Part 24- reservations

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*skip to Saturday*

I woke up and did some basic makeup. I was supposed to be at Lauren's house at 11 and it was barley 9 so I went downstairs and ate some breakfast.

"Good morning Sadie" my mom said walking down the stairs.

"Hey mom" I hugged her.

"I'm going to Lauren's at 11, we have to make reservations at a restaurant and book a party bus"

"Okay, are you guys going to split the bill?" She asked.

"Yea we are"

"If you want I can clean up the backyard and set up a table and lights under the patio, I'll make it look super fancy, just like your aunt Sarah's baby shower" she insisted.

"That actually sounds like a good idea, we have a good view anyways. We can also take pictures here with...dads old camera " I said. My mom walked over and hugged me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yea I'm fine, I'll definitely bring up your idea, I like it" I smiled.

I finished breakfast and went upstairs, and put on a pair of baggy sweats and a tank top. I got in my car and drove over to Lauren's house.

I arrived and walked in.

"Sadie!" Lauren's mom called out. I ran over and gave her a hug.

"Hi Cara"

"Lauren's up in her room" she said. I leg go and walked upstairs. Almost everyone was already there so I sat down and we started talking.

"Alright so we got everyone here?"

"Yea" Lauren said.

"okay, so my mom said she can set up my back patio into a dinner"

"just like junior homecoming?" emma asked.

"Yess! i down for that, your mom made it look all fancy n shit" lauren laughed.

"if thats fine with you boys?" i aksed. they nodded their heads, i honeslty dont think they care where we eat as long as the foods good.

"what about a party bus? i'm trying to get fucked up before" alejandro smiled

"Right I found this one rental that fits 10 people and it can take us and pick us up. since the venue isn't super far the total will be $140" i said.

"wait where is the venue" kairi asked

"It's at this fancy aquarium, there is a ballroom in the back with water tanks all round  that light up, my uncle had his wedding there, it's so pretty" Lauren said.

After a bit of discussing we ended up choosing the bus, we also decided to hire a photographer to take the pictures as well.

"So what do we do now?" alejandro asked.

"Idk yall down to go to the mall?" I said. they all agreed and we piled into my car. We went to an outdoor mall since it was a nice sunny day.

"i still need to get my tux" mattia said

"lets go look at some then" ale pushed him. We walked into a bridal shop and started looking for suits.

"This ones nice," I said , pointing to a matte black one. Mattia walked over and looked at it.

"yea ill like it too" he said. i turned to him, catching him staring at me. I looked at his lips and back into his gorgeous brown eyes. It was as if time stopped. My heart was pounding thousand beats per minute.

"I'm...going to go try this one" he said.

" ofc" I snapped out of my thoughts and called over a consultant.

"Can we get this tux in his size" I said.

"Yea ofc come with me young man" she said walking away. Mattia looked at me one more time and turned around to follow her. At soon as he walked away I let it my breath, I don't even know I was holding it in.

"What was that?" Lauren sneaked behind me.

"What was what?"

"Bitch I saw that little moment you two had" she smirked. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"Bitch, admit it, you still like him"

"Ofc I do" I confessed.

"Then what are you waiting for"

"I don't want to rush things, I want to get back together without having doubts" I explained.

"Okay get that. But you obviously want him back"

"idk what ever happens happens " I said.

"Mhm whatever bitch" she laughed. Alejandro called us over to a couch because Mattia was in a changing room. We sat down and waited.

"ready goons?" Mattia yelled. He came out and everyone started whistling and cheering, hyping him up. He blushed and started doing his stupid new jersey dances. I pulled out my phone and started recording.

"Damm daddy looking fine asl!" Kairi screamed. We laughed.

"You looking sharp Mattia" Marissa Hollered. I instantly turned to her, she looked at me and smiled.

"Sadie how do you think Mattia looks in the tux?" She said. Everyone turned to look at me. I felt myself turn red. I looked up to mattia, he was staring at me as well. He looked to FINE in the tux.

" nice" I stuttered.

"Just nice?" Alejandro teased.

"Fine! He looks good, hot even!"  I blurted out. Mattia's eyes widened and everyone went silent.

"So how do you like the suit sir?" The consultant said breaking the silence.

"Oh yea I like it, I'll buy it" Mattia said. He walked back into the dressing room to change.

"Can you guys stop trying to force me into him. Yes I still love him but I want us to go back together naturally" I said.

"Sorry well stop" Marissa apologizes. Mattia came back out and he walked to the front desk to pay for the suit.

"Now what?" Mattia said.

"Down for some ice cream" ale said.

"Yes!" Lauren jumped. We walked over to an ice cream shop. The rest of the group ran inside leaving Mattia and I behind.

" really think I looked hot in the tux" he laughed.

"Haha I just said that cuz they where all buggin me"

"So I didn't look hot?" He said fake crying. I pushed him playfully.

"Shut up, you did I just..yk let's go get some ice cream" I blushed. Mattia laughed and we walked into the shop.

"Hello, What can I get you" the worker said. I got a bowl of frozen yogurt and sat with the rest of the group at the outside tables.

"So what are you guys going to do after high school?" Kairi asked.

"College duh" Emma said.

"Yea I'm waiting for a letter From Harvard law, I want to be a lawyer when I get older" I said.

"Harvard? Don't you have to have to be smart to get into that school?" Mattia laughed.

"Excuse me? I have a 4.9 gpa and have hella things on my application. I hope I get in"

"I'm sure you will" Mattia said. He hugged me. We finished our ice creams and walked back to my car. I dropped everyone. I dropped Mattia off last since he lives closest to me.

"Thanks Sadie" he said getting off.

"Mhm, see you at school Mattia" I said.

He waved goodbye and I drove back home.

(I accidentally published this chapter while I was in the middle of writing it, and I panicked but it's all good now<3)

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