ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤=ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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"We both realized she wasn't you." Those 6 little words easily made Y/n forget herself for a few moments, her head spinning like the washing machine whirring next door. Her eyes large and wide with shock as she looked back at Harry, who was by now beside himself with anxiety. In his head, he'd just ruined everything good in his life, one of the few people he could truly depend on and trust all through his life. Harry didn't know what to say next, usually, in the movies, the guy would kiss the girl and they'd be all happy and shit, but this wasn't a movie. Harry couldn't just kiss Y/n now, that'd be so awkward and inappropriate, she'd probably push him off and curse at him. Although right now that's all he wanted to do. Kiss her. 

Y/n blinked a few times to bring herself back to reality before answering Harry, "she wasn't me? I mean obviously, she wasn't but why does that affect your relationship?" Y/n wanted, no she needed clarification before pursuing what could all be some misunderstanding. "Come on Y/n, don't be a dumbass" Harry joked trying to ease the tension, which thankfully worked as Y/n laughed slightly whacking his leg, "sorry but it's not every day your life long crush and best friend admits their feelings for you!" she summarised out loud in astonishment at her own words. Harry however was just as star-struck as she was moments prior at what just left Y/n's lips, "life long crush?" he reiterated in a mumble, she shook her head with a giggle, "come on Harry, don't be a dumbass" Y/n mimicked Harry from earlier making the boy laugh. 

Y/n smiled at Harry, just taking a moment to admire Harry in a way she could never before, the last time she saw Harry he was a taken man but now, now he was single. He didn't have to leave Y/n and go back home to Katie, he no longer had to not look at Y/n for too long in case Katie became suspicious, and finally, they both no longer had to put on false feelings and hide their own true ones away from one another. Everything was out, it only took them over 10 years.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Y/n asked finally feeling as though she was just talking to good old bog again, Harry's jaw dropped and his eyes widened "Y/n Woah that's a bit fast!" she just burst out laughing, putting her hands up in protest. "No! I meant sleepover like watch a movie and then sleep bog!" tears were streaming down her face now, "thank god... wait-no...not that that would be a bad thing-it's just.." Harry was now red as a tomato tripping over his words, trying to explain himself. "I know what you mean Harry, come on through" Y/n laughed ushering Harry back into her cozy warm room. 

(A/N: yeah so this is only a short chapter, as I was really happy with how this turned out. Let me know your thoughts!)

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