Part 38- Last week

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"our last weeks as seniors" kairi muttered as we walked through the front doors.

"We have to make the most of it," Lauren said.

When the morning bell rang we all walked to class. I sat down in my seat, surprisingly Lucas was already there, he was usually late.

"Hey," he said, I turned to him, completely shocked that he even talked to me.


"what are you doing this summer!" he asked.

"I don't know yet, i'll be working for sure though, how about you?"

"That's cool, i'm going to texas! going to see my dad for the first time in a year" he smiled

"that's great Lucas! i'm happy for you!" I smiled back. the teacher then walked in and started passing around all the papers we turned in throughout the school year. The whole class everyone sat and hung around with friends while a movie played. our schedule was the same as finals week, classes were divided into the last few days and we were released earlier.

I walked out of class laughing with Lucas.

"Haha so then while trying to dry his pants.... i kinda...rubbed on his..yk" i laughed.

"thats fucking crazy" he wheezed for air. Lucas's smile instantly disappeared, mattia was standing outside my class mad dogging him.

"What the fucks going on here?" Mattia grunted.

"Nothing! I was just telling Lucas about how we met ''I said, placing my arm around him.
"calm down okay? Lucas and i are just friends should"

"friends?" mattia furrowed his eyebrows

"yes friends!" I said.
"Bye Lucas, hope you have a fun time in Texas. we should stay in touch" i hugged him.

"Bye" he smiled.
"Mattia, i want to apologize for all the harm ive caused you and sadie, hope we can be cool" Lucas said extending his arm for a handshake. Mattia simply looked at his hand, rolled his eyes and walked away.

"I'm so sorry for that," I said.

"its cool"

I smiled and walked over to mattia. he was sitting at a bench looking at the floor. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head over his shoulder. He moved to try and get me off.

"Can you calm down?" I demanded.

"I don't like you being friends with him," he said.

"we are just friends, There is nothing to worry about, I love you and only you" i reassured

He groaned and got up. I hugged him and dragged us to the rest of the group. the rest of the school day went by fast. So did the rest of the week. We were doing as many fun things as possible and time completely flew.


Next thing I knew it was last class friday. the Final 20 minutes of high school. We all had classes on the same campus. I was in Ceramics with Emma when I got a text from the group chat.


Alejandro: We gonna stay for the showers?
Emma: tf is that
Marissa: anual showers when seniors throw their papers in the air at main quad and fucking dip after
mattia: i'm down for that
lauren: same
sadie: me 2
kairi: lets stay!
alejandro: bet, meet up at the quad then
sadie: k

"Ready Seniors? Last couple minutes of Highschool!" the teacher announced. we wormed in our seats not able to stay still. Almost everyone had their stacks of paper in hand. the bell rang sounding louder than ever. It also seemed longer than usual but I'm sure it was just in slow motion in my head. Everyone stood and ran out the class. Emma and I ran to the quad meeting up with the rest. a swarm of students ran to the middle and threw their papers in the air, causing a beautiful storm of white.

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