ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕞 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: this is a request for @bunnymoo2005 so thank you for requesting! Also, the amount of reads is crazy so thank you!)

Your POV

"Cal!" I shouted my voice echoing through the quiet apartment, I was currently standing on my tiptoes trying to reach a box of cookies, why they were up there in the first place baffled me. I sighed and spun around, no sign of Cal, "Callum Airey!!" I shouted louder this time and all of a sudden his head popped from around the corner. I gave him a big pouty face before motioning to the box miles beyond my reach "can you help me please?" I asked in a baby voice, he smirked and quirked an eyebrow "you need my help?" he asked cockily walking towards me, I snorted at his comment before tearing my gaze away from his icy blue eyes to the box of delicious treats.

"Cal please can you get the cookies for me?" I asked and placed a hand on his upper arm and batting my eyelashes in a flirty manner, "god as if I could say no to you" Cal huffed trying to hide a small smile tugging at his lips. "You know you love me!" I grinned as he reached up for the cookies, "true" he shrugged and placed a kiss on my head and handing me the box, "Cal..." I trailed off as he walked away from me and back to his room. He turned to face me with his face contorting into one of confusion "yes love?," I smirked playfully before putting the cookies on the counter and walking towards him. "Alexa play my playlist!" I yeled to the small lit up speaker in the corner, Cal started laughing "really now?" I just nodded grabbing his arm "uhhuh!" 

Alexa obeyed my commands and started blasting my music, I giggled and twirled around with Cal. He delicately held my hand and spun me away from him before pulling me sharply into his chest and swaying exaggeratedly, we were both laughing hysterically at Cal's 'smooth moves'. 

"GOD LIKE FUCKING YOUR BITCH DRINKS ON ME AND SHE'S TAKING A SIP" I shouted at the top of my lungs, "DIAMONDS ON MY NECK WATCH ME FLEX YEAH LOOK AT THE WRIST" Cal rapped back making wild hand gestures to follow. I laughed and admired how much Cal got into the song, not to mention how hot he looked rapping. The song finished and I done a massive bow but lost balance and tumbled to the marble floor, smacking my head off the cabinet door in the progress. 

"Fuck" I cursed before letting out small gasps of laughter, "shit are you okay?" Cal asked hurriedly rushing to me and checking my head, he held my face in his hands and I relaxed under his gentle touch. "I'm fine babe" I laughed louder this time "I'm just such a clutz," Cal dropped his head starting to chuckle "never a dull moment with you" I grinned wider at his comment and tried to stand up but failed miserably causing Cal to scoop me up in his arms and sit me on the counter.

"You're sure you're okay?" Cal asked this time his eyes bore into mine with worry, "I'm fine Cal trust me" I reassured placing a hand on his chest, he held my hand in his and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Maybe we should get you to bed?" he began and started to help me down but I stopped him with a swift hand, "eh I think the fuck not I'm not done with my dance party!" I exclaimed sliding off myself and returning to dance to the music still playing. Cal looked at me baffled before chuckling and finally succumbing and joining in on dancing to the cheesy tiktok songs filling the room.

After a while both Cal and I were exhausted, we had danced our hearts out and were both ready for bed, not to mention my head was definitely beginning to hurt. Sleepily I fell into Cal's arms but he caught me and held me close, "one more dance?" I begged sleepily staring into Cal's eyes, "of course love."  

"Okay Alexa play 'Something' by The Beatles" Cal said and turned so that Alexa could hear his request clearly, I smiled broadly at the song as it was our song that we would always dance to together.

Soon the sound of Ringo Starr's drumming filled the room followed by George Harrison's soft voice "something in the way she moves" Cal reached his hand out to me in a formal way, "may I have this dance?" I blushed lightly before nodding "you may indeed" I took his soft hand in mine and we instantly went into a slow dance position. "Attracts me like no other lover" I lay my head on his chest and just contently listened to his heartbeat, "something in the way she woo's me" I happily let Cal lead me around the kitchen both just relaxed in each other's arms. "I don't want to leave her now-" George's singing got cut off by Cal's voice, "I love this you know" he said sighing a little, I looked up smiling at him, he had a glint in his eyes and I could honestly look at them all day and all night. "I love this too" I replied squeezing him tighter, "no like I really love this and this is what I want to do for the rest of my life" Cal carried on slowing the dancing so I could process each of his words carefully. "I want us to get married have a family and you still need me to get you the cookies down from the high shelf or dance in the kitchen to our song" Cal rambled on and I felt my eyes glaze over with tears, "I want all of that too Cal" I said and removed my hands from our stance to place them on his face. 

I gave him a gentle kiss and he smiled back, "let's get to bed" Cal spoke softly and sleepily before taking my hand and guiding me to our room, "I swear I'm concussed" I spoke suddenly making Cal laugh loudly, "I wouldn't be surprosed you hit that cabinet so hard!" 

(A/N: I'm so sorry this sucks so bad!! If you wish for me to redo it I will)

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