ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕞 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕪=ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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A/n: Okay so this is nothing bad on Callum and I'm probably going to do a part two of this one but um yeah so just be prepared...

Callum's P.O.V (oo we switching it up)

I don't know why I'm out right now. I promised I wouldn't. I promised I would stay in and we would go out for dinner. I make a lot of promises I don't keep lately. It's not Y/n's fault it's just I can't help it. When the boys told me they were going out again tonight I didn't even think about her. Now I'm here sitting at the bar in a club, the boys all wasted around me and a drink in my hand. I downed the glass feeling the burning liquor slide down my throat, I winced and looked around. My eyes landing on a pretty girl staring at me from across the bar, I smiled at her, and before I knew I was walking towards her. What started as a simple conversation led to flirty banter and flirty banter led to my lips finding hers in a drunken mess. 

Your P.O.V

Why did I believe he would stay in just for me, I was naive thinking he would give up his playboy life. At first, I didn't think it was too bad but what started as an odd weekend soon became every weekend and some weekdays. We didn't live together and with me working a normal 9-5 every Monday-Friday really put a strain on the relationship from the start. I love Cal don't get me wrong and I love all the boys it's just sometimes I wish I was Cal's main priority, and I know that sounds selfish but I can't help it. That night I went to bed as normal trying to push the thoughts of him out my head.  

The next morning I woke to my phone going crazy, twitter notifications, Instagram tags, missed calls, and texts from friends. I instantly thought something bad must've happened as I sat up and went through my texts. 

Talia ♥: omg I'm so sorry babe xx                                                                                                     Freya ♥:  I can't believe him, hope ur okay xxx                                                               Gee ♥: here if u want to talk hun xx                                                                                                                        Simon: Y/n I'm sorry I really don't know what he was thinking x                                           Harry: Y/n please pick up are u ok? x                                                                               Josh/Zerk: I'm going to kill him, are u ok? x                                                                                                               Cal M: Y/n please let him explain x                                                                                                              Cal ♥: Y/n I'm so so so sorry please hear me out and call me back quickly. Please I'm so sorry, I love you. xxx

3 missed calls from Will                                                                                                                                                     5 missed calls from Mia                                                                                                                                                     2 missed calls from Josh/Zerk                                                                                                                                       8 missed calls from Harry                                                                                                                                                 10 missed calls from Cal 

My breathing started to quicken as I looked on Twitter. There he was, arms wrapped around a young pretty girl, kissing. I felt multiple sobs wrack my body as I exited the app and turned my phone off, tears streaming down my cheeks as the image of him and the girl engraved itself in my head. Not only did he cheat on me, but he also did it publicly where everyone could see. Cal the boy I once called mine had just been caught necking on with a girl in a club that he promised he wouldn't go to, on a night he was meant to be with me. I frantically replied to everyone, except him, letting them know I was as okay as I could be and I was going to speak to Cal the now. I quickly shoved on jeans and a jumper before shoving on my vans and getting an uber to his flat.

As soon as I reached their door I paused, tears already formed and my breathing hardened. Before I had the chance to knock the door flung open and a very red-eyed Cal stood in front of me, a sad frown on his face and glazed over eyes. "Y/n,"  he started, "can I come in?" I just asked trying to put on a poker face, he nodded and I entered the flat. It was still messy as I remembered as I looked around whilst going to sit on the couch, Cal sat next to me gulping slightly. "Why?" I asked looking straight ahead and out the window, "what?" is all he replied shakily. "What did I do wrong?" I asked now looking straight at him, he had a pleading look on his face "you done nothing wrong Y/n, it was me who messed up." "Oh, I know that but why would you do it? Why would you publicly not only embarrass me but cheat on me!" I spat out the 'cheat' part as I gave him a disgusted face. "I didn't mean to, I was drunk," he started rambling, "don't give me that bullshit Callum!" I shouted turning away again shaking my head. "What do you want me to say then Y/n! I don't know what else to do I've apologized!" Cal shouted, "oh sorry how rude of me all is forgiven just because you apologized!" I shouted as my anger overtook me. 

"Y/n look I'm sorry please..." Cal leaned over and took my hand, "don't fucking touch me, Callum!" I shouted snatching my hand away and standing up. "I just can't believe you would do this to me, you were my everything, Callum!  I loved you more than anything in this world!" I said as tears threatened to spill, "loved?" he asked looking at his feet. "Yes loved, past tense," I said looking at him again holding back my tears. He took his head in his hands as he took in a breath, "I don't know what else to do Y/n." He looked me in the eyes again and I could see the sorrow, "do nothing Callum, we're over." I turned to walk away but I felt a hand grab my wrist, "please Y/n don't do this! I love you please!" Callum pleaded tears sliding down his cheeks. "No, you don't Callum, if you did we wouldn't be here," I said simply motioning around us. "Goodbye, Callum I'll get Harry to bring me my stuff soon," I said pulling my hand away and opening the door, "I love you Y/n don't forget that," Callum said with standing next to the couch tears streaming, "it seems you're the one that forgot." With that, I left the flat, tears flooding down my cheeks now. I walked to the closest place I could think of and knocked on the door. Josh opened the door and seen my broken composure, "oh Y/n come here!" he said pulling me inside and wrapping me in a hug. I fell to the floor my legs collapsing under me as Freya came running over, taking me in her arms, hushing my sobs. "W-w-we're over," I barely managed out, "it's okay hun it'll get better," Freya said. I knew she was right but I didn't know how long it would take. 

A/n: I'm quite proud of this chapter and I hope you like it, please let me know if you want a part two :))

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