𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣

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(A/N: wow 1.5k reads! I never thought this would actually become something so I'm baffled but thank you all so much! pls, request I'm forever struggling lol, also let's pretend the sidemen house still exists in this! x)

Your POV

I giggled along with Freya as we got out of her car, Frey picked me up at mine earlier on as we were both staying the night at the sidemen house, I was only wearing a sidemen hoodie and jeans with my white airforces and my overnight bag slung over my shoulder. "I can't believe Simon didn't tell you what he's done to the house!" Freya exclaimed with a wide grin as she basically ran to the front door, "well whatever it is must be exciting enough for you to forget to lock your car" I smirked back at her as her eyes widened in realization and pointing her keys at her car, "Oh god Josh would've killed me" I chuckled at her response before joining her at the door. 

"Hello" I called as I flung my bag down on the floor but no one answered, I turned to Freya with my eyebrows knitted together in confusion, she just shrugged and put her bag down next to mine and strode over to the staircase. I followed swiftly behind her as we made our way up to the boys' rooms, "I'll check for Simon" I said as I left Freya to climb the rest of the stairs to Josh's room. I quietly and slowly opened Simon's door and peered inside, Simon was sitting recording gameplay for 'The Wolf Among Us' which was his newest series on mm7 games. I placed a finger to my lips and winked at the camera as I slowly and quietly crept towards Simon, he was too immersed in the game to notice me creeping towards him, I smirked at the camera once more. I quickly placed my hands on his shoulder whilst shouting "boo!" from behind him, he jumped in his chair "shit!" before spinning around with his face drained of colour, I burst out laughing and stumbled back to his bed. "Please keep that in!" I called between laughs pointing to his camera, he just broke into a grin and began to laugh, "that's going to end up everywhere!" he moaned throwing his arms up. "Aw I'm sorry but it was too tempting not to," I said pushing myself off the bed and walking towards him, "I'll forgive you if I get a kiss" Simon reasoned smirking at me as he stood out his chair. I giggled at him before placing my arms around his neck and giving him a short but sweet kiss before he pulled back suddenly, "oh my god you've not seen downstairs!" he exclaimed excitement pouring out of him, "what have you done now?" I moaned as he paused his game and recording and grabbing my hand. 

"Come on and you'll see!" he shouted as he pulled me swiftly down the stairs and towards a room with the door shut tightly, he stopped outside it and turned to me with a large smile embedded on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "I've got a surprise for you," he said softly making me take a step back, "I'm scared now Si," I said uncertainty lacing my tone. "Don't be babe it's good" he reassured pulling me towards the door again, "okay I trust you but if this is scary don't think I won't hesitate to chop your balls off" I warned pointing a finger at his chest, he gulped nervously before laughing and opening the door for me to look inside. 

I nervously looked around Simon and into the room, at first I noticed all the blankets and toys littered around the room which puzzled me but then that's when I saw him, the most beautiful little Australian sheepdog puppy. I gasped loudly and ran over to the little puppy who was lying on a little blanket in the middle of the room, "Si he's gorgeous!" I said taking the little dog in my arms and cooing at him, "he is isn't he" Simon smiled joining us on the floor and stroking the dog calmly. "I love him but who's is he?" I questioned my gaze never leaving the puppy's blue orbs, "he's ours" Simon answered simply and my head snapped to him quickly, "really?!" I asked excitedly as I placed the dog down carefully, Simon nodded beginning to chuckle and I leaped into his arms peppering his face with kisses. "I love him so much Si!" I spoke between kisses as Simon just chuckled underneath me, "I'm glad but you need to name him" Simon said struggling to sit up. I swiftly got off him and turned back to the excited puppy playing around in front of us, "Simba" I said looking back to see Simon's reaction. He looked almost shocked, "Simba really?" he asked an even bigger smile appearing on his lips, "well you always said you loved that name and I love you so" I explained avoiding his stare with a blush coating my cheeks. No matter how long I've known and been with this boy he still gives me butterflies and makes me blush, I felt a hand lift my face towards Simon's and he kissed me passionately, "I love you so much Y/n" he said after we broke apart and regained our breath. "I love you more Simon and I love Simba too," I said smiling brightly and gently bringing the dog in for a hug, "our own little family already" I smiled before I quickly regretted it, I looked up into Simon's big blue eyes "not that we need to have a family I jus-" I started to ramble nervously before Simon interrupted me, "our own little family." I grinned back at him and turned to Simba, god I love my life. 

(A/N: sorry this one is really short but I wanted to post tonight and this was an idea I've had for awhile)

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