Part 46- Goodbye love

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"Sadie! Psssst Sadie" Ale nudged me awake.

"How long was I asleep?" I groaned.

"12 minutes, I brought you coffee and bread" he said handing me the cup. I sat up straight and looked around at everyone either napping or having breakfast. Mr. And mrs. Polibio were still asleep. Gianluca was staring at me.

"Here you go" I smiled handing him my food. He took it instantly and started digging in.

"Poor kid, he was starving" I sighed.

"I would have bought him a piece but he was sleeping when I left" Ale said stuffing his mouth in his sandwich. I rested my head in his shoulder and roamed my eyes around the waiting room.

"You know the walls of a hospital hears more prayers than the walls of a church does" I said.

"That's crazy" ale took another bite. About ten minutes later Mattia's parents woke up and we were all eating. Matiluca's leg was trembling so I sat down next to her and held her hand.


A nurse came out.

"We can start bringing in family only, for now" she announced.

The polibio's got up. Matiluca turned to me and picked me up by my arm.

"She will come with us too, she's carrying his baby" she said.

"Baby?" Alejandro gasped. I turned to the rest and nodded. Tears rolling down my face. They all ran up and hugged me. Emma places her hand on my stomach.

"Go" Lauren cries softly. I nodded and turned around to meet up with the polibio's they all hugged me and we walked with the nurse.

"He's In criticize condition, and unconscious right now, we aren't sure when he'll wake up" she said leading up to a room. Walking in, the sound of the heart monitor and ventilator echoed in my head.

I stood by the door frozen as the polibio's got closer to the bed side.

"He's doing better, but still in serious condition" the nurse explained. Matiluca turned around, took my hand and slowly lead me to his bed side. I went on my knees and took hold of Mattia's hand.

"Mattia..if you could hear me I want you to know that I love you" I cried. I pulled up a chair and started admiring his beauty. Even on the verge of death Mattia was breathless. I ran my fingers through his hair gently.

"Mom im hungry" Gianluca whined.

"I'll take him to the food court and bring back food" giancomo said standing up.

"All food must be eaten in the waiting room" the nurse said.

"Sadie, are you coming?" Matiluca asked.

"No I'll stay here"

She nodded and they left. I turned back to Mattia still playing with his hair.

"I'll be right back hun, I have to take care of other patients" the nurse said. Once she left I started humming an old lullaby my mom sang to my father while he had chemo done.

"I love you" I whispered softly. With that Mattia's eyes opened slowly. Confused at first he looked around landing his eyes on me, he smiled through the breathing mask.

"Hi" I smiled letting out a tear. He squeezed my hand as much as me could.

"Hi" he said in a raspy voice.

"I'm sorry I got mad you, if i didn't kick you out you wouldn't be in this situation"! Cried.

"This isn't your fault...I'm sorry" he cried.  I looked down and slowly moved his hand over my stomach. Confused at first his eyes lit up.

"You're...pregnant?" He mumbled.  I nodded, tears running down my face. He smiled.

Out of nowhere his breathes became violently short. Gasping for air.

"I need a doctor!!! HELP!" I yelled.
"Mattia you're gonna be okay try and slow down your breathing" I panicked. He turned to me still gasping for air trying to make out words.

"Don't talk it'll only make it worse" I cried. He took off his air mask and took my hand.

"Mattia what are you doing put it back on" I demanded 

"Sadie...ta..take it to the moon for me" he cried placing his hand on my stomach.

"No Mattia don't say that! You're doing to be fine. I NEED A DOCTOR!" I yelled again.

"Sadie..Sadie listen to me" he mumbled.

"I want you to live out YOUR dreams! Without me" he cried.

"Don't talk like that Mattia"

"Promise me" he gasped for air

"I promise" I weeped.

"I love you" he muttered, barley being able to talk. A single tear ran down his face. Moments later, taking his last breathe, I felt his muscles relax. The grip he used to hold onto my hand became loose. The life in his eyes disappeared.

"I loved you too" I cried softly, bringing his motionless hand up to my chest. The doors opened by Mattia's mom. I turned to her worried face, no words were exchanged but she knew her son was gone.

"Mattia!" She wailed Running to the opposite side of the bed. The doctor and nurses burst in, With a defibrillator ready. Trying their hardest to jump start Mattia's heart. After multiple failed attempts they slowly stepped away from the bed. The loud noise of the heart monitor piercing  through the silence. By now everyone has rushed in the room. Standing completely still.

"He's gone" I turned to the group. Alejandro ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. The rest joined as the doctor announced.

"September 23, time of death 12:34 pm"

Hearing those words made my legs turn numb, sending me falling to the floor.

"Why! We were supposed to grow old together" I screamed. Alejandro holding onto me tight as I let myself completely go.


All standing around the bed. Looking over the body of a handsome, charismatic, perfect young man we had the pleasure to know.

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