" He smiled. I clenched the test behind me and nodded. He pulled an envelope out of his jackets and showed it to me.

"What's that?" I mumbled.

"It's a letter from Rider's university, they offered me a spot on their soccer team, I'm thinking of transferring as soon as possible"

I froze and slide the pregnancy test back into my pocket.

"What about us?"

"We'll be find" he shrugged.

"What about me?" I scolded.

"What do you mean?"

"I gave up Harvard for us, and you're just gonna leave me like that" I snapped.

"Playing soccer for a big school is my dream!" He yelled.

"And Harvard was mine!" I yelled back.

We stood in silence, mattia dumbfounded by my reaction.
"I'd thought you'd be more supportive"

"Just like you were supportive of me"

"So you don't want me to go?" He asked. I filled with raged hearing him say that in his nasty tone.

"You can do whatever the fuck You want!" I yelled opening the door. He picked up his coat and walked out. Before he had a chance to say anything else I slammed the door shut. With my back against the door I slid to the floor crying, my hands over my heart because the pain was too much. I pulled the test out and threw it across the room yelling in anger.

**mattia's POV**

I left Sadie's dorm pissed off. Walking away I could hear her cries, as much as it broke my heart I couldn't turn back to her. I knew what she needed right now was to be left alone. Once I got in my car I felt my eyes tear up. I kicked in my seat in anger accidentally pressing the honk, getting everyone's attention. I turned on the car and drove away in embarrassment still crying.

**back to Sadie's POV**

I laid on the floor completely heart broken. I was probably in the fetal position for an hour. There was a knock at the door and I jumped up.

"Sadie? Are you There? Open up!" Lauren yelled.
I picked up the test and shoved it back in my pocket before I unlocked the door.

"Hey girly- you good?" She asked concerned.

"Yea I'm fine" I smiled. She walked in and started to make dinner. I didn't eat that night, I laid in my bed covered up and heart broken.


"Goodnight Sadie" Lauren said climbing in her bed.


She turned off the lights and I stayed in bed holding the test in my hand, tears rolling down my face. I turned on the TV and started to go through the channels to try and get my mid off of things.

"Flex tap! The only-"


"You won't believe it's not butter-"


"Breaking news, horrific crash on Highway 171-"


"1-800-588-3600 empire today-"

*click back*

I stood up and changed the channel back to the news.

"Fox News, goodnight to you, breaking news we are at the sight of the horrific automobile collision on highway 171, Troops say this was a result of an intoxicated driver on the wrong side of the road. He has been identified as Manuel Lyores, the second driver was identified as a Stalkton University Freshman by the name of Mattia Polibio. He's in critical condition and was transported to AtlantiCare Medical Center....."

As if my chest pain wasn't bad enough I jumped out fo bed and ran down to my car, speeding to the hospital.

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