𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕒 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕪

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A/N: I just wanna say a massive thank you for 101 views like wow! I'm sorry these are all still so bad but hopefully they will get better, I'm struggling for ideas already so please request in the comments, also sorry this is a long one.  x :)

Your POV

I was packing mine and Josh's camera equipment into a suitcase when I felt arms wrap around my waist, "this is never going to get packed if you don't let me go" I laughed holding his hands on my waist. "I just wanna cuddle," he said snuggling his head into the crook of my neck, "Josh as much as I'd love to we leave in an hour for the road trip" I reasoned pulling away, much to Josh's dismay as he let out a huff. As Josh was in charge of the $10000 vs $100 road trip video this week as was I, as normal I was tagging along to help film and stuff. 

An hour later we were all standing together in the middle of London, the boys all stood facing Josh as I stood slightly behind him filming. "Hello everyone how are we all doing?" Josh asked cheerily starting the video, "fuck you!" JJ responded which basically set the tone. As we sorted them into teams and gave them their envelopes and team colors, we all said goodbye and split up. "They're going to kill you," I said to Josh as they walked away, "you mean they'll kill us, you helped set it up!" Josh said laughing. I just chuckled and packed my camera away in my backpack before Josh took my hand and we walked towards the green teams parking garage.

After around 10 minutes after we got there, we saw Harry, Tobi, and Vik round the corner, "fancy seeing you here, is it a top gear reference?" Vik asked walking towards us. Josh just shook his head and pointed inside, "who are you pointing at?" Tobi asked, "Y/n will you tell us please!" Harry asked turning to me. "Hey leave me out of this!" I shouted putting my free hand up in surrender, "go in!" Josh said ushering the boys inside. 

Josh and I weren't traveling with the boys though, he and I decided to drive up alone. As we reached Josh's car I threw the bags in the back and got in the passenger side, Josh flashed me a smile and fastened his seatbelt. We were driving for only a couple of minutes before the group chats started going wild, the green team was loving life but the yellow team was just swearing and saying the car wasn't legal to drive as well as calling fifteen minutes later letting us know that was them just out the car park. I laughed at them and read them out to Josh before replying to some of them, "I'm glad we get to do this together" Josh said placing a hand on my thigh but still looking ahead. "So am I Josh," I said smiling widely at my boyfriend, "I was thinking about our future the other day..." Josh said trailing off and I turned to face him my eyebrow quirking upwards, "oh really like what?" I said interested, "like getting married and having kids, ya know all that adult stuff." I laughed as he said adult stuff but not a mocking laugh, an adoring one, "Josh I can't wait for all that too," I said grabbing his hand which now rested on the armrest in the middle. "I love you," Josh said giving me a quick look, "I love you too" I replied before turning to look out the window again. 

It was hours later now and we had pulled up at the shopping center, we stood inside waiting on the boys, Josh wrapping his arms around me again. "Here they come!" Josh shouted laughing, I whipped around seeing an already tipsy Harry walk in the building Tobi and Vik next to him. At first, they didn't see us but then Tobi caught sight of us two and stopped dead in his tracks before running over to us alerting the other boys. Tobi jumped into Josh's arms and  Harry ran right into me throwing his arms around me. "Fancy seeing you here!" Josh said before Harry hugged him too, "I see yous got into the alcohol," I said laughing at Harry's antics, "how much is this?"Vik asked, "£1000" Josh said turning to Vik. We left the boys to run about buying stuff like crazy before the other team let us know they had arrived. 

As the boys moaned about how they don't trust us we spotted their car and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The green team went mental running towards the other as a very grumpy Simon sat shaking his head, that's when everything escalated and Harry ran up jumping on the roof of the car. "Harry oh my god!" we all were shouting as Simon and JJ ran out, "are you trying to kill me!" JJ shouted. Josh went over to inspect the car as I turned to Simon filming his reaction, that's when I saw Simon walk towards the bag which Harry's toy car was in. "Not the Lambo!" Vik shouted as a horror-stricken Harry and Tobi looked between the bag and Simon, "you stand on our car we stand on yours" Simon said as I tried to suppress a giggle. "To be fair that's justified," Vik said before Ethan came up kicking the bag over to Simon who stood on it some more, "oh no," I said knowing this wasn't going to end well. Harry ran towards the car jumping on top of the bonnet only to slip straight back off and fall backward bashing his head. All the boys freaked out some laughing hysterically others checked the car and asked if Harry was okay, "holy shit are you okay?" I asked walking towards Harry and checking his head as Josh came over panicked, "I'm fine I'm fine!" Harry said trying to laugh it off, "are you sure that looked like it hurt!" Josh said taking a glance at his head again. 

It was hours later now and we all were chilling in one of the rooms when the fire alarm started blaring, I grabbed onto Josh and he held me close. I noticed that none of the boys or staff seemed as panicked as I which confused me, when we all were outside fireworks started going off making everyone cheer and making a wide smile appear on my face. I let go of Josh as I admired the sky but that's when I realized that JJ was smiling crazily and filming me, confused I turned to Josh, but he wasn't standing next to me. He was kneeling down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand with the most gorgeous diamond ring, I gasped and flung my hand to my mouth feeling tears slide down my cheeks. "Y/n you make me the happiest I've ever been, as soon as I first saw you I knew that we were meant to be. You're the most caring, funny, beautiful, and patient person I know and I don't know how you've put up with me for so long," I watched Josh as he stared into my eyes, tears clouding his vision as he blinked them away. "So Y/n L/n will you marry me?" Josh finished looking warily at me, "yes, of course, I'll marry you!" I shouted smiling as Josh placed the gorgeous ring on my finger and stood up. I flung myself into his arms and kissed him passionately, the boys whooped as I smiled against Josh's lips. "I love you so fucking much," I said pulling away from Josh to look at my ring, "I love you too and I can't wait for our future." 

Shortly after JJ's phone rang and it was Simon asking if Josh had done it yet, JJ explained that we were now engaged and I could hear them all shouting and congratulating us through the phone. I said thank you to them all before phoning Talia and Gee, letting them know which they all freaked out about. It wasn't till Josh and I were cuddled in bed both smiling that I realized, I was marrying my best friend. 

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