𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣

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A/N: Thanks to anyone who even looked at this, I'm still not very good and I'm already struggling with ideas so please if you have any feel free to leave a comment here! Once again thanks :)

Sometimes I like to think back to Wireless, I had originally not wanted to go but my best friend Gee convinced me to come. She had said, "Only a few people will be there!" well that was lies. Instantly a pang of anxiety washed over me as we met up with the massive group of people near one of the many bars, "guys this is Y/n!" Gee introduced me. I tried to smile at everyone's drunk smiley faces but one face, in particular, caught my eye. As the group introduced themselves I found my eyes always finding the same bright blue orbs from before, until finally, he spoke: "I'm Simon!"

From then on we were joined at the hip, where you would see one the other would be near. Taunting and jokes came hand in hand with being best friends, the nonstop comments on videos, and posts to even our own friends joining in on the action. However, whenever I thought we could be something more, I was quickly shot down or friend-zoned. I was getting sick and tired of waiting for Simon to make up his mind that one night when I was staying at Gee's with Mia and Freya I couldn't hold back the tears and confessed everything. The girls were, of course, sympathetic and cheered me up the rest of the night but I don't think even they were prepared for the events that happened the next week...

It was a normal Wednesday, Sidemen Sunday filming and then dinner all together probably at Nandos. I had turned up as regular wearing just a normal SDMN two-tone jumper and black skinny jeans with my vans, Freya would sit at the side with me and giggle at the boys' outrageous behavior. This time it was their lie detector test with JJ as Folabi, so far so good the boys were dodging a beating and answering some very personal questions truthfully. About halfway through it was Simon's turn and for some reason my palms were all sweaty, maybe it was Simon's cheeky smile at me behind the camera or the nudges and winks the rest of the boys were throwing my way. "Okay let us start!"  J̶J̶ Folabi said and smirked towards a now very fidgety Simon, the first few questions were relatively normal just the usual questions. However, I knew something was up when Josh started grabbing the other boys' attention and sending small smirks my way. Freya noticed as well as she gave me a very confused look which I just returned, I tried to ignore the boys as JJ started to speak again "soo Simon here is your final question!" he said in his accent. "Simon Minter do you have any feelings for Y/n?" he finished and started laughing maniacally as Simon's face turned bright red. My stomach flipped as I waited for his answer, I could feel everyone's gazes switching from Simon to me, the only person who hadn't looked at me yet was Simon. After a very awkward and quiet pause, he started to speak "I'm going to kill you later..." he laughed before sitting up straight and sighing "...yes I do." The boys all started hitting each other in anticipation as we waited for the results. A rather large lump in my throat had now appeared and I didn't dare look in his direction, my cheeks were red hot and Freya had excitedly taken my shaking hand. "You said yes and I can reveal.... you were telling the trut!" JJ said standing up and clapping as the boys all jumped up dancing around a very embarrassed and blushing Simon. I wasn't sure what to do or how to react so I did the first thing that came to mind and walked outside for fresh air. 

I leaned against an outside railing and took several deep breaths as I tried to gain some composure, but it didn't take long for my tranquility to be broken as I heard the door open and close. I didn't need to turn round to know who was there, I could hear him walk out on the small balcony and towards me before leaning next to me. I took this opportunity to have a good look at him, his cheeks were still red from blushing and his usually happy blue orbs were now filled with apprehension. His hair was messy and looked as though he had been running his hand through it a lot, he wasn't looking at me still, just staring ahead out to London. "I'm sorry," his voice broke the almost awkward silence, "why are you sorry?" I asked turning fully towards him. "I've just ruined everything and that was the one thing I didn't want to do cause you mean so much to me-" he started rambling before I cut him off by grabbing his face and turning it towards me. We stared into each other's eyes for a while before we finally closed the gap between us, it felt long-awaited and we pulled apart for air soon after. "Simon I have feelings for you too idiot!" I laughed smiling a happy and genuine smile, something I haven't done in a while. That's when I realized why I was so happy. I was with him. No matter what would happen next, I would always have him. 

𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 // 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓 & 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘Where stories live. Discover now