𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣

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(A/N: Please send in requests in the comments, I'm begging x)

Your POV

I leaned against the counter exhausted and buried my head in my hands, sometimes it gets too hard. My attention was brought back however to the little blonde boy tugging on my legs, I bent down and scooped the little boy up peppering his face with kisses as he squirmed and giggled "mummy stop!" he begged, "go get your sister please Chase" I asked putting him back down. He wandered off towards his sister's room, I walked round to get their lunches out the fridge when I heard Lily and Chase come toddling back in. "Good boy Chase you go and sit at the table, okay and I'll get Lily," I said ruffling his hair, "and how is miss Lily today?" I picked up the smiling 2-year-old and placed her on my hip and continued to get their lunches ready. "Okay, Chase here is your extra special lunch with, how many carrot sticks?" I asked wanting Chase to count them out, "6!" he exclaimed after counting them, "and why is that?" I said beginning to smile and let Lily down in her seat, "that's how old I am mummy!" he shouted clapping his hands. I nodded at the little boy happy with his learning and continued to give Lily her lunch, "Simon!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me from his office. "Yeah babe?" he said walking into the kitchen/dining room and seeing us all eating, "daddy!" Chase called getting out his seat and running towards Simon, who picked him up and spun him around "little man!" Simon exclaimed back making Chase laugh excitedly at his dad. "After they finish this I think we should drop them off at your parents," I said as Simon put Chase down and began to fuss over Lily, "yeah sounds good to me" he smiled pulling a face at Lily making her giggle "daddy's silly!" she said making me laugh "you're right Lily he is" Simon turned to me smirking before striding towards me and wrapping his arms around me. "How are you anyway today?" he asked kissing my face numerous times lightly, "stressed, to be honest" I sighed rubbing my face, "please don't stress everything will be perfect" he reassured me, "I know you're right" I replied placing my arms around his neck. "Plus when we get drop them off we might actually be able to have some time alone" Simon laughed motioning back to the two giggling and carrying on at the table, I laughed and shook my head "watch out Mr. Minter" he just tutted "hmm we'll see Mrs. Minter" he winked, even after so long he still made my heart race and give me butterflies in my stomach. 

After a half an hour drive we finally pulled up at Simon's parents' house, I pulled a very sleepy Lily out the car and Simon got Chase bringing their bag of stuff with them. I knocked on the door and Simon's mum opened it quickly, "aw hello everyone!" she said looking at us all, "grandma!" Chase shouted running towards her and she enveloped him in a hug. "Hiya mum thanks for taking them again," Simon said placing all their bags down at the door and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "of course and how is my little lady?" she asked holding her arms out for Lily. I handed Lily over and watched her coo at the small child, "thank you again mama Minter" I spoke hugging her tightly, "please! me and papa Minter love taking them and you two need time just you two" she smiled and then told Chase to give us a hug and kiss goodbye. "You be a good boy of grandma and grandpa okay?" Simon said squatting down to hug Chase goodbye, I squatted down too, giving him a kiss on the cheek "and we'll come get you on Sunday, okay that's two days away" I smiled and turned to Lily giving her a gentle kiss goodbye as she was still sleeping in Simon's mum's arms. "Okay okay now get going you two!" She ushered us away, "thank you again mum, if there is any problems give us a call," Simon said as we both got in the car, I watched them wave from the door as we drove away. It made me feel a little sad watching Chase wave us goodbye and mama Minter holding Lily, Simon must've noticed or felt the same as he reached across and took my hand as he drove, "it's only two days they'll be fine" he assured and I squeezed his hand "will your parents be though?" I breathed out laughing and Simon joined in too.

When we got back last night all we did was sleep straight away from exhaustion, this morning I woke to light kisses all along my shoulder. "Morning" Simon spoke in his raspy morning voice I hummed and turned to face him, "good morning Si" he kissed me gently and then pulled away turning the TV on I looked to see he was putting on one of my favourite movies ever! "Simon you're so cute" I smiled at him placing kiss all along his jaw. He chuckled bringing me into his chest, "it's nice it being us two but it's weird without them" Simon spoke with a sad undertone, I nodded "I know but that's cause we love them and it's been so long since we were last without kids" I sighed snuggling into Simon more. "I know I mean I still remember you telling me you were pregnant" I felt him smile and chuckle at the memory, I giggled thinking of his face, "I thought you were going to faint" I laughed more this time patting his chest, "I thought I was too" he laughed. "You were the same when it came to Lily as well" I sat up facing him, "that's cause I was still dealing with toddler Chase when you told me we would be doing all that shit again!" he shouted throwing his hands up, "hey it was your own fault" I shrugged and he laughed "fair play," he said in surrender and kissing me again. 

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