𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕒 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕪

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(A/n: OMG 1k READS WTH!! Thank you all so so much I can't believe this, as always pls request)

Your POV

I woke a little later than usual today meaning I had to rush about getting my stuff ready for work, I quickly got changed into jeans, a black top, vans, and my apron before rushing out the door. The rain was trickling down as I waited for my bus, of course, today was the day it was late! I impatiently tapped my foot waiting for my bus when I decided to just order an Uber, my work wasn't too far away, maybe I could just walk it? yeah, I'll just walk. 

I work at a kitchen that teaches cooking and baking classes but we also allow people to rent it out sometimes, my boss Linda is super nice and allows me to use it whenever as long as I clean up after myself. Today was a really important day as we were renting the space out for a group of YouTubers,  Linda wanted someone to be in with her today so I offered. 

I was nearing the building now and the rain was getting heavier so I started to run but I was already soaked, I quickly pushed open the door throwing my jacket off and onto the coat hook quickly. "Sorry I'm late I slept in and then my bus was late so I had to run and it was raining and I'm soaked!" I ramble shouted trying to dry my hair as I walked down the corridor to Linda, however, when I turned the corner I was not faced by Linda but by 7 awkwardly smiling boys. I really must've resembled a fish now as I was soaking wet and just open and closed my mouth, that was until one of the boys stepped forward, "hello nice to meet you I'm Josh" he spoke clearly and reached out his hand. I couldn't deny he was quite attractive, I mean they all were but he was gorgeous! I snapped out my thoughts and took his hand "Y/n likewise, sorry about before I've had a stressful morning" I laughed lightly trying to hide my embarrassment. "Don't worry about it, I'm Simon and that's Harry, Tobi, Ethan, Vik, and JJ" a taller boy with pink hair said pointing to each boy as he said their name. I gave them all a smile and small wave before clearing my throat awkwardly, "well, I uh best go and get Linda" and without even letting them reply I rushed over facepalming. 

I pushed open Linda's office door and stormed over flopping onto her small office couch, she looked at me puzzled from her desk and I could tell she was trying not to laugh at my appearance. "What happened to you?" she laughed standing up and getting a towel from one of the many drawers in the room, "well I slept in, had to walk, got soaked, and just embarrassed myself in front of a group of extremely good looking boys!"  I huffed placing my hands over my face. I looked up to notice Linda stifling a giggle so I followed her gaze and to my horror there stood a very awkward Josh in the doorway, "oh my god" I muttered quietly "I think I need to go back to bed" I groaned into the couch pillow hiding my face in the soft fabric. "Em well, I was just coming to ask if we can start now" Josh slightly chuckled, obviously uncomfortable, "oh, of course, Y/n will take you on in and help you," Linda said sweetly pulling me to my feet. I sent her a glare before looking to Josh, "uh... follow me" I stuttered out and walked past him and down the hallway to one of the kitchen doors, I discretely looked up to the sky and shook my head "what did I do wrong" I whispered quiet enough for no one to hear me. 

After showing all the boys around the kitchen and telling them where everything is stored I stood to the side to let them get on with it, they hadn't been filming long and I was already laughing my ass off at the side. JJ was in this weird character called Sir Theodore the Third, Harry was scared of the hob and, well, who knows what Simon, Vik, and Josh are doing. I was standing leaning on the fridge when Josh wandered over to get his chicken, I flashed him a smile and moved to let him in, "thank you madam" Josh said in a posh accent. "You're very welcome kind sir" I bowed back making him laugh, "should I steal their chicken?" Josh asked lifting discretely the other teams chicken out instead of his own. I raised an eyebrow "do I detect cheating? I'm afraid I'll have to tell" I said crossing my arms, "well how about you don't tell I stole their chicken and I won't tell the boys what you said to Linda back in the office?" Josh whispered back. I felt my face go beet red and my mouth form a wide o-shape, "I d-don't know what you're talking about" I stuttered out turning away from him, "that's funny cause I distinctly remember the words 'extremely attractive boys' don't you?" he whispered in my ear smirking before striding back off to his team. I had to grab the counter to stop my legs from collapsing beneath me as they turned to jelly. 

Josh's POV

I turned away from Y/n and strode back over to Simon and Vik, Simon gave me a questioning look which I just waved him off and changed the subject to me stealing the chicken. I tried my hardest to keep my focus on filming but my eyes kept drifting back across to Y/n's, sometimes I would catch her looking too and I'd pull a face just to see her laugh, she was gorgeous. 

After Harry, Vik, and Tobi won we decided to start cleaning and packing up to leave, I was wiping down Harry's chocolate mess when Y/n knelt down next to me on the floor. "You don't need to do that you know?" she said gesturing to me wiping up the melted chocolate, "it's what I get paid for" she laughed and I smiled at her, "I know but it's unfair if we made the mess" I justified and continued wiping up and she grabbed a cloth joining in. "I wanted to apologize for earlier" she spoke out this time with a nervous undertone in her voice, I turned to her studying her face looking for a hint of what she was talking about, "you know the whole, 'attractive boys' thing" she groaned out cringing. I just chuckled "don't forget the 'extremely'!" I pointed a finger at her correcting her making her roll her eyes, "whatever that was before I learned what a group of children you are!" she giggled and I couldn't stop a smile forming on my face just from hearing her laugh, "can't even deny it" I laughed standing to my feet and helping her up too.

We stood there for a moment, just studying and admiring one another, I started to lean in gently when the door swung open and Harry stood there "come on Josh I know you're old and it takes you a while but this is ridiculous!" he said sarcastically making me shake my head and sigh, "I'll be right there" I said and he walked away again. I turned back to Y/n, she was biting her lip to stop herself from laughing, I rubbed my face laughing "I can't get away from them, ever" I said making her smile, "well when you do give me a call" she smirked handing me a piece of paper and walking out. I studied the paper, smiling before putting it into my back pocket and going to get the guys, "oi wait up!" I called running after them. "What's got you so happy?" Tobi asked smiling back at my wide grin, "nothing!" I laughed but Simon snapped his finger in realization, "he must've got Y/n's number!" this made all the boys oo and make me shake my head embarrassed. "Aw, Josh is going to find us a mummy!" JJ laughed hysterically making me lightly push him out the door, "shut up you lot let's go" I laughed, and with that, we left and walked home, Y/n on my mind the whole time.

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