Part 36- Final Decision

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I went up to my room and jumped in the shower. Even though I was leaning more towards a school I still couldn't make up my mind. I got out and blow dried my hair and changed into a red floral dress and white converse. I took the photo of my dad and sat on my bed.

"Thank you for visiting Me in my dreams last night" I smiled.
"In about 30 minutes I'll be making a decision that will determine my future and possibly who I'll spend it with, I could use you advice right now, and your dorky stories that you'll tell because you swore they related to my problems, they never did" I cried.
"I wonder what you'd tell me right now if you where here, you'd probably tell about the time you..the time you-"

"Sadie! Come down your guest are here" my mom entered my room. I quickly wiped my tears away and placed the photo back on the counter. I walked downstairs to be greeted by all the guest.

"Hey bitch" Emma hugged me.

"Hey Sadie!" Lauren and Marissa ran up to me.

"Ready for the big decision" ale said

"Not really" I faintly smiled. Kairi ran up and wrapped his little elf arms around me.

"You look good" Mattia smirked. I blushed.

"Everyone! Come grab a plate of food and in a few minutes Sadie will made her announcement" my mom said. Everyone walked over to the buffet style setup.

"You coming to get some food?" Mattia asked.

"No, I'm not hungry" I said. He hugged me, kissed my forehead and walked over to the food table. I sat on the couch trying to collect my thoughts and calm down. My legs were shaking and I tired to control my breathing.

"You okay?" My mom sat next to me

"Yea I'm fine" I said. Everyone talked and stuffed their faces with food.

"I think it's cute how your moms making a huge deal about this, usually you do this privately and post a picture to Instagram" Emma laughed.

"Yea she's crazy..and kinda obsessed with one uping Karen from down the street" I giggled.

"You want to go get some fresh air? I can tell your having a hard time" she insisted. I nodded and we headed to the backyard patio. I sat down and exhaled.

"I just don't understand why it's so hard so for me to make such a fucking simple decision, and it sucks because the only person who's ever been able to help me through my problems isn't here. He left this earth 11 months ago" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry, and this isn't a simple decision, it could possibly determine the rest of your life" she patted my back. "No matter what you end up deciding, everything will be okay".

"Sadie?" My mom yelled. "It's time sweetie" she poked her head outside. I nodded and got up. Emma and I walked inside to everyone either sitting on the couch or on the floor. I sat at the table with four mini flags with different school crests on them.

"Okay Sadie we are ready!" My mom said holding up her phone. Everyone else pulled out their devices and started recording.

"Umm..I don't really know what to say, it's always been hard for me to make big decisions, my dad has always helped me. Obviously he isn't here to help me out on this one" I chuckled. "If He were here, he's probably tell me to follow my heart and do what I want, but for the longest time ever I didn't know what I wanted".

I picked up the Harvard flag and started waving it. I looked up at Mattia and saw his head drop.

"Harvard has been my dream for my whole life" I smiled placing the flag back down on the table.

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