Part 11- trap phone

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I couldn't go to sleep because all I can think about was the mean comments on Cynthia's post. I decided to go for a walk, I got out of bed and put on my shoes and a hoodie. I checked to see if my mom was asleep and then walked downstairs. I opened the front door and snuck out. I pulled out my phone and texted lauren.

Sadie: you up?
Lauren: Yeah, whats up?
Sadie: meet me at the willmore park?
Lauren: bitch im already at my front door
Sadie: okay!

I walked to the drugstore near the park and bought a bag of hot cheetos and a bottle of coke. I arrived at the park and sat down at the swingset, the park was lit up nicely so it wasn't super creepy. Lauren pulled up in her car and I walked over and got inside.
"where's your car?" Lauren asked.

"at the house, i came walking" i passed her the bag of chips and she opened them.

"So what did you want to tell me?" she said.

"I kissed Mattia" I confessed. Lauren choked on her chips and looked at me with excitement.


"it isn't a big deal it's just a silly kiss, anyway my mom came home mid-session and I almost got caught.

"Session? Sadie did you kiss him or make out with him!" Lauren questioned

"It doesn't matter what we did exactly," I Blushed. Lauren smiled and gave me a hug. just then i got a call from someone.

Incoming call from Mama<3

Me and Lauren looked at each other wide eyed. I looked down and answered the call.

*on the phone*
mom: Sadie! where the hell are you! it's almost one in the morning. if you're with that boy i swear i'll ground you for as long as it's legal to.

Sadie: I'm not with him mom. I'm with lauren! i had to talk to someone

mom: i don't care! i want you home right this second and you're in big trouble

sadie: okay, ill be there in five minutes
*call ended*

Lauren drove me home. When I got out of the car my mom was already waiting for me outside.
"Mom, I'm sorry,"

"go to your room but leave your phone on the kitchen table, its being taken away from you" she said walking in the house. I followed behind her and left my phone on the table. I went upstairs and layed down on my bed. I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up the next day and walked downstairs.
"Hey mom" I said.

"Hello Sadie, don't bother getting ready you aren't going to school today".
I remembered she took my phone.

"Mom when can I have my phone back?" I asked.

"When ever I feel like giving it back. Maybe a week..or too" She said. I sighed and went back up to my room. I opened my junk drawer and started looking for my old I pad, I had to find a way to communicate with my friends. i found it and tried to turn it on but it wouldn't. I tossed it back in the drawer and walked downstairs.

My mom made me help her clean the entire day until it was time for me to go to work.
"I need to get ready for work" I put the rags back into the bucket.

"Okay" my mom said. I went upstairs and got dressed in my uniform. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs.
"I'm going to head out now mom" I said.

"drive safe and I want you straight home after" she demanded. I got in my car and drove to the diner. I walked in and started my shift.

"Hey Sadie I'm sorry for what happened last night. Those girls will no longer be allowed to dine here" my boss said.

"Thank you" I smiled. Then I went out to the dining floor and started tending to people. A few hours into the shift things finally started to slow down. I sat at a table and organized sugar packets because I didn't have my phone to entertain me. Then someone walked through the door and I got up. It was Mattia. He walked over to me and I hugged him.

"Hey came to check up on you. Your weren't at school or answering my texts" he hugged me even tighter.

" yea my mom took my mom took my phone away and said I could stay home today"

" oh...I'm sorry it's all my fault I shouldn't have stopped by your house I was just worried about you-"
I interrupted him.

" it's fine! I'm glad you stopped by". I smiled at him and he hugged me once more. Then an actual customer came through the door so I let go and walked over to their booth. Mattia sat at the bar and waited for me. I took the order and walked back to the kitchen. I walked back over to Mattia.
"So are you going to order something or just sit there" asked.

"No I just came to see you" he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an iPhone 7 and slide it across the counter to me.

"What's this?" I picked up the phone.

"I figured you weren't texting me because your mom took your phone away so you can use my old one till you get it back" he said. I looked at him and gave him a hug.
"Thank you so much tia!"

"now you don't have an excuse to text me back. " he joked. I put the phone in the pocket of my apron and went to the back to give the customers their food. Mattia got up and hugged me again.
"I have to go, the boys want to go play soccer at the park" he said.

"Okay! Thank you for the phone I'll text you later" I replied. He walked out the diner and I continued working. The rest of my shift went by fast surprisingly. I clocked out and got in my car. I drive home and parked in the driveway. I put the phone on my waist line so my mom wouldn't see it. I walked inside and went straight to my room. I turned the phone one and set it up with my accounts. I looked over all my texts and replied to all my friends.

My mom walked into my room and I shoved the phone under my pillow.
"I need you to get ready. We're going over to a family dinner with a nice women I met at the supermarket " she said. I nodded and walked to my closet and started looking at what I should I wear.

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