𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: wow 750 reads! thank you all so much like omg, anyway please request cause I'm struggling and it helps me write).

Your POV

Today I was going to hang out at Alex and George's place, I was wearing my 'television killed your vision' jumper with some leggings and white airforces. I knocked on the flat door and could hear fumbling around and shouting coming from inside, I laughed as George shouted for me to come in, "alright ya pair of pricks!" I smiled at Alex and George who were trying to clean frantically. "What a lovely welcome!" Alex laughed before continuing to wipe down the coffee table, "yous are cleaning? what is the queen coming?" I giggled before falling onto the couch, "I'll have you know we're usually very tidy and organized" George said in fake hurt. I raised my eyebrows at him before scoffing "you keep telling yourself that hun" I said in a cheeky tone, "why do we invite you again? oh yeah, for Will" George said back, laughing at the end. I felt my cheeks flush at the mention of Will, we had been going on some little dates recently but nothing official, "aww she's blushing!" Alex laughed joining in and nudging my leg with his arm. "Shut up both of you" I huffed crossing my arms, I took my phone out to text Will, 

You:  William Lenney get ur ass here before I kill Alex and George! 

Will.I.Am am on my way, I'll help out x

I smiled at his response and George must've noticed, as a hand reached across and grabbed my phone before I could stop him, "now who is making  little Y/n smile hmm? oh, would you look at that it's a certain square-headed YouTuber!" George faked being shocked as he ran away from me, phone in hand. "George I swear to God give me my phone!" I ran after him laughing, George stopped with his back to the flat door, I pouted as he faced me and then I saw Will quietly open the door and see George holding my phone up high. I smiled at Will and George looked at me confused before Will snatched the phone out his hand, "I'll take that" he said as George huffed "why'd you have to get your boyfriend to ruin it!" he walked back over to help Alex again. I gulped at the word boyfriend and shyly looked at the ground, Will coughed awkwardly before walking towards me "I think this belongs to you" I looked up at his smiling face and felt butterflies in my stomach, "thanks Will" I smiled back taking my phone from his outstretched hand. 

I had been with the boys for an hour and we were just messing around and ordering food when Alex suggested playing Fifa, "ugh but I suck!" I sighed leaning my head back, the boys just laughed and Alex went to get the controllers and turn the ps4 on. Will placed a hand on my leg from next to me and give it a squeeze "I'll help you" he spoke softly, I flashed him a smile and tried to peel my eyes off his hand on my knee "uh yeah thank you" I stuttered. George went first against Alex, "so I was wondering if we could talk in a bit?" Will asked me scratching the back of his neck, "yeah of course is something wrong?" I asked worriedly, he shook his head smiling in reassurance "no nothing like that!" I nodded and focused back on the two playing Fifa. 

To say I was shit at Fifa was an understatement, I couldn't get the hang of the buttons so I ended up just sitting and watching the three boys argue and fight with each other. I was laughing at Will and George arguing about a free-kick, mainly watching Will laugh and how his eyes glistened in the light, I was so caught up I didn't even notice Alex watch me intentively, "you really like him don't you?" Alex asked a smile starting to form on his face, I turned to face him still with a smile on my face. "I really do Al but I don't know if he feels the same," I said giving him a nervous look, "Y/n trust me he does" he gave me a pat on the shoulder and went to go get another beer. I turned back to face Will, what was this boy doing to me? I admired his chiseled face and fluffy hair for a couple of minutes before his eyes met mine. "Alreet lads I think I'm going to head home now" he sighed standing up from his place on the couch, "yeah same I'll head too," I said putting my shoes back on, "you can stay in the spare room at mine tonight if you want Y/n?" Will said walking over to me, I looked up into his smiling face and my heart hammered in my chest, "uh that would be great actually thanks" I smiled standing with him. "Bye lads" Will waved heading out the door, I gave George a hug and walked over to Alex who was standing by Will at the door, "bye Al" I smiled giving him a hug too. "Enjoy your night" Alex whispered in my ear making my face heat up and pull away, he was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively but I just laughed at his stupidity "goodnight you dick!" I walked out with Will and into the lift to go up to his flat.

I loved Will's flat so much more than my own, it just was so homely and had amazing vibes, not to mention that one of my best friends Gee lived there, I suppose Will being there was a big bonus too. Will unlocked the door letting me go in first, "Gee I'm back with Y/n!" Will shouted through the flat, I heard footsteps and looked up to see a smiling Gee followed by Chip. "Y/n hey!" she smiled embracing me in a hug, "I seen you the other day Gee" I laughed and she released me from her tight grip, "true" Chip laughed waving. "Anyway, Y/n's going to stay the night in the spare bedroom if that's ok?" Will asked moving beside me, "of course go on up" Gee smiled back before smirking at the two of us standing so close. "Well goodnight everyone," I said following Will up the stairs to the rooms, "sorry about the mess" Will apologized trying to clear up some merch boxes from the bed, I laughed and joined in "don't worry about it." I picked up a bag with a jumper in it that had fidget spinners stuck to the front, I laughed reminiscing of when Will did that to Stephen for a 'this year on the internet'. Finally, we cleared up a bit and I flopped onto the bed, "well I'll let you get some sleep" Will said walking towards the door, "Will" I stopped him, "yeah?" "thank you for this" I smiled patting the bed, he returned the smile and nodded "you're welcome now get some rest you" and with that, the door clicked shut.

After half an hour of tossing and turning, my mind was racing thinking of Will and there was no way I could sleep so I quietly got up and walked to his room, I softly opened his door and tried to see through the darkness. Will's figure was lying in bed shirtless, "Y/n?" he asked with a raspy voice, I must've woken him up, "sorry Will didn't mean to wake you up I'll just go" I rambled turning to leave but instead whacking my leg on the door, I cursed quietly under my breath "Y/n get in here you muppet" Will laughed opening the cover for me to crawl in next to him. I was instantly engulfed in warmth and snuggled closer into Will's chest, "I really fucking like you Will" I muttered without thinking, I felt my eyes widen and cheeks go red, "I really like you too Y/n" he whispered back hugging me tighter. My heartbeat quickened and hammered against my ribs, "so what next?" I asked sitting him slightly, "well uh... do you want to be my girlfriend then?" Will asked a smile etching onto his face, I nodded my head frantically "I'd love to" and he chuckled grabbing my face and bringing me into a gentle kiss. We lied back down and snuggled together now, a massive smile on my face as I nestled into Will's chest again, "goodnight Y/n" Will whispered kissing my temple "goodnight Will" I whispered back before sleep engulfed me.

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