𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕚 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟

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(A/N: as always pls request & this one is about the 'spill your guts or fill your guts' Sidemen video).

Your POV

I was relaxing in my room when Simon came running in excitedly, "can't you knock?" I moaned as I lay on my bed glaring at the tall blonde boy for interrupting my tranquility. "I would but this is important" he smiled back all giddily, "I'm scared when you get like this," I said pointing an accusing finger at him and squinting my eyes. Before I could question Simon further I heard the flat door open and footsteps running towards my room, panicking I threw a glance towards Simon before looking back to my door. Suddenly, Talia came flying in hitting the door in her rush towards me, "Y/n have you seen? Si have you shown her?" Talia rushed out smiling just as wide as Simon. "No but I'm about to show her anyway!" he said smiling before welcoming his girlfriend with a quick hug, "sorry but can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" I shouted bewildered at the current situation before me, I didn't get a worded response only Talia grabbing my open MacBook and getting youtube up. 

I looked in confusion at Simon but all he did was chuckle and nod towards Talia typing furiously on the laptop, Talia squealed excitedly before passing me back my computer. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I looked at the newest Sidemen video on my screen, "if you wanted the views could've just said" I said sarcastically at Simon who just flipped me off laughing, "just click play you muppet." I sighed and pressed the space bar and started to watch the video.

Tobi was sat across from Simon at a round table filled with different containers and plates with foil over them, I was a bit confused at first as to why they wanted me to watch this. I tried to stifle a laugh at Simon eating pigeon but failed miserably making him huff, Talia had now joined my side and was watching intently too except she kept looking between me and the screen, I felt like a zoo animal. I looked back at the screen to see Simon spinning the table and putting an array of bugs in front of Tobi, I made a face of disgust before watching Tobi intently with a small smile. I always had been really close with Tobi and there was something about him I didn't feel with the other boys, not to mention that he's extremely hot. I admired his facial features intently before snapping my thoughts back to the two boys laughing in the video, "okay Tobi your question is..." Simon said trying to hold back a smile as he built up the tension. "Come on mate I'm dying here!" Tobi exclaimed making everyone laugh and Simon start back up again "do you fancy anyone the now? and if so who?" Simon finally asked and I watched as Tobi's smile dropped and his eyes widened. 

I tried not to show how interested I was in his answer too much cause then Talia and Simon might pick up on something, my heart began to race a little and I could feel my palms becoming sweaty as I thought about why Simon and Talia would be so excited for me to watch this. Tobi looked like he was in deep thought for a minute before he looked up to meet Simon's quizzical eyes, "you've done me here Si" he moaned leaning back in his chair covering his face with his hands. Simon laughed menacingly "just answer it Tobi" he coaxed and Tobi dropped his hands in defeat, "fine yeah Y/n" he answered simply before the boys all roared in shock that he admitted it and excitement that he finally did so. I, however, froze, my mouth dropped into an o-shape and my eyes widened. I couldn't process this, there was no way that Tobi liked me! right? this was probably one big publicity thing to get views.

After breaking my state of stillness I looked to Talia my expression still in shock, she just smiled and hugged me "I told you he liked you" she spoke making Simon turn to her, "you knew?" Simon asked. "Of course I did they're both so obvious it hurts!" Talia groaned making my mouth widen more, "I was obvious?" I asked gobsmacked making Simon and Talia both laugh. We were interrupted however by the door going, I got up to go get it and leave the couple to squabble over who knew about Tobi and me like each other first.

"Hell-"  I started as I opened the door but got cut off by lips on mine, I pulled away quickly to see who the stranger was. I was in shock to see Tobi standing there with roses in his arms, "Y/n I'm sor-" he started before I cut him off by placing my lips back on his in a hungry kiss. "Don't apologize just come in" I spoke between kisses, "I should've told you" he mumbled out making me giggle lightly "I should've told you too". "Nice to see you two 'talked'" Talia smirked standing in the doorway of the living room with Simon smirking as well behind her, she put emphasis on talked before laughing walking away. Simon just gave Tobi a thumbs up which made Tobi and me both blush furiously, "you're welcome by the way!" Simon called as he trailed down the hall after Talia. Tobi chuckled at his friend before turning to me, "so where were we?" he asked with a wink making me giggle and blush, even more, I placed my arms around his neck and we joined again in a gentle but loving kiss.

(A/N: Sorry this sucks and it's so rushed but I wanted to get it done before tonight and I'm way too excited about Hamilton coming out on Disney+!! anyway enjoy)

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