Part 8- deep sleeper

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I woke up early today to actually put some effort into my outfit. I curled my hair and did some light makeup. I put on a white long sleeve brandy Melville shirt with ripped jeans and Air Forces. I grabbed my back pack and my duffle bag which had my work uniform in it and walked downstairs.

"Hey mom"

"Good morning sweetie, hey it's Tuesday you know what that means. I have a meeting from 5-8 so when you come home from work I won't be here" she said.

"Okay, I'll bring something home to eat from the diner" i said.

"Okay sounds good I have to go I'm running late. And I like that outfit" my mom complimented as she gave me a hug.


I ate a piece of toast for breakfast and watched YouTube on my phone. When I finished I grabbed my stuff and got in my car. I opened my massages and texted mattia.

    Mattia P.
Sadie: What no good morning today?
Sadie: hello??

I found it strange he didn't answer me. I was driving when I pulled up the the street right before where Mattia lives.

What if that dumbass slept in?

I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:58 and school started at 8:20. I decided to at least check if Mattia was home or not. So I turned left instead of going straight to school. I arrived at his house and parked. I knocked on the door and no one answered. Then I turned the handle and the door opened. I called out

" hello? Is anyone home?" I waited to hear a response. No one said anything so assumed Mattia had already left. I was about to close the door when I herd what sounded like an alarm coming from mattia's room. I crept into the house and approached the room. I took a peak at saw Mattia sound asleep while his alarm was going off.

"Cute" I whispered

I walked over to his bed side and turned off his alarm. I stood there for a second admiring how calm he looked while sleeping. Then I tapped on his shoulder to walk him up. But he didn't so I pulled out my phone and started recording.

"Sorry Mattia" I whispered. Then I slapped his face. he instantly jumped up scared and looked around confused. I feel to the floor dying of laughter.

"What the fuck? How'd you get in my house" he said still half asleep. I was still laughing, having trouble catching my breathe. Mattia got out of bed and looked at his phone, saw the time and ran straight to his bathroom. He got ready in such a hurry and I laughed watching over the video I took.

"It's not that funny" Mattia said while changing.

"Yes it is!!!"
I captioned the video "RiSe AnD sHiNe" and posted it to my story.

"How'd you even get in" Mattia questioned.

"Idk maybe you should start locking your door?" I said sarcastically. "Now hurry up your ass gonna be late" I walked out of his room to my car. Soon after Mattia came outside and walked over to my side window.

"Thanks for waking me up" he said.
"No problem, but seriously get in your car we have 6 minutes before we're late"

Mattia jumped in his car and started it. I pulled out first and he followed. Once I parted in the school parkings we got out and ran to our classes. I got into my class right on time. The bell rang when u took my seat.
My first period was Calculus, but math came really easy to me so I didn't really have to pay attention a lot. I was on my phone and I went on snapchat and alot of people swiped up on the video I posted of Mattia.

Kairi: omg I fucking died!! You should have slapped him harder💀

Alejandro: Istg this mans sleep is deeper than the Atlantic Ocean😂

Lauren: what happened to being mad at him?????explain hoe

Marissa: the "Sorry Mattia" killed me😭😂

I replied to them and scrolled through Instagram. I was looking at my recommended people I should follow and saw Cynthia's account. I clicked on it and looked at her post. She had a lot of pictures with guys. I was then interrupted by the calc teacher.

"Excuse me Sadie you aren't supposed to be in your phone during class!" He said.

"Sorry Mr. Gribbs " I apologized. The rest of class went by pretty fast.

It was now breakfast and I met up with the girls in the main quad.
"So are you gonna tell us what happened between you and Mattia this morning, why were you at his house? Marissa asked. I explained to them what happened.

"Hmm if he breaks your heart I'm going to beat the crap out of him" she laughed. We continued talking when the boys walked over to us.

"Hey Sadie"
"Hey tia" I smiled as I hugged him. "Omg I never introduced you guys. Girl this is Mattia, and that is Alejandro and that's Kairi. Boys this is marissa that's Emma and Lauren" I said. They all waved at each other. Ale and kairi when to the girls and started talking. Mattia pulled me away and put his arms around me and hugged me from the back.

"I never got to tell you how fine you look today" he said into my ear. Hearing him say that gave me chills down my spine.

"I'd say the same about you but the id be lying" I joked.

"Damm that's kinda hurted, I woke up late and rushed so I have an excuse" he said.

"Mhm what's your excuse for every other day then?" I teased.

"You straight up bullying me now" he pouted.

"I'm joking you always looking fine. Even when you sleep"

"Fucking weirdo" he laughed. Lunch then ended and he walked me to my class.


It was now after school and I was walking to my car. I got in and sat down on my phone. Then out of no where Mattia jumped at the window scaring me.

"You Bitch you scared the shit it out me!" I screamed.

"That's what you get slapping me in the morning"  he laughed.

"Whatever, I have to to go to work now, talk to you later"

"Okay bye Sadie"

"Bye tia" I pulled out of the parking and drove off to work.

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