𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: This is a request for @acOLbYBRoCKHErE so they asked for a Will one so I hope this fits what you asked for, thank you for sending in a request)

Your POV

The sound of music could be heard as I stepped out the elevator with Talia and Simon, "sounds like Will's party is well underway" Simon laughed making me shake my head, "he's 100% getting a noise complaint" I sighed before giggling lightly. I haven't dressed very fancy tonight as Will said not to, just a flowy black jumpsuit with my air forces and my hair straightened. We reached the door with music blasting from it and entered quickly without knocking as they wouldn't have heard anyway. Instantly the smell of alcohol filled my nose making me scrunch it in disgust, Talia grabbed my hand and pulled me instantly towards the drink table, "get that down you!" she shouted over the music handing me a plastic cup with some mixture of alcohol in it. I laughed as she stared at me before lifting it up in approval and downing the burning liquid quickly, "Jesus Y/n you're a mad yin" I heard Will say, I spun around quickly and came face to face with the brunette boy. "Alright Will?" I smiled and embraced him in a quick hug, "yeah I'm fine just trying to find Alex, you haven't seen him have you?" Will asked this time with a concerned look on his face as he scanned the area. I shook my head "can't say I have but I can help you look if you'd like?" Will turned to me smiling "c'mon then" he grabbed my hand and we started walking through the groups of drunk people looking for Alex. 

I was just about to look in a room when I felt a hand tug at me, I yelped out in panic but relaxed as I saw Calfreezy, "Y/n when did you get here?" he smiled leaning closer so I could hear him, "around 10 minutes ago!" I yelled back making him nod, "look I'll talk to you later I've got to help Will" I explained. Cal chuckled before winking "go on and help him then," it took me a minute to process what he was meaning before I shook my head quickly "shut up Cal" and with that, I turned around to carry on my search for not only Alex but Will as well now. I walked up the stairs towards Will and Gee's room and noticed Will's door wide open, Will probably wouldn't like anyone being in his room so I quickly went to check who it was. The last thing I expected to see was a passed out Alex sprawled on Will's bed with an annoyed Will standing at the foot of the bed, "oh my god" I laughed making Will turn his attention back to me "I don't know if I should be happy I found him and he's safe or kill him cause he's stolen my bed" I laughed even more at Will's statement before ushering Will out with me. "Come and join the party he'll be fine" I took Will's arm again as we walked back towards the stairs,   just before we began to walk down he stopped me and turned me to face him. "Thanks for offering to help find him" Will spoke almost at a whisper and I had to drag my eyes away from staring at his eyes, "you're welcome" I choked out gulping after realizing how close Will and I actually were. Suddenly Will pulled away clearing his throat awkwardly, "we should probably head back" he said before rushing down the stairs leaving me to catch my breath and calm my racing heart.

It was a couple of hours later and I was a bit tipsy now, not drunk but just a bit tipsy, I was mid-conversation with Gee, Talia, and Freya when JJ's voice boomed through the flat over the music, "truth or dare bitches!" As much as everyone refused soon enough most of us were all sat around on couches or on the floor prepared to play truth or dare, "I feel like I'm in high school again" Gee laughed making me agree from beside her "same." The first round was pretty calm and most people got dared to do shots and drink stuff but by the second round it was getting a little more intense, "Y/n truth or dare?" Freya called from across from me, I thought on what would be safer and went for truth. "Who do you think is the fittest boy here?" she asked making a few oo, I laughed at her question before eyeing the group even though I already knew my answer. I waited a minute before speaking, "Will" I said confidently making everyone go a bit mental, "love is in the airrrr" a very drunk Gib tried to sing making me giggle and hit him lightly. "Next question then is for Simon..." Freezy carried on but I tuned out and met Will's eyes across the room, he smirked at me making me blush and look away quickly taking a sip from my drink, I could see him laugh from the corner of my eye.

We had gone around everyone again but I started to panic when it was time for Cal to dare Will, "truth or dare Will mate?" Cal asked clapping Will on, "dare," Will said confidently and I panicked. I know what Cal is like and from the fact he smirked mischievously at me and turned back to Will I knew this wasn't a good idea, I had to think fast "I'm going for a pee" I called quickly going to stand up before Cal stopped me "sit!" he said making me huff and flop down again. "Will I dare you to kiss who you think is the fittest girl here tonight" Cal spoke smugly and Will turned red a little before clearing his throat, "you've right done me here mate considering most of them have boyfriends" Will laughed making Cal fall back a bit laughing. Will turned to face me in a questioning way, "fuck sake come on then" I called walking towards Will who was standing by now, I grabbed either side of his face and brought him in for a tender kiss. For a second I forgot where we were and got lost in the kiss, grimacing I pulled away after hearing everyone start whistling and shouting us on, I turned away from a blushing Will and sat back down next to a gobsmacked Gee. "Go on Will lad," Simon said patting Will on the back making me hide my face in embarrassment as everyone laughed, "let's just move on yeah?" Will chuckled trying to direct the conversation away which everyone obliged too. However, I could still feel Will's eyes on me, I looked up to meet his quickly and he motioned to the drink table making me nod my head. 

"Back in a second," I said to the group and moving towards the table with Will, "that was some kiss," Will said making me blush furiously, "sorry I shouldn-" I started to ramble but Will stopped me by placing his lips on mine again. "Don't be it was well overdue let's be honest here" Will chuckled after we pulled away and I nodded my head giggling "yeah I suppose it was." 

(A/N: I'm sorry this is crap I tried ahah, please everyone request more it helps the updating process a lot)

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