𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: pls request!!!)

Your POV

I walked into mine and Will's bedroom before sitting down next to him dramatically in front of his computer set up and recording camera, I glared at a nervous looking Will staring at the camera. "So..." I started crossing my arms over raising my eyebrows before Will looked at me smiling but still slight fear in his eyes, "sorry?" Will questioned before we both cracked up laughing. "Right that's perfect I'll cut in my intro after that explaining the idea and everything" Will said smiling as he foxed the camera again to get us both in properly, "okay that's fine" I laughed leaning closer to Will and placing a hand on his thigh. "I'm excited" I said laughing a little at the situation, "trust me you shouldn't be" Will warned before standing up and going to retrieve the first box.

Will returned seconds later, shakily holding a flat cardboard box with a photo of anime Belle Delphine on the front I'm guessing, "okay so what do you think is in this?" Will questioned smiling at me. I examined the box and the weight of it before humming slightly, "I don't know maybe like a canvas painting?" I guessed uncertainty in my voice, Will exhaled with a little laugh "not exactly" he opened the front to reveal a dart board with Jill Hudson's face on it. My hand flew to my mouth in shock "oh my god!" I let out a loud laugh as I took the board away from Will and look more closely at the weird photo of Jill she had used, "oh no this is going up in the room isn't it" I groaned and Will laughed nodding "definitely!" 

He then proceeded to show me loads of different trinkets, guns, darts and just some weird stuff Belle had sent my boyfriend.

"Just saying this one is mental" he warned before he presented a small ring box on one knee, "is this you proposing" I laughed smirking at Will's panicked expression, "p-proposing?" Will stuttered with wide eyes, I just laughed patting him gently "I'm kidding geez." I opened the box to reveal a small chain with what seemed to be a vial of some red liquid, I instantly held it as far away as possible from me with a disgusted face, "WILL WHAT IS THAT?" I squealed trying to pass it off to him, he was on th floor still but was holding his chest belly laughing at my reaction. I took a little glance at it again before looking back to the camera sickened, "William Lenney has she sent you her blood?" I questioned with a pissed tone making Will move to beside me nervously again. I shot him a glare and he threw his hand up in surrender "don't look at me I don't know" he blurted out quickly and I squinted my eyes at him accusingly before passing him the box back, "get that away before I throw up and you have a seizure again oh wait that's only when Noel is talking about his dick" I joked a little teasing him about his condition, "shut it!" he called from behind me making me laugh.

After he showed me the weird video Belle made licking whipped cream off the inflatable donut and I commented "thanks I hate it" before flipping the camera off. "Okay that's it for today thnks for watching" Will ended his video before turning it all off and turning to me, "thank you for doing this, I know it's a little weird" I raised my eyebrows, "okay maybe a big bit weird but I appreciate it" Will said taking my hand and kissing the back of it tenderly. "I know Will it's fine, just don't go running off with her" I joked smiling at his grinning face, "I won't be running off with anyone don't worry, you're stuck with me."

It was later on that night and I was sitting flipping through channels on the TV when Will came strolling in and flopped down next to me, his long brown curly locks flopping over his forehead and face, I ran my hand through them softly and brushed them back so I could see his dazzling eyes. "I'm exhausted" he groaned turning over and nuzzling his head into my side, "I know you are babe let's go to be" I cooed standing up and practically dragging Will with me. 

I snuggled myself under the comfy white cover next to Will, his expression was tranquil and I could see in his deep sunken eyes he needed a good nights sleep. He must've caught me admiring him as he gently pulled me into his chest and kissed my forehead, "goodnight love" he whispered sleepily, "goodnight I love you" I whispered back before I drifted off to sleep listening to the steady pace of Will's heart.

(A/N: once again sorry for how bad this is but I loved Will's video a couple of weeks ago and thought this would be funny, also I feel my writing is getting worse idk, lmk what you guys think) 

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