𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕚 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟

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(A/N: wow we're number 14 in #w2s like omg thank you all so much and as always pls request!)

Your POV

I woke at around 8am feeling very energised and productive this morning so I left Tobi in bed sleeping peacefully ad left for a run, I wasn't gone very long maybe for an hour or two so I assumed Tobi was still asleep. I was in my gym leggings and sports bra with my hair in a messy bun, I decided to continue my sudden health drive I'd make myself a smoothie. I hummed along with my airpods in dancing around the kitchen grabbing strawberries, bananas, low fat yoghurt and honey before grabbing a knife to cut my ingredients. 

I just started taking out and carefully slicing a banana when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, I jolted slightly from the sudden contact before relaxing in his touch. "Jesus Tobs you gave me a fright" I giggled continuing to slice the fruit, "sorry babe good morning" he spoke softly in his raspy morning voice, I melted a little at the sound of his voice. I turned around to face him, his sharp jawline was framed with his light beard and his deep brown eyes were still hazy from his sleep, he was only wearing his ILLVZN white shorts with no shirt and I couldn't help but gawk at his toned chest.

He chuckled at me grabbing my attention again as he smirked at me, "enjoying something?" he teased winking, I flashed him a smile "can't blame a girl for enjoying the view" I shrugged blushing lightly and trying to turn back to my fruit. He grabbed ahold of me tightly though but still making sure not to hurt me, he pulled me in for a passionate kiss and I smiled against his lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck but pulled away for a breath. "Smoothie?" I asked kindly quirking an eyebrow, "yes please darling" he said kissing my cheek before heading back into the bedroom to retrieve something. 

After blending everything and only spilling a little of the contents I finally had the smoothies ready, "Tobs!" I called for him and in he came jogging slightly with a small frown on his face. "Thanks babe" he said grabbing the glass and taking a swig before turning to me smiling widely "delicious as always," I returned the smile feeling proud that he enjoyed it, I took a sip before flopping down on the couch gesturing for him to follow. "Friday Night Dinner?" I asked opening Netflix, "of course but first I've got some bad news" he replied trailing off sadly at the end, I felt my chest tighten at his words and I swallowed thickly "okay what's wrong?" I asked turning to face him pausing the TV. "The lads want to go camping today for the sidemen video..." he said almost guiltily, "okay and this is bad why?" I asked confused, "because then I'll be leaving you alone" he explained sadly and I let out a giggle. 

He twisted his face in confusion, "why are you laughing?" he asked and I took his hand reassuringly, "babe I think I can handle one night alone I'm a big girl" I laughed and he broke into a smile. "I know you can I just don't like leaving you is all" he said pulling me into his side and wrapping me in his arms tightly, "I love you Tobs I'm not going to run off the second you leave me" I said leaning my head against his still naked chest and listening calmly to his heartbeat. "I love you too Y/n" he replied softly kissing the top of my head, "come on let's enjoy the last few hours we have together yeah" I smiled and pressed play on Friday Night Dinner, "are you sure you're never going to run off?" Tobi pouted playfully, "unless it's Jonny Goodman you're stuck with me" I teased back jokingly making him fling his head back laughing. "No but seriously Tobi I'm not going anywhere" I said seriously placing my arms around his neck again and leaning closer, "even for Jonny Goodman?" he questioned jokingly but with a glint of happiness in his eyes, "even for Jonny Goodman" I clarified placing another kiss on his lips.

"Hello?" Harry's voice rang through the flat making me poke my head round from my streaming room, "Hazza!" I cheered happily bounding over to the smiling blonde giving him a hug. "Alright Y/n?" he welcomed chuckling at me and I stepped away from the embrace, "I'm good excited to see the video for this week" I laughed raising my eyebrows at the thought of them putting up a tent and making food. He laughed at my response and Tobi appeared next to me with his black sidmen bag around him, his white sidemen crest top on, creme shorts and white airforces, he looked damn good basically.

"Alright Harry" Tobi greeted his friend with a smile, "hey Tobi you ready mate?" Harry asked opening the flat door again, "I think so let me double check and I'll get you down at the car" Tobi said making Harry nod before leaving us alone again. Tobi turned to me sighing lightly and I gave him a soft smile, he took my hand kissing it delicately before we walked to the door "you got everything?" I checked one last time and he nodded smiling. "Good now have a good time and I'll see you tomorrow okay" I smiled at him kissing him lightly but sweetly, "I'll see you tomorrow darling" he replied softly before starting to walk away with me waving after him. 

He got a third of the way down the hall before turning back around to me, "I love you" he said and I felt my chest burst with happiness, I couldn't contain my massive smile that leapt on my face as I blew a kiss, "I love you too." He smiled placing a hand on his chest like he was emotional before continuing his walk to the lift and dissappearing down the hall, as much as I didn't like to admit it I'm going to miss him so fucking much while he's gone.

(A/N: sorry this isn't a lot but I just wanted a cutesie one for Tobi tonight)

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