ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕞 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: wow nearly 800 reads this is insane thank you all so much! please comment requests)

Your POV

I groaned as Harry flopped down on top of me, "get off Harry" I huffed struggling to push the blonde boy off me "you're comfy though and I'm so hungover" he whined snuggling into me more. "Bog I beg please get off" I wheezed out under the weight of Harry, "fine" he huffed and rolled over to lay next to me, I took a big breath in of air and smiled "you trying to kill me or something there!" I laughed out making Harry chuckle before focusing on the TV playing some random programme. "And here we have hungover Harold and a very lazy Y/n!" Cal called walking towards us with his vlog camera, I stuck my finger up at him and stuck my tongue out, "can you stop shouting please" Harry begged pressing his face into the couch. Cal and I just laughed at him before Cal started plugging his new Krox hoodie drop to the camera, "even Y/n is wearing one!" he spoke turning the camera to face me again sitting with the hoodie on "I know he's a prick but would definitely recommend getting it" I said getting up to stand beside Cal smiling at the camera. "Oi, that's just mean" Cal moaned in fake sadness, "aww is little Caly upset" I mocked pinching his cheek before he pushed me off, "get off me," he said laughing.  

It was around 2 hours later now and I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door, "come in!" I called and Cal walked in smiling wickedly Harry following him shaking his head. I'd been living with the two Cal's and Harry for years now and so when Lux wanted to live on his own and Cal and Harry were going to move in together somewhere else, I went with them. "Oh no, I'm scared now" I laughed looking at the two, "get ready and come to the living room I want to do a video with you" Cal smiled still smirking. "Okay, what does it involve?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "I want you to do a truth or drink with me" Cal laughed making me throw my head back, "do you know what? why not I'll be 5 minutes" I spoke making Harry look shocked and Cal smile widely "yes lass that's the spirit I'll get you in the living room!" and the two boys left so I could get ready.

I decided against makeup and just kept on my Krox hoodie and leggings but this time fixing my hair and putting it into a neat ponytail, I walked into the living room to be met by two chairs facing each other with a table in the middle and three cameras facing us. There was a bottle of Smirnoff on the table with the label put over it with the words 'definitily not booze' and Harry was sitting with cards in his hands obviously with questions on them. Cal was sitting on one of the chairs already with a sly smile on his face, I sat in front of him on Harry's left "let's do this then you pair of pricks" I laughed making Cal smile wider. I loved making Cal smile, something about it just gave me butterflies. "Welcome back everyone and today I'm here with two special guests Y/n and Haroldhino, today Harry will be asking me and Y/n very personal questions and if we choose not to answer we need to have a shot of this 'definitely not booze'" Cal explained whilst showing off the bottle and me and Harry, I waved at the camera with a nervous smile. "Right let's get on with it!" Harry butted in making me laugh, "I'm quite scared you know" I admitted looking at Cal who gave me a reassuring smile, "don't be!" he reached over and placed a hand on my leg quickly making my heart thunder in my ribcage. 

"Okay the first question is for Cal, do you prefer living with Y/n or me?" Harry asked and already I started laughing slightly, "easy Y/n" Cal answered making Harry give a face of hurt to the camera "wow I see how it is!" I patted Harry's shoulder sympathetically "there there Boggo" I pouted. "Okay next one is for you Y/n, kiss marry avoid with Freezy, Lux and me?" Harry smirked at me, I shook my head "first of all ew! and second of all Harry has a girlfriend who I adore so sorry but avoid Harry" I spoke gesturing to Harry who nodded saying fair, "okay now kiss marry with the two Cals" Harry laughed, "okay probably kiss Lux and marry Freezy cause he's wifey material and can cook" I said quickly. Cal smirked at me "I am wifey material ain't I," I nodded and smiled at him "plus you can cook and food is my real true love" I said looking at the camera. 

We were a few questions in and nothing too outrageous yet so Cal had taken 2 shots and I had taken 1 but I could tell something was coming up as Harry read on and looked way too excited for the next one, "okay the one we've been waiting for! Y/n this one is for you" Harry smirked evilly making me frown nervously "oh no I'm scared!" I giggled. "Okay Y/n, have you ever fancied someone in this room, and if so who?" Harry said putting the cards down on the table in excitement, my mouth flew open and my heart began to race and I felt my face beginning to turn red when Cal spoke, "oi that one's a madness" he laughed. "Uh..." I started before shaking my head and grabbing the shot glass, "Nah I'm drinking" I laughed before downing the shot quickly and feeling the burning liquor slide down my throat. Cal oo'ed and Harry's mouth flew open, "that means she has!" Harry spoke in shock, "shut up and move on" I mumbled squeezing my eyes shut from the kick of the 'definitely not booze'. I took a quick glance up to Cal and he was staring right back, when his eyes met mine I felt my face burn even more, "uh anyway next question" Harry spoke noticing Cal and I staring at one another. "Cal have you ever thought another YouTuber was fit and if so who?" Harry spoke before letting out a chuckle, "oh nelly!" Harry laughed. "Yes and all I'm saying is she's in our same friend group," Cal said looking back to Harry quickly breaking our eye contact, just as well as I could feel my face turn to one of disappointment, of course, Cal liked someone else. I'm such an idiot. Harry looked gobsmacked again "Jesus lad okay then," he said rubbing his hands together, "anyway I think after that we're going to leave it there!" Cal smirked and laughed at the camera, "enjoy the hints you stans and I'll see you in the next video!" Cal ended the video and turned off the camera. I still sat in my seat processing the new information slowly, "okay well I'm going back to my bed for a nap" Harry spoke quickly leaving Cal and me alone.

"Was it Harry?" Cal asked as he put the filming equipment away, I looked at him in shock before laughing "no way ew!" I cringed at the thought. Cal stopped abruptly and turned to me, "was it me then?" I looked at the floor quickly, "um yeah it was" I mumbled out quietly in embarrassment, "when and how long for?" Cal said this time his voice more shocked. I took a minute to think about my answer and decided to just be honest, "well I think from when we first started actually hanging out together it started and, well you tell me when it ended?" I laughed lightly at the end, Cal spun around to face me and this time I looked at him back, his face was filled with an expression I couldn't quite read but his cheeks were dusted lightly with pink. "Does that mean you still like me?" he asked walking towards me and I stood up, "well I mean yeah I guess" I couldn't hold his gaze anymore so looked back at my fingers and twiddled them together. Suddenly Cal took my hands in his and brought them to his lips kissing them lightly, "it was you" he said quietly making me look at him puzzled, "you're the girl I think is fit" he said this time beginning to smile, I felt myself brush furiously and smile wide. "Well, this has worked out well" I laughed as Cal brought me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me, he chuckled back "yeah it really has." We stood like that for a couple of minutes, just Cal with his arms around me tightly and me snuggling into his chest, that was until a cough interrupted us. I looked quickly to the door of the room and saw a smirking Harry, "took you both long enough" he groaned making Cal and I laugh.

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