𝔼𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 ℙ𝕒𝕪𝕟𝕖

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A/N: Okay so this is crap :) also pls request xoxo

Your POV

"Eth!" I shouted running into his arms, "ay Y/n!" he replied engulfing me in his arms. "How you been?" he asked pulling away, "you know same old boring life," I shrugged still smiling widely at my best friend. I had been living in Australia for the past year and I was finally back home to my friends and family, "I missed you ya know!" he said letting me go finally and grabbing my suitcase. "I did too a lot actually," I said smiling at him, "I should think so!" he laughed his signature laugh and I could've just melted then and there. "C'mon we'll drop these off then we'll head out to Nandos yeah?" he asked walking towards the car, "sounds good to me!" I replied jumping in the passenger seat. 

We pulled into Ethan's flat and I noticed quite a lot of cars, "geez Eth how many people live in this place!" I laughed as he just shook his head "nah one of the neighbors sells cars," he replied taking the keys out the ignition, "ahhh makes sense then!" I jumped out of the car and tried to get my case before Ethan shooed me away, "I'll get it you muppet!"  I grinned and shook my head at Mr. Muscles over here. The lift only took a few seconds and before I knew it I was opening Ethan's door to his flat and walking through with Ethan following closely behind, I turned away from Ethan to look forward when all of a sudden the lights switched on revealing all of my friends "SURPRISE!" they all shouted pulling party poppers. I screamed and covered my face before smiling widely at everyone and running to them, "Freya! Mia! Talia! Gee! Katie!" I shouted before engulfing my best friends in a group hug, "we missed you!" Mia said pulling away lightly, "I missed you all too!" I responded.

I was just thanking and catching up with everyone when I reached Simon and Josh laughing in the corner, "what up dicks!" I shouted smiling at them as they shouted back "here she is!" Simon said hugging me before Josh did too, "how did yous even plan this?" I laughed at the massive group of people all in Ethan's flat. "It was all Ethan we only got told what time to be here for!" Josh said looking at Simon, "really he didn't need to do that for me!" I sighed, "I think he would do anything for you Y/n!" Simon laughed before receiving a sharp kick on the shin and glare from Josh, "what do you mean Si?" I asked looking at them both skeptically. "Well he loved you innit?" he said taking a glug of his drinks as Josh sighed, "god Simon really!" he shouted before turning to me. "He wasn't supposed to tell you but c'mon you must see it too Y/n!" Josh said leaning forward so I could hear him over the music, "see what Josh?" I asked clueless, "that Ethan loves you... in more than a friend way." I could feel my jaw drop and my cheeks burn, I felt hot and panicky all at once, "I need some air!" I shouted spinning to get away from the two intoxicated boys.

I was standing on Ethan's balcony when I felt someone pull me inside, "think we should talk yeah?" it was Ethan who asked. "Probably yeah!" I shouted over the music, he started leading to a quieter room in the flat. When he opened his bedroom door I instantly sat on the bed staring ahead, adapting the information still. "Look Y/n-" Ethan started before I cut him off "is it true? that you love me?" He looked down and gulped, "you weren't meant to find out Y/n." I stood up "so you just weren't gonna tell me!" I shouted looking at him, "of course I was just not right now!" Ethan shouted back moving his arm around, "Ethan how long?" was all I asked, "4 years now" I looked baffled at him, "Ethan." He just turned away, "I don't want your pity remarks, I know you don't feel the same." I didn't know what to do, either way nothing will be the same. "Eth I-" I started before I stopped, "Y/n it's fine just enjoy your party yeah?" he responded before leaving the room and clicking the door shut behind him. I just started crying, the tears kept coming and coming. What have I done, why didn't I tell him I felt the same. I have done for 4 years too! The girls all came rushing in hugging me and asking what happened.

After the girls cleaned me up and redone my makeup, I joined the party again. I could see Ethan doing shots in the corner but chose not to approach him right now. I joined Will, Harry, and Freezy dancing on the floor, I just wanted to let my hair done and enjoy some time with my friends. After drinking and dancing all night everyone decided to slowly but surely leave, it was only Ethan, myself, Harry, and Katie. "Are you two gonna just sort shit out and get together?" Harry asked, "Harry!" Katie scolded before apologizing, "it's fine Katie ahah Bog get yourself home and in bed!" I laughed helping Katie usher Harry out the door. Once they had left I huffed and started to tidy the flat up.

"You don't need to do that you know," I heard Ethan say behind me, "I know but you know what I'm like!" I laughed continuing to put rubbish in a black bag. "Let me help," he said starting to tidy away glasses and bowls of food, I absent-mindedly started humming. "I really did miss you Y/n," Ethan said, I turned to see him standing close behind me, "I missed you too... so much" I tried to not cry. Slowly I inched closer, "I'm so-" Ethan started before I cut him off again this time with a kiss, we both relaxed into it, it was a kiss we had needed for a while. It was perfect, he was perfect. "Y/n L/n!" Ethan gasped jokingly after we pulled apart, "shut up or that'll be the only one you gey!" I said throwing an empty plastic cup his way. We continued to laugh and clean the rest of the night, both of us excited and happy for what was to come.

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