ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕞 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: Enjoy this Cal one it's a bit long but I love this one, also this is another song one. This one is 'This boy' by The Beatles cause I love them so much and it's such a good song )

Cal's POV

'That boy took my love away, though he'll regret it someday'

I sat on the couch next to Simon and Harry trying to harshly swallow the large lump in my throat as I stared across the room at Y/n laughing and flirting with Will. I swallowed thickly and tried desperately to tear my eyes away at the couple, Y/n was looking gorgeous as usual and had a gentle hand placed on Will's shoulder as he had an arm around her waist, pulling her into him now and again to whisper in her ear and send her into a fit of giggles and shake her head. Simon and Harry sat and tried to occupy me but even they knew it was no use, I was completely and utterly in love with her. I came close to telling her a couple of weeks ago but that was when Will swooped in and stole her and I couldn't bring myself to ruin her happiness. Harry tried to drop hints at the two to stop being so public with showing their affection, he never told them how much it was killing me inside which I was thankful for. However, it didn't seem to work as the next time we all hung out they were all over each other. I desperately scanned the room trying to find anything to focus on other than them, "are you okay?" Simon softly asked me making me turn to him quickly and nod, "why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged off playfully with a fake smile. He just gave me a sorrowful look, "Will's bound realize someday your feelings and he'll regret taking her" Simon reassured with a hopeful pat on my shoulder, I just sighed and nodded wanting to change the subject away.

'But this boy wants you back again'

"Hiya Y/n just me, I was wondering if you wanted to come to mine to play Fifa or something but you're obviously busy so it's all good, em just let me know when you get this...I miss you" I spoke shakily into my phone leaving her a voicemail. I've not seen her in like 2 weeks now, which is a lot considering she practically lived here! I can't blame her though, she's got a boyfriend now, her priorities have changed. I sighed and threw my phone back onto the coffee table and leaned back on the couch, "she didn't answer did she?" Harry's voice suddenly spoke giving me a fright, "Jesus you nearly killed me!... and no" I trailed off at the end as I spoke, sadness laced my tone and I glanced at my empty phone screen. Harry just came and sat next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "you need to stop waiting for her Cal, she's obviously busy with Will" Harry said still with a gentle voice. I nodded sadly, "I know but I just miss her you know? I just want her back" I blinked back the tears threatening to spill and gulped a little, "I know cal...I do too" Harry agreed sadly as well.

'That boy isn't good for you'

I was round for some drinks at Simon and JJ's place, I hadn't been out in weeks which was very unlike me as I loved a good drink with the boys. I just didn't want to think about her anymore, I couldn't do anything without seeing her face or thinking of her, it was killing me. So far the night had been loads of fun and JJ was already wasted, Simon and me, on the other hand, had only had 2 beers each. I was laughing at something JJ said when the flat door opened and Talia strode in looking exhausted but also fuming, "hey babe" Simon called and she dropped her bags and flopped down next to him. "Hey Si, alright JJ Cal?" Talia smiled at us weakly, "hey T you alright?" I greeted before chuckling slightly, "I was out shopping with Freya, Gee, and Y/n, and god can they shop!" she huffed snuggling into Simon's side. I laughed at her before what she said fully clicked in my head, "how is Y/n any way? I've not spoken to her in weeks she's been so busy with Will" I asked before taking a glug of beer. Simon and JJ's heads spun to me, both with looks of concern, Talia just sighed lightly "she's been good they've been going out for dinner a lot the now, well that's when Will's not getting drunk and turning up at her do-" Talia began to rant but was cut off with a swift elbow in the side by Simon. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "what do you mean?" I asked trying to push her on, "you can't tell her I told you!" Talia rushed out in panic. "Don't worry T I won't" I reassured before leaning back and processing the new information, Will's been out getting drunk a lot? I hope she's ok.

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