ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤=ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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(A/N: I'm taking requests still so please, I beg, request!!!)

Third Person POV

It was just a normal night as always when all of a sudden there was a loud and clear chap on Y/n's door, she reluctantly left the cocoon of warmth on her bed to drag herself to the door. She rubbed at the sleep in her eyes as she unlocked and opened the door in a tired daze, "hello?" she moaned before flickering her eyes open to meet the calming blue of the blonde she's known for years, "Harry what are you doing here?" she asked this time a little confused at the reason he was standing at her front door at 11 pm on a Tuesday night. "Shit did I wake you? I'm so sorry I can go" Harry rambled out cursing himself inwardly for waking her, he had turned around and was just about to walk away and back out into the cold London night when her light voice halted him, "don't be ridiculous it's fine, come in" she stepped to the side a little and opened the door wider for Harry to get past her and into the warmth of her flat.

They were sitting on Y/n's couch now, blankets surrounding them, and two cups of hot tea on the coffee table, along with a tea plate of biscuits. It was coming to the end of Autumn now so it was getting colder, Y/n shivered slightly at the cold air brushing against the exposed skin on her ankle between her fluffy pajama bottoms and fluffy socks. She took a deep breath after her gulp of hot tea, the contrast of cool air on her hot tongue made her sigh in comfort before turning back to a fidgeting Harry, his eyes were locked on the tea in front of him intently. "Not that I don't love you visiting Bog but what brings you here?" she asked timidly taking in his unusual composure. Harry broke his daydream to look back at her, his eyes reassuring her slightly not to become too worried about him, he suddenly felt overwhelming guilt as he thought about getting Y/n involved in his problems, especially after waking her from her obviously, enjoyable and peaceful slumber. "Oh, honestly it's nothing really... it's just stuff with Katie" he mumbled out looking back at the mug, Y/n shifted at the mention of Harry's long-term girlfriend. 

It's not that Y/n hated Katie, to be honest, Y/n didn't have it in her to hate the girl, as much as she wanted to she just couldn't. She just felt envious of Katie's relationship with Harry, at first she thought maybe it was the fact that Harry's attention wasn't purely focused on Y/n anymore but she soon realized to her dismay that it was so much more. She was no longer envious of harry's attention but envious of Harry's love towards Katie, she wanted that love, the love that she herself knew she could never have as long as Katie had him. This effected Y/n greatly and for a while, it pained her to even look at him, so she distanced herself, she pushed away from her best friend since they were 14. As much as she didn't want to throw away their friendship she couldn't continue it on unrequited feelings and potentially jeopardize a healthy and happy relationship. 

That was the thing though, for Harry it wasn't a healthy and happy relationship. Sure at the beginning things were great and it was amazing for him to feel the love and confidence he so greatly needed to be filled with, and he honestly did love Katie, but there was some part of him that told him it wasn't right. That there was something missing, he just could never put his finger on what it was. He remembers trying to explain that feeling to Lux but even he didn't truly know what to tell him to fix it, and for a while, Harry stopped trying to fix it, he pushed those confused and empty feeling to the back of his mind and it was only when he was alone at night did he think of them. But when Y/n, his best friend since they were 14 years old, started to push him away did these feelings start to become bigger and bigger, until one day when watching her chat with the boys, her y/h/c hair flowing perfectly as she laughed along, they finally made sense. At first, Harry didn't know what to do, he was stuck in a whirlwind of scenarios, and not one of them did he know how to go around the right way. Yet it wasn't until he was sitting down with Katie a week ago to break up with her did he finally feel that things were going in the right direction, was Katie heartbroken? of course she was, she loved Harry and Harry did love her but he loved someone more. Katie always knew that. She knew if it came down to either her or Y/n he would choose Y/n, always. It didn't make Katie resent Y/n in any way and maybe it's because Katie always knew that at one point she would have to let Harry go, she would have to let him go and be with his soulmate. And Y/n was his. 

"Katie? how is she I've not spoken to her in a while" Y/n said a little sad thinking about her declining Katie's requests at lunch many times the past couple of weeks, Harry swallowed a little before thinking of the best way to word his answer. "Oh, um she's okay I think, I wouldn't know we broke up last week actually" Harry admitted his gaze now shifting to his calloused fingers, Y/n was frozen at his words, her mind raced with possibilities but she refrained herself and scolded herself for thinking of her own selfish reasons before her heartbroken best friends. "Harry I'm so sorry I had no idea" Y/n whispered scooting closer to Harry and taking his cold hand in hers, they fit perfectly as his hand glided into hers as though it was always meant to be there, "it's fine honestly we both knew it had to happen sooner or later, we were both going down different roads, and well... never mind" Harry stopped himself biting down on his tongue harshly and shaking his head to stop himself from spurting more information. "Was there another reason?" Y/n questioned softly, watching his face blush slightly and his blue orbs meet hers, he was conflicted, he didn't know what do say, oh well now or never. "Yeah, there was actually," Harry said confidently, he didn't know where this sudden confidence came from but he did know that this felt right and that's all that mattered to him at this moment. Y/n raised her eyebrow ushering him to continue, she waited with bated breath as he tried to form a sentence, "she and I both realized something important" Harry stalled a little and Y/n's heart began to race, she ran through every possible answer he could reveal but nothing prepared her for his next words. "We both realized she wasn't you." 

(A/N: Part Two? let me know in the comments!)

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