𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕚 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟

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A/N: I'm updating a lot the now so I'm sorry lmao also this my longest one yet but I'm like not sure if I like it so let me know your thoughts://.

Your POV

"Hey everyone so today I'm going to upload!" I said to my camera as I vlogged walking through the crowded venue, "I'm meant to be meeting up with Simon later on for a panel so I'll try and film some of that but I think that''s all for now!" I said before turning my camera off and looking around the room for familiar faces or signs. "Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice shout behind me, I spun around looking for the boy I knew all too well and that's when I saw him, his blonde head bobbing around as he maneuvered his way towards me and his blue orb eyes taking in my appearance. I waved madly before letting out a little squeal as he reached me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, "Simon oh my god hey!" I shouted returning the excited boys hug. "Y/n how are you?!" Simon asked finally pulling away letting me intake air in my lungs after being squeezed so tightly, "I'm good what about you Si?" I flashed him a smile which he reciprocated showing his pearly whites. "I've been good! I can't believe you've never met the rest of the guys you need to meet them!" he rushed out as the thought dawned on him, I giggled as he grabbed my hand pulling me back the way he came. "Si slow down my god!" I called out as we sped past fans and workers, "shut up it's just your tiny legs mate!" he called back laughing at me, "not all of us can be a lanky shit like you!" I quipped back making him chuckle. 

After a short walk to the backstage VIP room, Simon started to slow down, releasing my hand and smiling at a guy standing at the entrance, "she's with me" he said pushing me in front of him as we walked in the secluded area. We walked past loads of people taking pictures and workers rushing about when all of a sudden Simon stopped at a group of 6 boys and 3 girls sitting around a table most on their phones and cameras. "Lads, Freya, Talia, Gee this is Y/n mine and JJ's friend from school!" Simon alerted the others making a sudden wave of nerves wash over me, JJ was the first to stand a large smile etched into his face "ay Y/n long time no see!" he laughed pulling me in a bone-crushing hug, "hey Jide!" I laughed pulling away. "Nice to meet you I'm Freya and this is my boyfriend Josh!" one of the girls said smiling pointing to a brown-haired boy charging a camera, "I'm Gee nice to meet you!" a girl with lovely blue hair said, I waved and smiled at them all. "I'm Talia Simon's girlfriend," a gorgeous girl said, I gave her a sorrowful look "god you're into charity then?" I quipped making them laugh and Simon scold me with a shove. 

After all the introductions it came to the last boy, I would be lying if I said he wasn't gorgeous. His eyes melted my heart and I struggled not to become too disorientated looking at him, "hello I'm Tobi!" he smiled cheerily holding his hand out. I shook his hand and flashed him a smile, "nice to meet you Tobi" I replied letting myself get a little lost in his eyes. "Okay well we have around 10 minutes before the panel and I need to get some food so will you be good here?" Simon asked grabbing his bag, Talia standing too as I nodded smiling, "yeah go eat I'll be fine!"

After catching up with JJ about his rap career and my youtube career a voice spoke from across from me, "so Y/n how is your love life?" Ethan asked earning a distasteful look from the girls and a nudge and scold from Josh. "Um, non-existent to be honest aha" I laughed shrugging the question off, it wasn't a lie my love life really wasn't existent as much as I wanted it to be. "Don't believe that a gorgeous girl like yourself," Tobi stated smiling at me, I felt my cheeks turn bright red, did he just call me gorgeous? "Well it's true, I've just never really clicked with anyone in more than a friend way" I shrugged taking a sip of my water, he gave me a nod before Simon and Talia returned food in hand. "We're back and we come bearing gifts!" Talia shouted handing out food for everyone.

I had enjoyed speaking to everyone and got on well with them all when we were interrupted by someone collecting me and Simon for our panel. "You ready Y/n?" Simon asked me handing me a new bottle to take on stage with me, "yeah all good just excited is all!" I smiled before we were introduced and went on smiling and waving to excited shouting fans. 

The panel and questions had gone amazingly even with some hilarious moments I would include in my vlog, Simon was currently filming Freya, Gee, Talia and I dancing crazily to some random song when the rest of the boys joined in. We were all laughing hysterically by the end and Simon even turned the camera off and joined in too, I was just catching a breath when I felt a delicate hand on my shoulder giving me a fright and making me spin round and hit right into someone's chest. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I splurted out apologies before looking up and into the person's face, "it's alright aha!" Tobi said chuckling lightly "I just wanted to ask if I could have your number maybe and we could meet up for drinks or dinner sometime?" he asked nervously. I felt my stomach do flips, was Tobi really asking me on a date??? "Yeah, I'd love that Tobi here..." I told him my number and we moved back to the group.

I couldn't stop smiling the rest of upload, "you seem very happy missy!" Gee said coming over to me, "I'm pretty sure Tobi asked me on a date" I told her in a hushed tone, she gave me a giant smile before waving the girls over and telling the exciting news. "Oh my god, you will be so cute!" Talia said giving me a playful nudge, I just giggled and blushed lightly. I just hope this works out and he actually calls, all night, and the rest of the week I couldn't stop smiling, and when Tobi text asking to meet up my smile only grew. 

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