ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤

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(A/N: just a little Harry one, lately the support has been mental so thank you!)

Your POV

I groaned and screwed my eyes shut against the glistening reflection of the hot, beaming sun of Greece. I stretched my limbs, hitting my arm on the way up to my head which resulted in a muffled groan escaping the sleeping figure's lips, "oops sorry babe" I whispered cursing my clumsiness. "Good morning to you too" he chuckled lightly in his raspy morning voice which made me swoon, "we should probably get up" I huffed in slight reluctancy. "Noooo" he moaned turning to face me and flinging an arm around my waist pinning me down, "come on Haz" I cooed lifting his arm off me and sitting up. "You're lucky I love you ya know" he huffed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, I giggled lightly leaning over and planting a kiss on his cheek, "I know I am now come on!" I called and excitedly running to my wardrobe to get ready.

I was sat on a stool in the villa kitchen in my yellow flowy sundress with matching wedges and a yellow bikini underneath, Harry came striding down the hall all dressed in a nice white top and matching yellow swim shorts. "Are you excited about today?" he smiled pulling me from my seat and pulling me into his chest, "very! are you?" I spoke looking into his eyes to see his facial expression. "Buzzing so let's go before we're late!" Harry rushed happily grabbing his sunglasses and pulling me towards the door, "alright Haz geez I'm coming!" I yelled as he frantically rushed out of the villa. 

"I'm shitting it now" I spoke hesitantly to Freya and Talia making them laugh, "so am I!" Talia exclaimed grabbing my hand, "we all are hun don't worry" Freya reassured still giggling. How on earth Harry, Simon, and Josh talked us into cliff diving I'll never know. At first, they sweet-talked us into a nice couples' holiday but when they looked into activities we can do I think the bromance took over, I wasn't complaining though cause I was in Greece! It was only a 2-minute climb to the top of the cliff we were jumping off of, it was only us there today so we relaxed for a little in the glorious sunshine at the top sunbathing and messing around but now the boys were getting antsy and started to jump off. Talia, Freya, and I, however, were enjoying our sunbathing so much so that we forgot all about our childish boyfriends and their pleads for us to jump off. 

That was until it went very quiet, too quiet for my liking, the girls must've realized as well as we all sat up and took our sunglasses off, all of us with puzzled expressions. "Um, where are the boys?" I asked looking around at the deserted cliff, "probably making their way back up" Talia said but a little uncertainty in her voice. "I hope they're okay" I worried, looking hopefully to the trail the boys would come up, I stood up hoping to catch a glimpse of them ut instead I couldn't see them. 

All of a sudden I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind me, I let out a squeal and started to struggle against the person's grip. "The waters lovely come on in!" I heard Harry laugh making me struggle more, "Harry I swear to God don't you dare!" I warned but he just edged closer to the edge of the cliff. "I shut my eyes tightly and clung to Harry's arm, "Har-" but I was cut off by Harry jumping off the side, I felt the air rush and let out a scream as the cold water hit me. 

Gasping for breath I swam to the surface, Harry was laughing his ass off floating next to me, "you're such a dick!" I laughed wiping water from my face, he just laughed harder swimming towards me "aww I'm sorry but it was the only way to get you in" Harry pouted wrapping his arms around me again. "Well, I guess I forgive you then" I cooed back leaning in to give Harry a kiss, however, just as he leaned in I pushed myself out the water and used all my strength to dunk his head under. 

I laughed and frantically began swimming towards the cliff to get out, I heard him splutter and gasp, "come back here you!" he shouted out and began swimming towards me. "Nooo!" I playfully shouted back but just as I went to get out he grabbed me again and pulled me back in the water and in his arms, "now what do you say?" he said in a scornful manner but I just stuck my tongue out at him and squirmed in his grip but this only made him pull me closer. "What do we say?" he spoke again and this time I stuck out my bottom lip, "sorry" I pouted and he nodded in triumph, "that's better." I smiled widely at Harry and placed my hands on each side of his face, I just admired his face for a couple of minutes before he gently kissed me gently, I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you" he mumbled and I smiled even wider f possible, "I love you too Haz."

(A/N: sorry for how short this one is but please request.)

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