Part 30 - Assembly

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I spent the weekend helping my mom take down the patio decorations. I packed my prom dress in a cute box and stored it under my bed. My mom also picked up the pictures from the photography company and I added them to my wall collection. Today was Monday, I didn't want to go to school but my mom wouldn't let me stay home. Lauren gave me a ride because I didn't feel like driving.

"I didn't want to come today" I complained walking through the halls.

"Same" she agreed.

"I got work after school too so ima have to push through today" I said. Emma and Marissa came running over to us.

"We got coffee" Emma said.

"I literally love you so much" I fake cried receiving the cup from her. Emma looked at me and I knew what she was thinking.

"Hey I need to tell you guys something" I said. They stopped walking and turned to me.

"I lost my virginity" I blurted out.

"What! When!" Lauren and Marissa screamed. I explained what happened and they hugged me.

"I can't believe you had sex" Lauren said.

"I can't believe you told Emma and not us" Marissa sassed.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"It's obvious she already knew, but that's okay! I'm so happy for you!" She squealed. The bell rang and I walked over to first period. The teacher walked I and passed out worksheets

"Welcome, I hope you all had a good time at prom, those of you that went. But it's bye bye party, hello Calculus" he laughed. Everyone whined. Lucas was sitting next to me quietly. He didn't even look in my direction, it was the most awkward thing ever. I was gonna say something when the intercom turned on.

"Attention all senior students! Please make you're way over to the Gym, there will be an assembly, teachers please allow students to leave class and head to the gym, thank you"

Everyone cheered because we wouldn't have to do math. I pulled out my phone and texted the girls.

Sadie: where are we gonna meet up?
Emma: the water fountain by the girls bathroom on Campus C
Marissa: k
Lauren: omw

I stood by the fountain waiting for the girls. We all met up and walked to the gym together.

"What do you think the assembly if for?" Emma asked.

"Idk, maybe cuz the drinks were spiked at prom" I said.

"Or all the 'inappropriate' dances that we did" Lauren laughed. We entered and sat down in the middle of the bleachers. We were on our phones while we waited for the assembly to start. The principal walked in a few minutes later and turned on her mic.

"Welcome back seniors, hope you had a fun prom, now I have a few things to talk about. First things first. This happens every year sadly, the inappropriate dancing, that I specifically banned. It's still happened. I'm very disappointed. Another things is, the drinks were somehow happens every year!" She sighed. "I'd aught to strip you from your senior trip privileges" she threatened. The crowd of students boo'd. "I can't though, we already paid for everything" she said. Everyone cheered. "Now I guess you're wondering what this year trip is going to be, well we are going to a historic sight and study architecture" she said. The students started boo'ing again. "I'm kidding! We got a lakeside Campsite to ourselves, it's going to be a weekend trip up the mountains" she said. Everyone started clapping and cheering. "Because it involves swimming so the signups will be very strict, but other that than enjoy the rest of your day" she said. Everyone got up and left the gym. The assembly took up all of first period so we just went straight into break. The group met up at or usual spot.

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