𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣

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A/n: So I'm doing another Simon one aha and I'm not sure how I feel about this one, I just wanted to say thank you for #4 in CallumAirey like wow. Also, this is based on Simon's video 'A Very Private Interview...' so I'd recommend watching that so it makes complete sense, and please please as always request. <3

Your POV

I was sat in between Freya and Gee with Simon sitting facing us, JJ and Lux were also sat at the side. Simon somehow convinced the girls to do this one-word interview thing and if I'm being honest I was pretty excited, I've been on Simon's channel a lot, mostly for girlfriend title clickbait but I don't mind. Freya and Gee were pretty excited too but that could just be the wines we had been drinking at lunch today, I was just about to make fun of Simon's suit coat when he started his intro.

"Welcome to another one-word interview, today I am joined by three very special guests..." we all smiled and cheered, "...girlfriends" Simon finished smiling madly as we gave him a glare each. "What? that's rude!" Freya said shaking her head, I just tried not to laugh as Simon gave me a wink. "I'm joking I'm joined by Gee!" Simon said pointing to her, "hey!" "my girlfriend Y/n!" "hiya, also I ain't just your girlfriend!" I smiled before pointing an accusing finger at Simon. Simon put up surrendered hands before introducing Freya and explaining our links were down below.

"Let's go with the big question first! does size matter?" Freya and Gee both said no, "I mean not really no" I said before Simon gave me into trouble "it's one word!" we all laughed and continued, "so they said size matters?" JJ asked, "no they said it doesn't matter, also JJ and Cal are off-camera" I laughed lightly before JJ started talking about penetrating a flap and I nearly was sick. "You need to stop!" Simon said cutting him off as he scrolled for another question, "yes please stop!" I begged before laughing, "that's what Y/n says to Simon," Freya said wittily. I burst out laughing whilst Simon gave Freya a look, "I thought you were better than them Freya" she just giggled and I tried to calm down a bit before continuing.

After a question about which friends character we are Simon turned to us again, "what's the most important thing in your life?" Gee smiled cutely at the camera "happiness!" I gave her a smile at how cute that was, "Y/n?" Simon said "you...." I said smiling widely seeing Simon grin before dropping deadpan again, "friends." Simon gave me a hurt look whilst Freya looked relieved "I was about to vom everywhere!" "So she went with my friends apparently," Simon said raising his eyebrows, "ay not like that! I mean we both have the same friends!" I explained the mix-up. "Okay next, who is the settler between Y/n and me?" I laughed lightly before glancing at my now very awkward friends, "neither" Freya said shrugging before Cal told her we were making the video boring and they wanted drama. "Y/n," Gee said before Freya nodded in agreement, I smiled at Simon cockily as he glared jokingly at the girls "I've never seen yous so uncomfortable!" I laughed at them. 

After a few questions, "If you could smash one of the other boyfriends who would it be?" Lux asked, instantly Gee said no and shaking her head. I tried to hide my giggle as I knew that I and Freya have discussed this before. "Just saying there's a top link up for grabs," Simon hinted before chuckling, "we already know!" Freya and I said at the same time before bursting into laughter. "They already know," Simon said turning to the boys "oh god" JJ replied, "no one obviously I only love you," I reassured making everyone fake being grossed whilst Simon gave me a wide smile. "Yeah...no one," Freya said a little less convincing then me, "I don't like how girls talk," Simon said a glint of fear in his eyes at what we've discussed. 

"What's your favorite type of porn?" Simon asked simply, I raced through my mind to think of any that I knew was a kind. "Hardcore" I splurted out followed by Gee's "lesbian" and Freya's "massage" then we all burst into fits of laughter, "we haven't had an answer quicker than that!" Simon shouted in disbelief. "Oi hardcore fam!" JJ said shocked and fist-bumped Simon, "did you just fist bump oh my god!" I laughed at the childishness. "Favorite position?" JJ asked the room went silent for a minute before Freya spoke, then Gee said doggy "yeah same" I said quietly trying to not blush. Simon shrugged before JJ noticed my answer, "ayyyy!" he kicked Simon as everyone started to laugh watching JJ big up, a now red and very embarrassed, Simon. "Yeah see this isn't fair!" I exclaimed to the camera and pointed to the girls, JJ kept laughing and hitting Simon. "Hardcore doggy yeah!" JJ shouted causing me and everyone else to lose it and crack up laughing, "God I'm going to struggle to get sponsors now!" I wiped my eyes finishing laughing. "Well, that was a ridiculously intimate one-word interview!" Simon laughed looking at me as I was still red in the cheeks, Simon then done his outro and put away the equipment.

It was a couple of hours later and everyone had left and JJ was staying at his girlfriend's, Simon and I were cuddled on the couch watching a movie. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders pulling me closer into him and my arms wrapped around his torse and the blanket. "I love you so much Y/n," Simon spoke suddenly and I looked up into his bright blue eyes, "I love you too." I gave him a gentle kiss and cuddled into him more. "Do you really watch hardcore porn?" Simon laughed, "no I've never watched any of it in my life!" I put my head in my hands giggling.

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