𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: Finally another request!! sorry, this took some time to get up I had some school work I had to do, and not to mention my inspo has been bad :(. Hope you enjoy it! )

You tidied your appearance in the mirror, inspecting your hair and makeup one last time before returning to Will's room, he had already set up the camera and was messing around with the lighting. You smiled watching him before walking over and wrapping your arms around his torso, pressing a kiss to his shoulder "we all set up?" you asked and he hummed turning to face you with a grin. "I'm so happy we're finally doing this" he wrapped his arms around you bringing you into his chest, "me too Will" you agreed and he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head before letting you go, turning on the camera and going to fetch another chair. He walked back in holding a kitchen chair in his arm effortlessly, you shamelessly checked him out and he sent you a cheeky wink "oh thanks for all your help!" he exclaimed sarcastically and you dropped into his comfy chair with a comfortable sigh, "ahhh I'm all good over here!" you spun around with a smile. He chuckled at you shaking his head and joining you placing down the chair in the camera view, "here" you offered standing up to give him his seat back but he put he placed a hand on your thigh pushing you back down "don't be daft you have it." You smiled at him leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek and watching a blush fall over his cheeks, "okay let's do this!" he grinned and started his introduction, "right hello!"

"So I know what you're thinking, Will you have a girl in your bedroom? you're not a sad lonely mess?" Will said imitating different voices and making you giggle, "well I'm sorry to break everyone's hearts but William Lenney is no longer an eligible playboy bachelor" he put a hand to his heart as though it pained him to say it. You let out a scoff "oh yeah cause you were pulling so many girls before me" Will quickly leaned over holding a hand over our mouth and looking at the camera with wide eyes, "she was just so blinded with jealousy that she chose to block them out" he explained and you let out an obnoxious laugh and pushed him away playfully making him laugh. "No, but really this is my girlfriend Y/n" Will smiled gesturing in your direction and you waved to the camera with a smile, "let's be honest most of you already know her, or her brother to be more specific" Will continued and you nodded. "My brother is Ethan Payne...yup one of the sidemen" you admitted emphasizing the 'yup' making Will snicker, "and before you all ask..." Will started and you turned to him confused as to where he was going with this, "I am using her for the views." Will started hysterically laughing and you gasped whacking his arm, "William Lenney take that back right now!" you scolded with a shocked grin and he controlled his laughter turning to you with a look of fake-hurt. "You just full-named me!" and you nodded at him "yup now apologize!" he gave you a pout and puppy dog eyes, "I'm sorry" and you contemplated in thought for a second before giving in and pressing a soft and quick kiss to his lips. 

After finishing up filming the video, and you and Will were both happy with it you left Will to upload it and went to order you both dinner, you lay on the couch lazily scrolling on your phone when you felt two arms come round the back of the couch and round your neck, you smiled as he leaned down nuzzling his head into your neck and pressing kisses all over it. "What do you fancy eating babe?" you asked making him stop for a short moment to think, "let's order a Nandos or something" he murmured before going back to pepper your neck with kisses. You placed the order quickly already knowing you and Will's usual orders, you pulled Will round with a smirk as he collapsed on the couch next to you. He gave you a loving smile before pulling you on his lap gently, you discarding your phone to wrap your arms round his neck and place your hands in his soft hair, you just leaned in to kiss him when your phone started ringing making Will groan out in frustration. You bit your lip guiltily before looking over to see 'Eth♡' on the screen, "I should probably get this" you mumbled reaching to grab it, Will gave you a pleading look shaking his head but you accepted the call sending him an apologetic smile. 

"Hey Eth what's up-" "don't you 'hey eth' me! what the fuck Y/n!" you gaped at his tone stuttering for a second confused before replying, "what's wrong?" you asked and Will gave you a worried look as his hand came to find your free one and holding it tight in his. "When the fuck were you planning on telling me you were dating Will?" he growled through the phone and you winced widening your eyes at Will, "I meant to tell you Eth but I just didn't know how you'd take it!" you justified and he scoffed "so you thought me finding it through a fucking youtube video and Twitter was a good idea!" You frowned tears forming as you realized maybe you should've told him first, "I-I'm so sorry Eth" you apologized your voice breaking a little and making Will frown and pull you closer into his chest, Ethan sighed before he started to feel guilty for making you upset. "Look I'm happy for you and Will, I'm just sad you thought you couldn't tell me" Ethan explained and you nodded then remembering he couldn't see you, "I know I'm sorry I should've told you first" and he hummed "yeah well it doesn't matter now yeah? just warn Will if he hurts you me and the boys will kill him" Ethan warned his tone turning harsh again making you giggle. "I'll be sure to tell him" you laughed looking at a now  nervous Will, you patted his chest assuringly and he relaxed a little at your touch, "okay Eth I'm gonna go and get dinner but lunch soon yeah?" "yeah, I'll text you later and make plans." You hung up after saying your goodbyes turning to Will with a guilty look, "I've to tell you if you hurt me Eth and the boys will kill you" you stifled a chuckle as his face turned pale, "fuck sake" Will groaned and you patted his chest "it's your own fault."

(A/N: sorry this is so shit and short after so long, I'm just struggling to find inspo to write for the sidemen and stuff, I'd really appreciate if you'd check out my other book for The Beatles :)). )

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