𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣=ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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(A/N: Okay so this is a long one! also watching the sidemen meet up again was the cutest thing ever, just a warning that I love Simon and Talia together and I love Talia so no hate it's just an idea I had.)

Your POV

My nerves were shredded to pieces as I got ready in my room, I knew Gib could do this but I still can't help but let a bad feeling wash over me. I had straightened my hair for tonight as well as putting on some makeup, it took me a while to choose my outfit but I finally decided on an emerald green satin wrap mini dress and I paired it with some silver heels and clutch. Looking at the finished project I was quite happy with it, I grabbed a coat just in case I got too cold and left to meet the others.

"Ay Y/n there you are!" I heard Gee shout over to me as I met her, Chip, Will and Mia at the bar, "Hey guys!" I smiled trying to calm my nerves. "A'right Y/n you look banging tonight!" Will said flashing me a smile before Mia gave him a funny look, "I've only got eyes for you though babe!" Will recovered leaning in to kiss Mia, "mmhmm" Mia giggled turning to me smiling. "Shall we get going then?" Chip asked as his phone lit up with the Uber alert that it was here, taking a deep breath I followed everyone out. 

We had met up with everyone at the event by now and we were a couple of drinks in, "have you seen him tonight?" Freya whispered in my ear so I could hear her over the chaos that circled us. I tilted my head giving her a pointed look "no, luckily and I want to keep it that way!" I answered back taking another glug of my vodka. She just gave me a sad look and nodded her head, as if on cue of the conversation I noticed piercing blue eyes in the crowd that I knew all too well. Freya and Josh must've noticed my posture stiffen as they followed my gaze to the couple smiling and talking to Lux and Freezy, "don't worry Y/n just smile and nod" Josh reassured giving me a supportive arm rub. I swallowed the large lump in my throat and tried calming the nerves in my stomach yet this time it wasn't for the fight, "oh god I'm not ready for this!" I exclaimed before downing my drink quickly as Freya nudged me. "Hey guys!" I heard Talia's cheery voice exclaim, I looked up quickly to smile at the girl and pushing my jealousy deep down, "hey T you look stunning!" I said back before she smiled and pulled me in for a hug. Just as I pulled away from her I felt a hand on my shoulder, "what about me?" his voice spoke and I had to stop myself from trembling "hey Si" I spoke almost in a whisper. I flashed a small smile at the boy towering over me, "ahem Simon want to go get a drink?" I heard Josh cough trying to get Simon away from me "uh sure let's go!" Simon exclaimed excitedly and followed him. Freya gently smiled at me and I just gave her a small smile and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

After a disappointing result, we were making our way outside, our moods dampened but still ready to drink and party, I walked along with Mia, Freya, Gee, and Talia laughing and giggling. The club was filled with sweaty people dancing and singing, I went straight to the bar ordering a drink. I watched the dance floor and saw everyone dancing, Simon was spinning Talia around with them both smiling widely at one another and whispering to one another, "I know" a voice spoke beside me making me jump and spin towards them. "Jesus Cal you gave me a heart attack!" I shouted placing a hand over my racing heart, Freezy laughed before giving me a sorrowful look "are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I took a glug of my drink, enjoying the burning sensation of when it slid down, "Simon and Talia? that's gotta hurt" he said slowly. I shrugged "why would it?" I looked back at them watching them dance, "Y/n everyone knows there was something, still is something between you two!" Freezy stated leaning on the bar. I swallowed the lump, "Cal he has a girlfriend drop it!" I said giving him a warning glare, he held his hands up in defense "okay okay" he laughed before leaving me to go get Harry and Lux. I was still watching the couple when I saw them lean in and kiss, I a pang of jealousy hit me and my heart broke in two, I tried blinking back my tears but I couldn't and I knew I had to get out of here. I span around quickly placing my glass down and pushing past people to get to the exit, "I'm leaving!" I shouted over the music to Josh, Freya, Will, and Mia, "what happened hun?" Freya exclaimed wiping away a tear, I just shook my head feeling the tears pour down and began running for the door again and walking out into the warm LA air. 

Freya's POV

Y/n rushed out and I searched around the crowd before finding the two and storming towards them, the rest of the group were dancing around closely but sensed something was wrong and started watching me. "Simon what the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted grabbing his shoulder, "Frey" Josh said behind me "no Josh!" I replied turning back to the confused Simon and Talia. "What are you talking about Frey?" he asked, "you know what Simon! that poor girl you dragged along before revealing Talia to the group!" I shouted pointing an accusing finger at a now red Simon, "what?" Talia asked turning to Simon. "You knew she loved you Simon and you told her you loved her too!" I splurted out feeling the group's eyes on us, "I didn't know she was still upset" Simon said back guilt in his voice, I shook my head. "Of course you didn't you mug you don't pay attention to her! you've not seen her heart shatter in pieces over the last couple of months, you've not seen her come crying to Will and me!" Mia shouted in now, standing beside me, "wait Y/n?" Talia asked her mouth flying open. "Did everyone know?" Simon asked looking around the group everyone nodding, "where is she?" he asked and I huffed at him "she left in tears!" I shouted making Freezy step forward, "mate she was watching you two when I was talking to her!" 

Simon's POV

My mind spun with all the information, "fuck I need to find her!" I exclaimed looking around desperately, "no shit sherlock!" Harry said pushing him towards the exit. "I'm sorry Talia can we talk later?" I looked at the teary-eyed girl, "sure Simon just find Y/n first yeah?" I nodded before rushing off. I've royally fucked up, I ran outside jumping in the first taxi I saw and giving Y/n's hotel name. I looked out the window, guilt and nerves rising as we got closer and closer to her hotel.

I ran down the corridor to her room, knocking on the door desperately hoping she was there. The door flung open revealing a red-eyed Y/n mascara down her cheeks and her hair a little messy, "Simon what are you doing here?" she asked confusion and pain in her eyes, "I'm sorry" I said before grabbing her face and connecting our lips together.

(A/n: Okay so this one is longer than usual but part two?)

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