𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: Holy shit 5k reads! I can't even thank you all enough I could never imagine this getting as big as it has! As always please request!)

I've changed a few things for the benefit of the story, sorry in advance!

Your Pov

I impatiently drummed my fingers on my thigh with one hand, the other comfortably in Will's soft hand. His thumb rubbing the back of my hand soothingly, "bloody hell calm down Y/n they'll be out soon" Will's geordie voice quipped out, I turned flashing  him an excited smile "I know I'm just excited!" He let out a chuckle squeezing my hand tighter, as a present for my birthday Will had bought me tickets to see Cody Ko and Noel's London show, I've always been a huge fan of theirs, and when Will gave me the tickets I thought I was going to pass out. I turned to my other side to Simon Minter, who was here with his girlfriend Talia, "I can't believe Cody and Noel are behind that fucking curtain" I gaped looking back up to the stage, I could hear Simon laughing at me along with Will and Talia. "You're such a little fangirl" Simon teased earning a swift kick by me to the shin, "let me go call Logan Paul for you real quick" I quipped back making Will throw his head back laughing and Talia high five me across Simon who was shaking his head laughing. 

After what felt like an eternity, the curtain rose revealing the two men standing on the brightly lit stage smiling, I felt my stomach flip as I cheered along with the crowd, no doubt I was one of the loudest there. I swear Will watched me more than the show, I could feel his eyes piercing the side of my face, a few times I caught him but he would only either wink or smile wider. At the midway intermission, Will leaned closer to my ear so I could hear him more clearly, "enjoying it so far?" my cheeks were hurting from smiling and laughing so much but they stretched yet again as I flashed him a smile, "I'm loving it thank you." I leaned in and gently kissed him, I felt him smile against my lips and for a second I forgot where we were and got lost in the moment with Will, it wasn't till we were rudely interrupted by Simon and Talia making kissy noises that we ripped apart. "Dick" I cussed at Simon who was still puckering his lips at me, he just laughed and turned back to the stage as the two came back out.

It wasn't very long left in the show when it suddenly took a turn, I knew all about Will's condition, and being together for so long meant I've had my fair few shares of incidents shall we say. On saying this, it hadn't happened for a while and we've been to JJ's fights and all sorts and been fine, so the last thing I expected was for it to happen whilst Noel was telling a story about getting circumcised. 

I was laughing along, wiping a few tears from my eye at the story when all of a sudden I felt Will's arm drape across my body tensely. I tore my eyes away from the duo to be met with Will's face scrunched up and rapidly shaking his head upwards, "fuck Will" I cooed quietly taking his face in my hands to try and calm him. "Is everything okay down there?" Cody suddenly asked stopping mid talking, "he's having a seizure" I shakily responded, but not for the fact my idol just spoke to me but for the fact, my boyfriend was having a seizure. "Come on Will deep breaths" he slowly started to calm down and I could tell he was trying to shake it off now, his head stopped moving violently and he was now clinging to me blinking. "Babe, you're okay" I assured rubbing his arm soothingly, "holy shit are you alright, what's your name man?" Noel asked from the stage gesturing for the medical staff to come to get Will. Will stuttered a little as he came back around, his eyes widened in realization he panicky looked between me and the stage, "Will" he spoke softly. "That's fucking WillNE" Cody realized pointing out and Noel looked a bit taken aback, fuck so it is! get him backstage and checked out" he basically ordered. I helped Will up and he put an arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around his too, he was quite shaky so I had to guide him. His head lazily fell on top of mine as we walked to the back.

"I'm sorry I ruined your night" Will mumbled sadly as he sat on a sofa with a bottle of water, I tutted before taking a seat next to him, "don't be ridiculous I'm just so glad you're okay Will" I took his hand in mine placing a kiss to it. His face was regaining a little colour from the pale white he was before, "you should be out there enjoying the show not back here dealing with your pussy boyfriend who can't even listen to a story about someone getting circumcised!" Will groaned rubbing his face. Although at the time it wasn't funny I couldn't help but let out a giggle, "god I can't wait for you to tell this story on your channel" I teased bringing the mood up and making us burst into laughter. "I don't know what I would've done without you there" Will admitted looking deep into my eyes, under his gaze I felt quite bashful and suddenly took a lot of interest in my chipped nail polish on my fingers, "you would've been fine." "It would've taken me a lot longer to come round, it was you that comforted me, knowing you were there" Will continued lifting my chin to look at him, "I love you" he whispered quietly and meaningfully, I leaned closer pressing a kiss to his lips softly, "I love you more." 

(A/N: Just a little short one tonight but I had an inspiration and I wanted to post about hitting 5k and I don't like posting an update with no imagine so here ya go!)

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