𝔼𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 ℙ𝕒𝕪𝕟𝕖

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(A/N: Happy Birthday JJ and Ethan! Here's a little Ethan one ♡)

Your POV

I slowly crept into Ethan and mine's bedroom, trying not to spill anything on the tray I was carrying. I placed the tray on the table and tiptoed to the bed where Ethan lay sleeping and gently shook him, his eyes fluttered open and a groan escaped his lips as the sun beamed through the windows illuminating his features. I smiled at him "good morning babe happy birthday" I placed a kiss on his forehead making him chuckle and pull me in for a hug, "thank you gorgeous" he kissed my hair making me let out a giggle at his compliment. "Here I made you some breakfast" I beamed walking over to get his food, "what did I do to deserve you hmm?" Ethan asked as he shifted to sit up properly still rubbing his eyes. I placed the tray down delicately on the bed in front of him, I made him some healthy pancakes with a bowl of fruit and a coffee. He smiled down at the breakfast making my heart explode with pride that he enjoyed my little setup, "this is amazing thank you so much" Ethan said flashing me a smile and pulling me into his side again, "just eat up and get ready I have some surprises for you!" I winked before grabbing my clothes and going to get ready.

Ethan and I walked through the park together holding hands and giggling at random things, I pulled him towards where I was mean to meet the guys and put my hands over his eyes. "What are you doing?" he laughed putting his hands out cautiously, I laughed at his actions "just stand here okay?" I held him in place and waved Simon, Josh, JJ, Tobi, Vik, and Harry over to where we were standing, they all stood at a safe distance and all were wearing masks and gloves. "Okay ready... 3,2,1 open them" I exclaimed and he did as he was told, "surprise!" the lads shouted all smiling widely at their friend, "holy shit! I missed you guys!" Ethan shouted his hands flying to his head. I watched on as he spoke to his friends for the first time in months, "how did you all plan this?" Ethan asked smiling widely, "it was all Y/n" Tobi said gesturing to me with the rest of the guys nodding along in agreement. Ethan turned to me in shock, "you done all this?" he asked and I nodded shrugging "the least I could do with your birthday being in lockdown and all" I answered. Ethan wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug "thank you this is the best thing you could've done" Ethan whispered in my neck as we hugged, I giggled at the vibration and pulled away lightly "go talk to your friends E and I'll see you later yeah?" I encouraged before waving goodbye to the boys and walking back to our flat. 

It was around 3 hours later when Ethan returned back, the door clicked open and I spun towards it from my seat on the couch. "Hiya I'm back" Ethan shouted from the hall, "hello love I'm in here!" I called back muting the TV to focus on Ethan. He came walking in taking his jumper off still smiling widely, "I really miss those boys" he sighed going to get a drink from the fridge. "I know babe hence why I called them to come to see you" I walked towards Ethan and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him, "you've made my birthday amazing," he said holding my hands on his waist, "I'm glad!" I smiled back. "It's not over yet though!" I smiled mischievously and went back to my seat on the couch, Ethan followed with a confused expression on his face. "What do you mean?" he asked sitting next to me, I placed an arm around him "you'll find out soon birthday boy" I winked and turned on a movie for us to watch. 

I checked my phone and seen it was 5:30 pm, she would be here any minute. As if on cue the door went, I stood up and grabbed my phone turning on the video, Ethan gave me a confused look before going to get the door with me following behind trying to hide my giant smile. "What are you up to?" Ethan laughed before opening the door, I could've cried just watching the scene unfold before me, "mum?!" Ethan cried seeing the woman in front of him. "My baby Ethan!" she said smiling widely trying to hold back her tears, "come on in roomie," I said making Ethan spin towards me quickly. "What?" he asked starting to smile, "well I knew the one thing you missed more than the boys and a pint was your mum so I called her and got her checked for COVID which came back all clear and then we got checked last week so we got the all-clear for her to stay with us during this!" I explained watching Ethan getting happier and happier the more I said, "wait does this mean I can hug her?" he asked turning back to his mum, she nodded tearing up "give me a hug!" she shouted smiling. Ethan ran into her arms wrapping her tightly in a hug, "I missed you so much mum" Ethan whispered still holding his mum tightly, "I missed you too Eth so much but I missed my darling Y/n too so let me hug her" she laughed making me squeal and embrace her tightly. "My two favourites" Ethan said hugging us both, I pulled away and watched the two interact happily, you can tell they really missed each other. 

Ethan and I were cuddled up in bed ready for sleep, my back against his chest with his arm draped over my waist, "did you have a good birthday?" I asked yawning. "The best thank you" he replied kissing my shoulder, "I'm so glad" I smiled turning t face his smiling face, "I love you so much Y/n" he spoke softly looking in my eyes making my stomach go wild, "I love you too E" I kissed him gently and turned the light off, "goodnight" I whispered to which I got a muffled sentence back, I chuckled and closed my eyes ready for sleep. 

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