𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕒 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: sorry I have legit no inspo so it's taking me awhile :(. )

Your POV

The humming of the microwave filled the air as I waited for my popcorn to be ready, satisfied by the sound I stood and listened to them all popping. "Y/n hurry up!" JJ's crabby voice called out to me and I rolled my eyes, "give me 24 more seconds!" I shouted back and heard him groan in response before footsteps approached in my direction. "He's such a child" Simon chuckled opening the fridge next to me and pulling out a beer, "you all are" I teased before being interrupted by the beeping of the microwave. I opened the door and steam pillowed out along with the sweet aroma of the buttery popcorn, "damn that smells so good" I spoke my thoughts out loud earning a laugh from Simon, "just bring it through before JJ loses it" he warned before walking off towards the living room with his bottle of beer. 

I held the hot bowl in my hand as I re-entered the room, the boys all sprawled out across the couches and floor, the massive television turned on and waiting. "What we watching?" I asked plopping down in between Tobi and Simon, "after a painstakingly long argument between Ethan and JJ" Vik glared at the two laughing boys before turning back to me with a tired expression, "we've decided on y/f/m" instantly a massive grin graced your face and you squealed happily, "that's my favourite!" Tobi laughed at your enthusiasm before taking the popcorn from you and passing it behind him to JJ. As soon as the bowl was in JJ's grasp you groaned, "we're never getting any of that now," JJ let out a loud laugh at your comment before greedily shoving a massive handful of popcorn into his mouth, "you're a pig" you grunted disgusted before turning to face the TV again.

By the end of the film you were all sitting carrying on and talking with one another, "where is Josh anyway?" you asked innocently, the air got really tense suddenly and the boys all shut up very quickly at your words. "Emm about that..." Harry mumbled before Simon wrapped around your shoulder in a friendly way, you looked skeptically between the 6 for one of them to answer you. JJ just shoved the last bits of popcorn in his mouth so he couldn't talk, Ethan whistled casually watching JJ, Simon looked down at his lap sadly, Vik looked everywhere but your intense gaze, Harry and Tobi silently argued with one another via eye contact, urging the other to admit to you where the final sidemen member was. "Will someone explain what the fuck is going on?" you yelled exhasparated agt their unusual behaviour, Harry looked at you sadly before he whispered, "he's on a date." 

Your initial reaction was pure shock, your mouth dropped open and your eyes widened, surely he wouldn't do that. The boys suddenly rushed nearer to you all staring at you nervously, "he only told us before he left this afternoon or else we would've stopped him" Ethan rambled out the boys all vigirously nodding. I just sat there still in utter shock that Josh would do something like this, how could he do that to me? I get that we broke up a couple of months ago but everyone knew we still loved one another and then last week... god last week! We kissed again when we were all having a drink at Harry and Cal's new place, I was such an idiot to think things would change. 

Finally the shock wore off and the tears began to fall, "hey don't cry" Simon hushed bringing me closer to him as I shook uncontrollably as the tears fell harder and harder. "W-why wo-would h-he..." you cried out as Simon embraced you and Tobi rubbed your back soothingly, the others all sat watching you sadly. "I honestly don't know Y/n" JJ answered guiltily, he took one of your shaky hands and held it comfortingly, "I thought he still cared" you admitted sadly and you felt your heart break a little at your own words. "Look let's just forget about him for the now okay and we can put on another movie, you can choose" Vik offered flashing a sweet smile making you smile lightly, "thanks Vik that sounds good" you choked out still sobs catching in your throat.

You lay against Simon's side as he rubbed your arm, you still let out a little sob once in a while but other than that you were pulling yourself together, you could still feel the cold air on your tear stained cheeks though and you knew your face was probably all blotchy and puffy. Suddenly your attention was brought to the opening of the front door and the sounds of giggles, desperately you looked to all the boys and they looked just as worried as you, then there they rounded, Josh looked as handsome as ever with a cute brunette under his arm. She was leaning up into his ear whispering something, earning Josh to chuckle and bring her closer into him, my heart shattered right then and there at the sight. 

They stopped in their tracks however when they saw us all sitting, the girl smiled obviously a little embarresed to be caught on her way back from a date, Josh however kept his gaze on me, his mouth open a little in shock, his face panic stricken but also upset. "Oh...hey guys" Josh mumbled and I tensed at the sound of his voice, no matter what he done or said his voice was always soothing to me, I hated the fact he had that effect on me. "I didn't realise you would all still be here" Josh said guiltily scratching his neck and stepping away from the girl a little, "yeah we can tell" JJ snapped looking between the two with fury in his eyes, Josh just looked back at me sadly but this time I looked right back at him with a fake smile. I got up leaving a confused Simon and Tobi on the ground, the others looked at me nervously as I glided right past Josh and held my hand out for the girl, I gave her a smile as it's not the girls fault, "I'm Y/n" I replied hoping my voice would stay as strong as my exterior. "I'm Cara (sorry if that's your name)!" she flashed her pearly whites before accepting my hand and shaking it lightly, "well lovely meeting you Cara but I need to get going now but here's a tip, he likes it when you kiss his neck" you lowered your tone for the last bit as though telling a secret still with a smile but with venom dripping from your tongue. You looked to the side  to see an embarrassed looking Josh, you could hear the boys stifling laughs behind you, "bye guys" you giggled at the boys as you walked away from the shocked and confused girl.

"Y/n wait!" Josh shouted after you as you walked to the front door, you turned around slowly rolling your eyes, "yeah Josh?" he was still red from your last statement, "what the fuck was that?" he said anger in his tone as he gestured back to where you were standing previously, "what was what Josh? do you mean you waltzing in with a girl you went on a date with after kissing me last week after we both admitted our feelings again? cause if that's what you're referring to that's exactly what just happened." He looked taken aback by your statement and you just shook your head at him sighing sadly, "I thought it was going to be different this time Josh" he looked down sadly before going to speak again, "I'm sorry" he whispered looking into your eyes pained, "it's alright Josh I'm done anyway" I replied softly "see you later" and with that you left the house and got in your car, it wasn't till you were home that night that you fully let your emotions out. That was it, you were both done, you thought Josh was the one, maybe he was but not right now.

(A/N: this one suckssssss, I'm so sorry but I promise they'll get better, also big thanks for 3.5k views like wtfffff! I love you all loads <3 <3 )

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