ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕞 𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: sorry I've not been posting much, I've not had any inspiration and school has been super busy lately also let's pretend COVID isn't a thing in this please xxx)

Your POV

Bang. My glass hit the bartop with a thud as I slammed it down, my fifth drink in less than an hour, the bartender gave me a look as though to say, 'another one?' I simply nodded my head and looked back down at my chipping nail polish whilst the guy rushed to fetch me another drink. He was passing me my drink when a hand took it mid-air, "she's had enough" JJ's firm voice stated, I looked up into his fiery eyes unfazed, "I don't need a babysitter Jide" I used his name as a slight dig at him and he instantly hit back, "then act like an adult then." I huffed at his harsh words and turned away from him again, "you're making things worse" he said with a monotonous voice, "how? cause I'm not up there pining after a guy who's moved on" I spoke through gritted teeth and nodded my head towards the bustling dance floor. "No, because you're sitting here feeling sorry for yourself whilst getting smashed" he snapped at me and I looked down at the mahogany wood, running my finger through the condensation ring my glass had left.

I knew JJ was right, I just didn't want to admit that. "He still loves you" JJ comforted scooting closer, "no he doesn't, or else he wouldn't have brought, her," I said not even using her name, the word 'her' dripped from my tongue like poison and that's what it tasted like, pure poison burning me from the inside. "Her name is Claire," JJ said and I rolled my eyes, "she has a name does she, surprised Cal even knows it" I heard JJ try to hide a soft chuckle but he couldn't stop it from escaping his lips. I smiled slightly knowing I made him laugh, "you always were quick-witted" JJ teased placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, "and you always were a dick, a leopard never changes its spots" he shook his head at my sarcasm before standing with an outstretched hand. "JJ... I can't" I let my vulnerable side out as my eyes went glossy and I just stared up at him helplessly, "then fuck him and come dance with your friends" I smiled weakly at the statement before taking his hand and letting him lead me to the dancefloor.

"There she is!" Ethan shouted over the thumping music as he watched me and JJ approach, "Y/n!" Freya exclaimed taking my head and pulling me into a spin, I giggled at her antics before joining in dancing madly with my friends. For a magical few moments I forgot about everything, I forgot all the pain, I forgot about him. But of course, that didn't last long as I backed up a little from the dancing circle we were all in bumping into someone behind me, a loud shriek was heard and I winced a little before spinning around apologizing profusely. "Shit I'm so sorry" I rushed out seeing that the girl's creme dress now had a rather big and prominent red stain on the front from what I presumed was red wine, I frantically started rubbing her dress mindlessly as though my frantic scrubbing would make the stain magically disappear. "Just stop!" she snapped making me jump away quickly, the rest of the group had turned to the scene unfolding before them, I looked up to the girl's face and I was filled with dread, I was standing face to face with Claire, the Claire that was my ex Cal's date. "Should've fucking known it was you" she spat at me and I had to take a minute for her words to hit me, "what?" was all I managed to stutter out, "couldn't handle I looked better than you tonight so you ruined my dress" she explained almost matter of factly and I scoffed. "You're kidding right?" she just gave me a scowl, "god Callum definitely upgraded didn't he" she spoke again after studying my face and outfit. My mouth dropped open and rage bubbled up inside of me, "Woah watch it" Harry warned from behind me to Claire but she just let out a laugh, "Cal was right when he said you were a slag" she narrowed her eyes at me, "who the fuck even are you?" I could hear Freya and Talia come beside me. By now I had let my fury build for too long and I lost it, I went to lunge for her but two strong arms wrapped around my waist stopping me, "don't Y/n she's not worth it" Tobi reasoned from beneath me, "let me down Tobes!" I called trying to break away and get back to Claire but Tobi swiftly walked through the crowd leaving Claire to the rest of the group. 

Tobi finally let me down in a quieter room away from everyone, my heels hit the floor with a click and I had to grab ahold of him for balance, I was still furious so I ran my hand through my curls angrily, "what a bitch" I said earning a laugh from Tobi. He was about to speak when the door flung open and in walked Cal, his blonde hair was freshly cut and was neat on his head, he wore a creme tartan suit jacket with a white top underneath and plain creme trousers, his piercing blue eyes sat behind his glasses scanning the room. "Y/n what the fuck?" he called and I was taken aback, "Woah Cal wait" Tobi stepped in standing in front of me protectively from the clearly annoyed Cal. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" I snapped back taking a step towards him, all my previous thoughts out the window the minute Cal's attitude pricked at me, "why did you attack my girlfriend?" he asked his eyes searching mine in disbelief. "I didn't attack anyone mate so check your facts" I pointed a finger back out the door he previously came from, "then why is she telling me all this down there then?" he countered and I let out a chuckle, "she's turning us against each other and it's working you prick!" there was silence after I spoke. "I think it's best you leave" Cal stated, his tone icy and firm, Tobi's head snapped to Cal in disbelief, "you can't be serious mate?" Cal's cold eyes never left mine, "she's not welcome here" and just like that night in his flat when we ended it, my heart broke all over again. "It's alright Tobes I'll go, I'll see you later okay, goodbye Callum" I knew my words would hurt Cal especially since I've never called him Callum since I first met him. I sobbed in defeat as I walked past my bewildered friends and out into one of the many awaiting cabs.

Tobi's POV

I watched Y/n leave in astonishment, the minute the door closed I turned my harsh gaze to Cal. "Look I don't give one single fuck who you date Cal and the same goes with Y/n but listen here and listen good, I don't know what that pyscho bitch downstairs has done to you but you're not that same guy I'm best mates with and you're not the same guy Y/n fell in love with. Now you've just kicked out, not your ex but your best friend, a girl who despite all the heartbreak and pain she went through because of you is still so immensely proud of you that she turned up tonight." Cal just gaped at my outburst as I wasn't usually known for my confrontation but I couldn't stop myself tonight, his features defeated and deflated. I shook my head before continuing, "we all thought you'd fucked up before with Y/n but you've royally fucked it now."

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