𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕃𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪

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(A/N: pls request!!!!!!!!!!)

Your POV

Absentmindedly I hummed a tune as I stood in the kitchen chopping vegetables, I poured all the chopped vegetables into the simmering pan next to me. Smoke billowed out from the pan as I stirred the contents, for some unbeknown reason I decided to cook dinner tonight, but God knows that I can only cook one thing and that's pasta from a packet. However, for my birthday my mother had bought me a cookbook, I guess she was trying to hint something. Anyway, I was constantly reading the book after every step because I wanted to cook Will a nice meal for once, and also prove that I can actually cook. I stirred the vegetables slowly and poured over gently the soy sauce, the delicious scent filled my nostrils as the sizzling increased. Swiftly I turned the gas off quickly and grabbed two plates, gently I poured the contents out with a proud grin plastered on my face, I took the two plates over to the coffee table in front of the couch and went back into the kitchen to get two glasses of wine.

 "Will!" I shouted up the stairs to where I knew he was finishing filming, "comin'!" he called back and I quickly ran over to the couch and sat down non chalantly, as though I hadn't just been standing like a little child at Christmas at the bottom of the stairs. Slowly I heard Will's footsteps coming closer and closer until his tall frame came into view, "you ordered in dinner?" he said in surprise after seeing the two plates neatly placed on the table, "no you cheeky git I made it!" I said in annoyance. "Is it safe to eat?" he asked as his big brown eyes scanned over the food cautiously, "yes it is! I'll have you know I worked really hard on this" I said a little disheartened at his reaction before turning away from my boyfriend to face the Netflix homepage on the TV. "I'm only winding you up love" Will chuckled lightly as he sat down next to me, he flung an arm around me and brought me into a tight embrace, gently placing a kiss on my cheek. "I know you are" I smiled lightly and placing a hand on his knee, "this looks lovely" he smiled at me before reaching over for the plate and the TV remote, "whatcha fancy watchin'?" he asked smirking at me as I smiled widely,  Will usually never lets me choose, "modern family!" I exclaimed giddily grabbing my plate and scooting closer to Will. "Modern family it is then" Will clicked on the title and turned the volume up so we could hear it. 

I was half tuning into the Dunphy's problem when I noticed Will was about to take a bite of his stir fry, I discretely watched him blow on the food to cool it before popping it in his mouth. "So?" I asked turning to face him more with a look of hopefulness, he looked at me with a gobsmacked look "Y/n that's fuckin' amazing!" he exclaimed going to take another forkful. "Really?" I asked not believing him but this time a smile had made its way on my face as I watched Will happily munch on his meal. "Mmhmm" Will moaned out with a mouth full of stir fry making me giggle, "I'm glad you like it, babe," I said feeling pleased with myself, "the next Gordon Ramsay right here" Will boasted me nudging me lightly. I shook my head chuckling, "I don't think I'm that good quite yet" I leaned forward taking a sip of my wine, "thank you for the lovely meal love" Will said bringing me close to him and turning back to the program. "I'm glad" I whispered looking up into his handsome features, how did I get so lucky?

It was around an hour or two later and I was standing at the sink doing the dishes, once again humming a tune again in my head, "god what is that song!" I huffed out loud racking my brain for the name of the song. I was scrubbing one of the plates thoroughly whilst trying to keep hair out of my face when two strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly, "need any help?" Will's hot breath whispered on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps. I giggled at the contact and leaned back into his chest "no I'm fine, thank you anyway," Will pulled away "if you say so love" and with that, he walked away leaving me pining after the warmth his body brought. "Will..." I dragged out turning my head lightly to look for him, for some reason I was in a mischievous mood and the perfect idea came into my head, "yeah?" he answered walking over to me with a confused face. Quickly I lifted my hands out the warm soapy water and flung them in Will's direction, splattering him with the water all over his face and down the front of his top, I started laughing hysterically as he stood in shock for a second, "Y/n!" he exclaimed trying to bite back a smile. "Oh sorry did I get you a bit wet there?" I asked in a clueless tone but with a smirk on my face, Will just leaped forward grabbing me and flinging me over his shoulder, I giggled out and pounded on his back as he started walking up the stairs with me. 

"Will put me down!" I shouted between laughs but it was to no avail, there was no escaping him, he kicked open his bedroom door with his foot and ran in throwing me on the bed. I lay in a giggling mess as he stood back for a second just looking at me, "what are you looking at?" I asked calming down a bit, "just admiring how gorgeous you are" Will responded smiling widely at me. "God that was cheesy" I laughed making Will blush lightly but still with a smile on his face, "I love you Y/n," Will said and I stopped laughing looking at him in shock. "W-what?" I choked out as I looked into his big doe eyes, "you heard me, I love ye Y/n" he said again this time more confident and his accent slipping through strongly. We never said that before to each other, of course I knew we did but it's different when you tell each other. I grinned at Will with tears forming in my eyes glazing over my vision, "I love you too Will" he smiled and laughed gently at my response, "I was getting worried for a second there" he chuckled flopping down next to you. I turned to face him pressing a kiss to his lips before snuggling into his chest, all of a sudden exhaustion took over my body and I felt myself slowly dozing off until darkness consumed me and I slipped into a dream.

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