ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤

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(A/N: sorry I've been gone for a little while but I'm back :) hope you enjoy and as always pls pls request!)

Harry's POV

I wiped my hands on my joggies as I sped towards the front doors of kicktown, I was meant to be in a meeting right now and I had Y/n on the phone stressing as I slept in and was running late. I pushed open the doors and walked past a few kids gaping as they stopped passing around a ball, I flashed them a smile and nodded and kept walking to the back meeting room. A very annoyed Y/n stood with her arms crossed, she was wearing a loose cream shirt with black leggings and black boots, her hair which was straightened down to her shoulders had tiny curls at the bottom from where I could tell she had been twirling her fingers around. 

"Harry fucking Lewis I'm going to strangle you" she threatened in a hush voice trying to hide it from the little kids, I let out a nervous chuckle and placed an arm on her shoulder "relax I'm here now" but instantly I knew I shouldn't of as she narrowed her eyes at me and gritted her teeth. "Get your ass in there before I kick it" she said harshly pushing me through the double doors and into the room full of managers and employees, "ehm hey everyone s-sorry I'm late" I choked out as blush coated my cheeks and I took a seat quickly, "it's quite alright Harry we've not discussed much and everything we have your assistant Y/n has noted it all down" one of the managers responded. 

I blushed even harder as he told me of Y/n saving my ass, "oh perfect I'll get them off her later on" I responded nodding before tuning back in to the topic at hand. 

Your POV

I let out a shaky breath as I pushed Harry into the room, that boy is going to kill me one day honestly. "Hey Y/n can you come fix this?" I heard my friend Abigail call, I walked over smiling widely "what's wrong Abs?" I asked looking at her computer system glitching in front of her, "it keeps glitching when I'm entering the high scores" she huffed exhaling. I took a seat next to her and started working away, "I seen you and Harry there" she spoke in a teasing manner "don't start" I warned eyeing her quickly, "shut up you and I both know it won't be long till you're together!" she exclaimed all giggly and I had to hush her quickly. "Damn Abs you want everyone to know!" I laughed silencing her, "it's driving me crazy Y/n just hurry up and get with the damn boy" she huffed tugging at my arm, "stop it we're only co-workers" I said forcefully. "Not from what I see but whatever you say miss denial" Abigail said the last part quietly but I still caught on and spun towards her done with her teasing, "all done" I stood up letting her get to her computer. "Oh my god thank you!" she exclaimed and I smiled and turned walking away, "give Harry a kiss from me!" she called after me teasingly but I just stuck my middle finger up at her and walked away. I. Do. Not. Like. Harry. 

I was working away signing a few more kids in when I felt someone stand next to me, "thanks for taking the notes earlier" Harry said making me turn to face him, "course what else are assistants for?" I smiled looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. Damn he was fine as hell, I mean I always knew he was attractive but looking at him this close up... it was then I realised how close I actually was to Harry and swallowed thickly. His gaze never left mine as he stepped a little closer, "how about as a thank you we go for dinner tonight?" he asked suddenly.

My heart skipped a little and my smile grew "are you asking me on a date Harry Lewis?" I  giggled raising an eyebrow, he dropped his head chuckling with blush dusting his cheeks, awkward and shy Harry coming back out, "I'd love to Haz." His head snapped back up to me and his smile was dazzling, "great tonight at 7?" he said and I nodded "perfect see you then" and with that he left me to collect my thoughts. I was going on a date with Harry fucking Lewis!!!

Turning I was met by Abigail standing making kissy faces towards where Harry and I were previosuly standing, I laughed and flipped her off again. I didn't really care anymore that she teased me because maybe she was actually right. Maybe I did like Harry and the thought of him liking me back made my heart flutter and my stomach churn. 

(A/N: just a little one to begin with again, hope you enjoyed and part two maybe?)

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