𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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A/N: Okay so big thank you to Em cause without her this wouldn't have come to me lmao, so big up Em <3 xx

Will's POV

"C'mon babe we need to go now!" I shouted to Y/n as she rummaged about in our room, she's seemed very stressed and nervous recently. Especially when it came to talking about or planning the Christmas podcast with Brian, Lawrence, Stephen, Alex, and Jack. "I'm coming just making sure I look okay!" she shouted back appearing in the hall, "you look amazing as always" I reassured bringing her close and kissing her gently. "What happened about needing to leave?" she giggled as she pulled away, "eh they can wait!" I shouted pulling her into me for a kiss again. She just laughed shaking her head and left for the Uber.

When we arrived at the place I could feel Y/n tense next to me, "babe relax you've done podcasts with the guys before!" I said taking her hand and leaving the car. "I know I just always get nervous," she said tightening her grip on my hand, "babe relax c'mon!" I laughed as we entered the building.

Lawrence was sitting scrolling on his phone when we entered, Brian was talking to Jack about the setup, and Alex and Stephen were laughing about some tweets. "A'right lads!" I shouted grabbing everybody's attention, they all hollered and smiled back. "Hey, guys!" Y/n smiled her dazzling smile, "Y/n our favorite!" Stephen shouted walking towards us and giving Y/n a hug. "Thanks lad!" I said huffing throwing my arms up, Stephen just laughed before joining the rest on the couch. I swear I saw a flicker of fear in Y/n's eyes ut I shrugged it off and carried on.

Your POV

Was I nervous? Of course, I was. It's not every day this happens. Will tried reassuring me but he didn't know how far off he was. See today I had a sort of surprise prepared for Will. I was going to reveal I was pregnant today. In fact, I was more surprised at Will not noticing sooner, I had been wearing baggy clothes for the past couple of weeks as well as throwing up in the morning which I passed off as the flu. "So you twats ready?" Brian asked cheekily moving towards the tale with seven seats around it, there was a chorus of okays and a very nervous nod from me. My stomach was in knots, I just tried to keep smiling and nodding along.

We were around an hour and a half in and I think Will could tell I was nervous as kept rubbing my leg and giving me a nod. "So Y/n and Will, how's that been going?" Brian asked smiling towards us, "what our relationship?" I asked starting to smile widely. I love talking about our relationship but I don't think I was ready to reveal anything yet so I would have to be careful. "Yeah, smashing innit?" Will said wrapping an arm around my frame, "yeah I do love him" I smiled staring at Will's eyes which were so full of happiness. "Aw, you really suit each other!" Lawrence smiled, I gave him a smile, "yeah except she's stolen, my man!" Stephen huffed taking a swig of his beer. Everyone had a good laugh and I relaxed in relief at the joke. 

Another hour in and I knew I had to do it soon before the podcast ended, I had tuned out completely to the conversation that I hadn't realized the perfect conversation came up. "Man did you see those sidemen with the baby challenge!" Alex laughed heartily, I giggled too remembering the poor treatment, "I'd love that challenge, to be honest!" Lawrence said looking around at us. "I mean banging video idea!" Jack laughed, "yeah I mean I'd love it ut I would be probably more clueless than them!" Will laughed leaning forward grabbing his beer, "well you best start learning!" I said looking cautiously at Will. He instantly froze, "what was that Y/n?" Lawrence asked in shock, "I said Will better start learning to parent cause in about 8 months that will come in handy." The boys smiled and started shouting happily before looking like me to a now still frozen Will. "Y-you're pregnant?" Will asked quietly turning to me, I tried to read his expression but failed, "yeah..." I trailed off biting my lip as I awaited his response. All of a sudden Will jumped up pulling me with him, "I'm going to be a dad!" he shouted kissing me quickly before placing a hand on my not very big stomach. Many congratulations and praise were thrown our way but we didn't care, we just looked at each other totally happy and in love. 

*8 months later*

"Congratulations it's a baby girl," was all I could hear as I panted in overwhelming emotion. "You did it babe she's gorgeous!" Will said smiling caressing my head with one hand as he held the other, "is she okay?" I asked breathless tears streaming. "She's perfect!" he simply said and turned to look at the nurse bringing our baby girl in. "Will can hold her first," I said looking at Will as he spun around a wide smile on his face and teary eyes, "really?!" I nodded smiling. The nurse placed the tiny baby in Will's arms and he was totally immersed, I just watched him stare at her, eyes filled with love and raw emotion. "Any names?" the nurse asked as Will passed her reluctantly and carefully into my arms, I felt the tears forming and dripping down as I looked at our perfect baby girl. "Olivia Maria Lenney," I said staring at my little girl, I looked quickly to Will questioningly, "I love it it's perfect." He leaned forward and kissed me on the head, I then leaned forward and delicately placed a kiss on Olivia's head. "I'll give yous a minute," the nurse smiled before leaving us alone, "Will she's perfect!" I cried, "and she's ours" he responded gazing lovingly at her. I loved my little family. 

A/N: Okay so I was wondering if I should make all the imagines longer? And also I'm like lowkey proud and in love with this one so please be kind! <3 

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