𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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A/N: So I'm trying to keep the updates as regular as possible but I'm not too sure. Please feel free to request :))

Your P.O.V

"Will give me my charger you prick!" I shouted coming out of my room and into our shared living room, "I don't have it!" his geordie voice boomed from his room. "Well, where the fuck is it?" I asked barging into his room finding him lying on his bed on his phone, my charger plugged in. "I swear to god William that better not be my charger!" I said gritting my teeth walking towards his bed, "emmm....no" he responded a cheeky smile appearing before a flash of panic crossed his eyes. "GEE YOU BETTER COME SAVE THIS DUMBASS BEFORE I KNOCK HIM OUT!" I shouted before jumping towards my best friend, arms reaching out for him. Will just shouted and jumped quickly from his bed, Gee came running in laughing with her phone in hand filming us. "Stay away!" WIll laughed running behind Gee as I got up from his bed, "don't take my charger next time you dick!" I said snatching my charger before storming out, laughing lightly under my breath whilst squinting at Will. 

A little later on whilst I was streaming with Talia, Freya, and Simon playing 'Dead by Daylight' I heard a knock at my door, "what's up I'm streaming!" I shouted back taking one side of my headphones off and looking towards my door. The door creaked open revealing a smiling Will "oh, you're streaming sorry I'll come back later," he said before closing the door again and I turned back to saving Talia. Around an hour after that, we were still playing when the killer started chasing me, "oh no help please aha!" I laughed. "Okay, I'm on my way!" Simon said through my headset, my focus placed on escaping I hadn't looked at the chat nor had I noticed a shadowy figure enter my room. "Oh, I think I'm dead!" I said groaning as I was placed on the hook, "BOO!" a voice shouted next to me. I jumped and screamed throwing my hands to my face before hearing Will laughing his ass off next to me, "oh my god you dick I thought I was going to die!" I said slapping him, I could hear Simon, Talia, and Freya laughing hysterically as I looked at the chat doing the same. "Aw, I feel bad now sorry!" Will said still chuckling lightly placing an arm around my shoulders from behind giving me a hug, "nope too late you've unleashed war," I replied simply before turning back to my game. "You're in trouble now Lenney!" Freya laughed so Will could hear, he just sighed and trudged out still chuckling lightly. My phone buzzed next to me.

Simon :)): shoot ur shot x

I read the message a couple of times through, trying to understand what he meant, sure Will was funny and attractive and I loved hanging with him but I didn't like him. Right. I didn't like Will. No I mean I don't like Will. Not in that way... I don't think. A blush crept onto my cheeks and the chat must've noticed as they were questioning who it was, "sorry guys that's all for today but I might stream tomorrow if I have time, thanks everyone!" I ended my stream before saying bye to the girls and Simon, "see ya later lads!" I said before hearing a chorus of byes and a very smug bye from Simon. 

You: I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Minter. x

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair as my rain raced at a million miles per second. "Hey, you alright? sorry about earlier," came a voice from my door, I spun around in my chair and saw an apologetic Will standing there "it's all good plus probably the highlight of my stream plus gave all the crazy fangirls something to add to their edits." I laughed before realizing what I said, "not that they would see it as like a relationship thing just that it was a cute moment between us!" I rambled before I placed my head in my hands, realizing I had put my foot in my mouth again. Will just laughed "relax I know what you mean," he offered to order in a Nandos for dinner and I happily obliged. 

All night my thoughts swirled the fact that I might fancy my best friend, I mean I've known Will for years this might mess everything up. I don't know what to do, and I don't know how to act around him anymore. I left dinner silently just saying I didn't feel very well, getting into bed running through different scenarios before I let sleep take over my body.

A/n: I'm not sure how I feel about this one so let me know if I should do a part two or what, I think I have an idea for the next one but it's a bad sad so idk yet. Anyway, thank you for reading :)

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