𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣

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(A/N: okay so we hit 3k reads!!!! omg this is insane I never thought we would be this big so thank you all so freaking much I love you all, also I was thinking of doing a Beatles Imagines book or even proper fanfic with one of the sidemen boys but like I'm not sure so let ya girl know and as always pls request!)

Your POV

I shifted nervously in the leather car seat as scenery flew past me, my gaze shifted from the tall buildings whizzing past to my shaking hands. I nervously fidgetted them scratching at the flesh on the edge of my nail until I finally pierced through and the tiny slither of blood came seeping through. A loud tut came from my right making me look up into his piercing blue eyes, he was concentrating on the road but had looked at me momentarily to catch my bad habit in action. "You're not going to be statisfied until they're bleeding and painful" he scorned me like a misbehaving child, I could unly utter a small apology before exhaling shakily "I'm just nervous about meeting them." Simon's face contorted sympathetically before he side eyed me carefully "there is nothing to be nervous about Y/n/n," he comforted me placing his hand on my thigh making me flinch slightly at his cool hand on my exposed flushed skin, "they'll like you like I do" he continued and I quirked an eyebrow up at his statement. "Okay maybe not exactly like I do" he laughed making me giggle at his flushed face, "I know Si I'm only teasing" I patted his hand letting him know I was relaxing a little. "We're here by the way" he replied smiling, I looked out my window gulping a little as I took in the tall tower which held the 8 people I was shit scared to meet.

Most people when meeting there boyfriend or girlfriend meet them through common friends but not me and Simon, we met at a photoshoot Simon and Nick were having for their non profit organisation, M7 Education. We hit it off right away and his cheeky and sarcastic comments instantly made me fall for him, Nick could tell their was something between us and ended up pushing Simon to ask me out for some drinks, which I of course said yes to and well it went from there. 

So here we are now, me grasping Simon's hand tightly and securely as his other knocked loudly on the white framed door. My pulse quickened and my chest heived as I could hear someone approaching the door, the door finally opened widely revealing a smaller darker toned man with a broad smile and neatly trimmed 5 o'clock shadow. "Simon!" he exclaimed happily leaning towards Simon for a hug in greeting, "alright Tobi" Simon smiled back and I could see already how close he was to the man. "This must be the famous Y/n" the man I now knew as Tobi smiled at me offering his hand for me to take, I shook it politely smiling widely "nice to meet you Tobi" he nodded and stepped back to usher us inside.

Simon took my hand again as he pulled me beside him and into the flat, "they're through here" Tobi said waving us through to his open plan living room/kitchen. "You have a beautiful flat" I said politely and Tobi turned to me smiling wider than before, "thank you I take pride in it unlike my lazy brother" he rolled his eyes at the end causing Simon to chuckle, "Manny ain't even here and your giving him grief!" Before anyone could continue the conversation a loud voice caught us by surprise "Minter is here!" followed by whoops and cheers, the voice belonged to a large muscly ginger who leaned against Tobi's kitchen island with a beer bottle raised in the air, from what Simon has told me and photos I've been shown I guessed this was Ethan. "Hey guys" Simon called waving to the other 7 poeple scattered around the room, "this is my girlfriend Y/n" he introduced me and my breath hitched as I stupidly waved dumbfounded at the sudden attention of all the people. 

"Hiya gorgeous I'm Freya" a tall blonde girl said to me embracing me warmly before stepping to the side for a brunette girl to step forward, "hey I'm Katie lovely to meet you" she said sweetly also hugging me. Simon had left to join his friends and I was standing by the window with the two girls, "nice to meet you both" I said sweetly. "So how long have you and Simon been dating?" Katie asked smirking, I giggled at the twos sudden smirking faces before responding, "we've been officially dating for 4 weeks" I smiled feeling happy suddenly at the mention of my relationship. The two girls awwed and fussed over me for awhile and we got talking about each other, I found out Freya and Josh have been dating for nearly 10 years and Katie has been dating Harry for around 5 years which is the cutest.

I was mid conversation with the girls when Simon's voice called me over, he was sitting with the 6 boys all them looking at me smiling, I turned back to the two laughing girls "guess I'm being hollered" I sighed laughing and began walking over to the boys, the girls following behind me. I sat beside Simon, he was smiling at me widely and his eyes were glossed over with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "Hey" I said softly suddenly feeling very conscience of the eyes watching our every move. Simon wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, I smiled at his show of affection before turning to the boys. "Nice to meet you all by the way" the boys laughed before all introducing themselves and starting a conversation.

I was grabbing another drink from the fridge when two arms wrapped around my shoulders, "you're so beautiful" Simon whispered bringing me closer as I shut the fridge and turned to face him. Simon was staying sober as he was driving so it was comforting to know he fully meant what he was saying, I kissed his lips gently melting a little as he smiled against my lips, "thank you Si" I whispered back after breaking away from his hold. I went to walk away but he grabbed me pulling me back making me giggle a little too loudly and grabbing Freya and Josh's attention, "guess what" Simon smiled and I raised an eyebrow "what?" 

Simon leaned closer to me and I could feel his hot breath on my face giving me goosebumps, "I love you" he cooed, those three words dropped from his mouth so easily. I stood frozen a little at his sudden confession, "...Simon" I warned him, "I do Y/n so much, I love you so fucking much it's making me crazy, I was just waiting to see if you got on with that lot before telling you" he spilled out and I couldn't help but let a large grin creep it's way on my face. I leaned closer to him, "guess what Si" he urged me to continue his face flushing a little as I hadn't responded yet, "I love you too" he grinned largely before pulling me into another more passionate kiss. 

(A/N: I honestly don't know where I was going with this, I'm sorry it's so shitty but I've been having a really hard time thinking of ideas, but please let me know about the whole proper fanfic and beatles imagines thing!)

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